Adventure Valley
  Adventure Valley, run on the campus of St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School, goes beyond summer fun to provide experiences that foster growth and develop the whole child.

Summer Camps Oakville

Find and compare Oakville summer camps below

Oakville, Ontario summer camps offer an excellent summer educational and social experience right in the city. Children enjoy camps and they rank among the most rewarding pastimes kids can engage in. Oakville has plenty of exciting camps throughout the year for children and teenagers. This includes camps in Old Oakville, Uptown Core, College Park, Palermo, River Oaks, Glen Abbey, and Clearview. Read more

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    Summer camps in Oakville


    Summer camp advice for Oakville parents

    The best way of Oakville families to explore the full variety of camps in the area is to attend the Toronto Camp Expo, held every February or March in the downtown core. Many of the Oakville kids' camps listed above are represented at the expo. There's no better way to meet a full array of camps, including those you might never have heard of before. Here, you can meet representatives face to face, ask all the questions you can think of, and come away armed with all you need to know to make the right decision. Register now for the Camp Expo.

    For those families who cannot attend the expo, you also have the option of attending individual information sessions that may be held by the camps. The listings above also link to a wealth of information about each Oakville summer camp on your short list. 

    Oakville sports camps

    Multi-sport day camps enable learning and provide fun. Trained instructors provide a good balance of learning, discipline and fun. There are also other camps more focused on specific sports and water sports. Golf camps are also popular with many people who wish to learn the game. Oakville’s summer camps also offer gymnastics and swimming. Hockey camps are for hockey conditioning, skill development and off-ice games for children of all ages and skill levels. Summer soccer camps are located in Oakville, Burlington, and Mississauga and are suited for children between the ages of 5 and 13.

    Creative events incorporate basic fundamental soccer skills. Swimming is also a part of these camps. Taekwondo classes, outdoor games, computer and board games, movies and trips to Canada’s Wonderland can add to the enjoyment at these camps.

    Technology and education camps

    There are several summer camps in Oakville with educational activities ranging from science and tech to the arts, debate, and youth empowerment. Rock climbing, kayaking, waterskiingbaseball, and tennis add to the fun activities at these camps. Oakville horseback riding camps are held during March break, summer, winter, Christmas, Passover, and PA days. YMCA camps have a wide range of activities. Science camps give kids a chance to learn about life and earth sciences or interact with animals or conduct experiments and play educational games. These kids' camps may include travels to different conservation areas with interactive learning. Animation, game and web design, fashion design and photography are also some additional activities offered at Oakville’s camps. Oakville also offers fitness camps answer a growing demand and offer learning about nutrition and personal health.

    All camps have before and after care facilities and customized facilities for camps. Free barbeques are available for some Oakville camps. These camps give campers the opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills, build confidence and have fun.

    Learn more from the Oakville kids camps listed above.

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