Alberta Camps

Find the perfect camp here!

Alberta camps welcome kids and teens from throughout the province and around the world. Summer camp in Alberta offers the quintessential Canadian childhood experience of fun times away from parents, in an environment structured for learning and development. Whether you are looking for day camps in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, and other cities, or overnight camps in remote parts of the province, there's an Alberta kids' camp ideal for your family's needs.   Read more

  • Alberta kids' camps
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  • List of Alberta camps


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Alberta kids' camps

    Camp STEAM   
    Camp STEAM offers coding, technology, robotics and animation camps. Campers will execute large-scale projects teaching them how perspectives from all STEAM disciplines can be used to solve a problem in a unique way.

    Edmonton; Grande Prairie; Leduc; Red Deer
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $180
    daycampcoed 180 5-14 1EdmontonGrande PrairieLeducRed DeerAlberta
    Pedalheads Bike, Swim, Trail, & Soccer   
    Pedalheads offers bike, swim, soccer, and trail programs to families across Canada. Pedalheads helps kids develop life skills, confidence, and independence through fun, safe, and engaging instruction.

    Throughout Alberta (36)
    Sport: Cycling
    • Ages 2 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $199
    daycampprogramclasscoed 199 2-12 2AirdrieCalgaryEdmontonLethbridgeOkotoksSherwood ParkSpruce GroveSt AlbertAlberta
    Circuit Stream   
    Inspire your teen's creativity with our hands-on online tech courses in AI, Business, Gaming, Coding and more! These courses are offered in collaboration with top Canadian Universities online and on-campus.

    Computer (multi)
    • Ages 9 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program, Virtual Program
    • from $800
    daycampprogramclassvirtualprogramcoed 800 9-18 3CalgaryAlberta
    InterVarsity Pioneer Camp Alberta   
    Pioneer Camp Alberta is a Christian summer camp with two beautiful locations in Sundre & Rocky Mountain House, AB. Get ready for exploration, adventure, creation, challenge, growth, skill development, and of course, fun!

    Rocky Mountain House; Sundre
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 5 to 19 ( Boys, Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Program, Virtual Program
    • from $165
    daycampovernightcampprogramclassvirtualprogramallboysallgirlscoed 165 5-19 4Rocky Mountain HouseSundreAlberta
    Outward Bound Canada   
    Outward Bound Canada provides challenging adventures in the outdoors across the country that develop self-respect, awareness of others, interpersonal skills, and a sense of accomplishment.

    Adventure (multi)
    • Ages 9 to 19 ( Boys, Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp
    • from $1
    daycampovernightcampallboysallgirlscoed 1 9-19 5KananaskisAlberta
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 7 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $440
    daycampovernightcampvirtualprogramcoed 440 7-17 6CalgaryAlberta
    Sports Camps Canada   
    Our coed summer sports camps are geared toward kids ages 4-18 of all abilities and skill levels. From beginner to elite, there is a camp option for everyone. Improve Your Skills & Have SERIOUS FUN at Sports Camps Canada!

    Sport (multi)
    • Ages 4 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Program
    • from $235
    daycampovernightcampprogramclasscoed 235 4-17 7CalgaryAlberta
    Royal City Soccer Camps   
    Canada's #1 grassroots summer soccer day camps offering full day and half day sessions in July and August weeks to children aged 5 to 13 years old.

    Calgary; Edmonton
    Sport: Soccer
    • Ages 5 to 13 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $189
    daycampcoed 189 5-13 8CalgaryEdmontonAlberta
    Paint ur Art Out   
    A fun and creative art camp with many different creative projects indoors and outdoors at the nearby playgrounds. Camp is held at Glendale Community Hall 4500 26th ave SW. lots of space indoors and outdoors

    Arts (multi)
    • Ages 5 to 13 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $375
    daycampprogramclasscoed 375 5-13 9CalgaryAlberta
    Lone Prairie Camp   
    Offers onsite Summer camping for ages 6 to 17, along with a weekend family camp in Alberta.

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 5 to 99 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $155
    overnightcampvirtualprogramcoed 155 5-99 10FerintoshAlberta
    Arts: Baking/Decorating
    • Ages 8 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $119
    daycampcoed 119 8-14 11CalgaryAlberta
    Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Camps   
    Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School offers a variety of inspiring summer camps for kids 4-17 yrs, from science, robotics & math to art, magic, film, sports, outdoor adventures & more! All led by experienced leaders & teachers.

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $250
    daycampcoed 250 4-17 12CalgaryAlberta
    InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Halkirk   
    Circle Square Ranch is a children's summer camp providing adventure filled camp experiences. One of nine InterVarsity Camps across Canada, our programs include horsemanship, climbing, archery, swimming and so much more!

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 6 to 17 ( Boys, Girls, Coed)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $300
    overnightcampallboysallgirlscoed 300 6-17 13HalkirkAlberta
    A STEM / STEAM maker academy for kids that offers after-school programs, year-round 400-hour classes, along with fun camps.

    Calgary; Edmonton
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $249
    daycampprogramclasscoed 249 5-14 14CalgaryEdmontonAlberta
    Wildhorse Ranch   
    A unique western horse ranch experience! Develop courage, and leadership skills through horsemanship. Come Ride! Meet new Friends. Be inspired by horses and nature. Campfires, Conversations, Crafts and Lots of Fun!

    Rocky Mountain House
    Sport: Horseback Riding/Equestrian
    • Ages 12 to 16 ( Girls)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Program
    • from $1,325
    daycampovernightcampprogramclassallgirls 1325 12-16 15Rocky Mountain HouseAlberta


    Overnight camps in Alberta

    Overnight camps offer kids the essential childhood experience of outdoor living. Kids here tend to spend almost the entire day outside engaging in fresh-air activities. Campfires, tree climbing, canoeing and other water sports are de rigeur, and every kid from Albert (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter) should have at least one summer at one of these traditional camps.  

    The variety of Alberta day camps

    Sprinkled throughout the province, there are also many day camps. Camps focus on a variety of activities that can range widely. What do you like? For young horse-lovers, there are horseback-riding camps found throughout the province. For summer learners, there are day camps focused on anything from STEM to science to arts. What's your favourite sport? There's a camp for that, whether it's hockey, baseball, tennis or soccer. There are also camps like Christian kids camps or camps for kids with disabilities.

    Summer camps Calgary

    Calgary being the largest city in the province, you'll find most of the camps listed above (and most in the province) in this city. These camps tend to be day camps, and tend to focus on a particular activity, such as sports (or even a specific sport such as biking). You can find a discrete list of camps in this city, on our Calgary kids camp page.

    Unexpected benefits

    Camp is supposed to be fun, first. And it is, of course. But it also gives kids experience and learning they never anticipated. Kids who go to camp tend to do better in school, as has been shown. But more so, time away from parents, being put into a new group of kids (who may be from all over) furthers maturity and self-confidence that cannot be acquired through other means.

    Parents who send their kids to camp give them the gift of a lifelong edge in experience.

    Regulation of Alberta's kids camps

    Camps throughout the province fall under the auspices of the Alberta Camping Association (ACA). If a camp is a member of, and accredited by this body, it has gone through a Standards and Accreditation program. Accreditation entails a visit once every three years that looks at all aspects of camp operations. 

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    Upcoming Events view all events on

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    Adventure Valley
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    Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp
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    March 31, 2025
    Apr 1
    InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Halkirk
    LIT applications  
    April 1, 2025

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