North Bay camps

Kids camps and programs in North Bay area

Summer camp is one of the best gifts parents can give their children!  Find kids’ camps in North Bay, including camps in neighbourhoods like Feronia, Gateway, Hornell Heights, and Widdifield. Below the camp list, learn more about the variety of kids’  summer camps in North Bay, and why camp is such a valuable experience for kids.  Read more

  • Kids camps and programs in North Bay and area
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  • List of North Bay camps


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Kids camps and programs in North Bay and area

    Camp STEAM   
    Camp STEAM offers coding, technology, robotics and animation camps. Campers will execute large-scale projects teaching them how perspectives from all STEAM disciplines can be used to solve a problem in a unique way.

    Throughout Ontario (12)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $180
    daycampcoed 180 5-14 1Agincourt, TorontoBarrieCambridgeKingstonLondonMississaugaNorth BayOrleansSault Ste MarieSudburyTimmins Cochrane - Iroquois FallsWaterlooOntarioScarborough
    Manitoulin Island; North Bay; Sudbury
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 6 to 16 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $835
    overnightcampvirtualprogramcoed 835 6-16 2Manitoulin IslandNorth BaySudburyOntario


    Summer camp options in North Bay

    North Bay area offers both day and overnight camps, with many options, especially in the former. Camp enhances learning during the summer months, and North Bay day camps offer a focus on technology, education, and the arts, and all subdisciplines. STEM camps are especially popular. It really is one of the best experiences parents can give their children. 

    Six benefits of summer camp

    Take a closer look, here, at why summer camps give kids a big advantage in life, with links to more info from our sister site:

    Kids gain independence. This is the biggest, most immediately noticeable benefit of camp, especially overnight camp. Kids make decisions on their own, set goals, and take responsibility for themselves. Throughout more than 20 years of working with camps, we have heard parents rave about how camps accelerate kids’ growth in independent problem-solving, personal accountability, and overall maturity. Learn more about how to help kids develop independence

    They learn responsibility. At camp, kids have to take care of their own stuff, while considering those around them. They naturally become more accountable. Situations arise every day in which they see the consequences of their actions, both good and bad. Learn more about how to help kids become more reponsible.

    They develop resilience. Internal toughness is hard to come by—and hard-won. Camp presents different situations where kids discover who they are and develop mettle. Again, this is especially true of overnight camps. Kids face—and learn to rise—to challenges. They learn to persevere in difficult situations and the importance of a positive attitude. Learn more about how to help kids develop resilience.

    It enriches their communication skills. Kids deal independently with other campers and with camp counsellors in a setting that’s fun and free. In interactions, they learn how to share ideas, collaborate with and listen to others. Certainly, most of it is fun and cooperative, but—again, overnight camp truly excels at this—weeklong experiences can lead to deep talks and truly deep personal growth. Camp teaches kids about the value of respecting others’ viewpoints, in a constructive, supportive setting. Learn more about how to help kids develop communication skills.

    They develop leadership skills. All of the above combine to make kids and teens better leaders. While every camp experience builds these skills, it’s especially true in overnight camps and leadership camps. These camps teach kids to confidently lead by example, collaborate, and grow in rich character traits like empathy and generosity

    It gives kids a love of nature. We live in an era where we see the increasing impact we’re having on the natural world, and where many kids seem increasingly distanced from that world. Camp’s immersion in nature seems more critical than ever. Summer camps in North Bay and area induce appreciation for nature, the wilderness, and its wildlife. 

    How to find the right camp for your child has helped thousands of Canadian families find the right camp. Here’s a quick look at some questions that can help you pick out camps from the list above. You can also use our sister site,, to take a much fuller look at how to find the best camp for your child

    12 questions to ask camps

    • How do leaders deal with poor behaviour and discipline issues? 
    • Can you provide a recent example? 
    • Are leaders trained in bullying prevention? 
    • Are they all police-checked? 
    • Can you provide a sample of the schedule? 
    • Which types of activities are focused on most closely? 
    • How are campers grouped together? 
    • Do different ages mix together? 
    • Are snacks or meals provided? 
    • Does the camp offer dietary consideration for special diets such as vegan, etc.? 
    • How does the camp deal with food allergies? 
    • Does the camp offer support for kids with exceptional needs? 

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