Kingston Camps

Kids' camps and programs throughout Frontenac County

Kingston, Ontario offers a variety of fun and stimulating summer camp experiences, where kids and teens embark on new adventures everyday. Find camps and programs in Kingston around the city here, including those in Sydenham, Downtown Kingston, Kingston Mills, Portsmouth, Williamsville, Inner Harbour, Rideau Heights, and Reddendale. There’s more information about camps offered in this city below the listings. Read more

  • Kids' camps in Kingston, Ontario
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  • List of Kingston camps


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Kids' camps in Kingston, Ontario

    STEM Camp   
    STEM Camp is a weekly summer day camp at more than 50 locations across Ontario, where youth aged 5-13 engage in fun and amazing activities in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math. 519-475-6600.

    Throughout Ontario (50)
    Education: STEM
    • Ages 5 to 13 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $225
    daycampcoed 225 5-13 1Don Mills, TorontoScarborough Village, TorontoThe Beach, TorontoAncasterBarrieBrantfordBurlingtonChatham-KentCornwallDundasGeorgetownGuelphHamiltonKanataKincardineKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMiltonMississaugaNepeanNewmarketNiagara FallsOakvilleOrangevilleOrilliaOshawaOttawaOxford CountyPeterboroughRichmond HillSarniaSt ThomasSt. CatharinesStittsvilleThornhillWaterlooWellandWindsorOntarioEast-End, North-York, Scarborough
    Camp STEAM   
    Camp STEAM offers coding, technology, robotics and animation camps. Campers will execute large-scale projects teaching them how perspectives from all STEAM disciplines can be used to solve a problem in a unique way.

    Throughout Ontario (12)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $180
    daycampcoed 180 5-14 2Agincourt, TorontoBarrieCambridgeKingstonLondonMississaugaNorth BayOrleansSault Ste MarieSudburyTimmins Cochrane - Iroquois FallsWaterlooOntarioScarborough
    Camp IAWAH   
    Eastern Ontario Christian Summer Camp, nestled on the shores of Wolfe Lake 15 minutes from Westport. Activities at IAWAH include leadership building, water sports, archery tag, canoeing, cake decorating, and crafts.

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 7 to 18 ( Boys, Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $410
    daycampovernightcampvirtualprogramallboysallgirlscoed 410 7-18 3WestportOntario
    Connections: Queen’s Summer Engineering Academy (QSEA)   
    The Queen's Summer Engineering Academy (QSEA) offers week-long camps introducing students to engineering through hands-on learning, facility tours, and tailored programs for grades 4-11 (2025-2026 school year).

    Education: STEM
    • Ages 10 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp
    • from $200
    daycampovernightcampcoed 200 10-17 4KingstonOntario
    Science Quest   
    A STEM summer camp that empowers, inspires, and educates the scientists and engineers of tomorrow.

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $272
    daycampcoed 272 4-17 5KingstonOntario
    MiniQ - Queen's University   
    MiniQ offers children (ages 5-12) to explore, learn, and make lasting memories. Whether your child loves outdoor adventures, creative arts, science, math, or team-building activities, MiniQ has something for everyone!

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 5 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $220
    daycampcoed 220 5-12 6KingstonOntario
    Camp Davern   
    We're a traditional overnight summer camp that offers program rotations with a wide range of activity options for campers to explore. At Davern, we emphasize cooperation and fair play, and value positivity and gratitude.

    Kingston; Perth
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 7 to 16 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $2,485
    overnightcampcoed 2485 7-16 7KingstonPerthOntario
    Camp Oconto   
    Founded in 1924, Oconto is a traditional girls overnight camp located on the beautiful shores of Eagle Lake north of Kingston, Ontario. Over 20 activities are offered on 80 acres of land and 2km of shoreline.

    Sharbot Lake
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 16 ( Girls)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $1,560
    overnightcampallgirls 1560 4-16 8Sharbot LakeOntario


    The variety of camps in Kingston

    With day and overnight camps, as well as virtual and in-person programs, available, Kingston youth have many fun and exciting experiences awaiting them. 

    Kids and teens enrolled at Kingston day camps benefit long-term from the experience. They acquire transferable skills like problem solving, responsibility, personal organization, and communication skills. Kingston, Ontario’s diverse youth mix and participate in these camps.  Active, creative, and innovative kids all have something to look forward to, as there are many sports, arts, or technology camps that satisfy their needs and challenge their pre-existing skills.

    With Queen’s University in the heart of Kingston, along with two colleges and many museums, educational summer camps are indeed popular in the city. Young kids and prospective high school students have the opportunity to take part in educational activities like engineering, public speaking, entrepreneurship, and more. 

    Alongside this traditional educational ethos, technology education is available at immersive technology summer camps. At these camps, students participate in STEM challenges, or focus on topics such as robotics and space. Kids and teens even also have opportunities to play fun games like Minecraft or Roblox at these camps.

    Traditional camps are also incredibly popular with the city’s youth. Kids participate in various activities ranging from sports (basketball, baseball, etc.) to arts (arts and crafts, music, and theatre) to adventure (rock climbing, wilderness trekking, etc.). Whether your child is more active, creative, technological, adventurous, or all four, traditional camps satisfy their needs and push them out of their comfort zone. Day camps assist kids and teens in finding their passion. Your child is exposed to many new experiences. They explore new subjects, socialize with new friends, and experience personal and emotional growth.

    Overnight camps in Kingston are another ideal summer camp experience. Here, your child resides with fellow campers for a week (or more) while participating in fun, adventurous activities. Often, overnight camp follows a traditional camp curriculum that challenges children’s existing skills and grows new ones. Kids and teens embark on a journey of self-discovery as they work and play away from home. Without parental guidance, kids connect deeply with themselves as they discover more about their strengths and weaknesses, their likes and dislikes, and their personal goals. They meet like-minded campers and both the memories and the friendships can last a lifetime. It’s a powerful influence on their development as people, students, and leaders. 

    Finding the best Kingston camp for you

    Our Kids Media’s Summer Camp Expo, held annually in February, is the perfect resource for prospective summer camp families. Held more than three months in advance of the summer camp season, this expo helps families take the time to consider all their camp needs and options. Camp directors from across Ontario and Quebec gather at this expo to deliver all information parents and kids may need to make their decision. You’ll discover camps you’ve never heard of. 

    Begin your search early to ensure enrollment and admission for your child. It also gives you time to apply for scholarships and other aid, or to do all other preparation you may need. 

    If you research from home, selecting the best summer camp for your son or daughter can be easy. Here are some tips as you search:

    • Create a list of all summer camp elements that appeal to you most. This includes the camp's location, price, activities, and more. Try to be as flexible as possible with these, while more fixed with others (i.e accommodations, special needs support).
    • Involve your child in the decision making process as much as possible. They may have different ideas and goals than you. Compromise when you can.
    • Contact camp leaders directly or attend open houses and other camp events to get a deeper understanding of the camp’s values and how it’s run. Never be afraid to ask questions. 
    • Always have back-up camps in mind. More popular camps may fill up fast. Plan early!

    Using these tips makes the selection process much easier! For further camp advice, check out our list of camp information articles.

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    LIT applications  
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