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Great Big Theatre Company

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Great Big Theatre Company  

  • Type:
    Day camp, After-school/weekend program
  • Focus:
    Theatre Arts
  • Cost:
    $225 to $345/week
  • Ages:
    6 to 14
  • Gender:
  • Main language:
  • Capacity:
  • Programs:
  • Reviews:
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  • Overview

    Here's what makes Great Big Theatre Company stand out

    Camps in your neighbourhood and online too ! Founded in 1994. Our experienced, caring staff will introduce your kids to stage performance & guide them toward self-expression. Plays, monologues, mime, improvisation, theatre games, musical theatre, stagecraft. Weekly performances! Fun for all -- a great confidence-and-skill-building experience! One-week sessions, 45 locations

    • Special needs: Yes, mild support.
      A few of our campers have special needs.
    • LGBTQ+ friendly community

  • Programs, Rates & Dates

    Programs and Sessions Calendar

    GBTC has close to 30 years experience providing drama programs for kids. We focus on acting and drama as a way to develop, not only creativity, but also social and personal skills. We aim to create an environment that is supportive and non-competitive, in which every child has a rewarding and enriching experience. Creating theatre is a cooperative enterprise, to which everyone can contribute, and through which everyone can grow. Our end-of-week performances are different each week, and provide the opportunity to share the camp experience with family and friends !

    Choose the right programs and sessions for your child; Great Big Theatre Company currently has 9 programs available; 2 TBD.

    Filter activities :

    Choose location:

    Ages: 6 - 8
    Theatre Arts
    $185 to $225
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Ages: 9 - 14
    Theatre Arts
    $280 to $340
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Ages: 6 - 8
    Theatre Arts
    $185 to $225
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Ages: 9 - 14
    Theatre Arts
    $280 to $340
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Ages: 6 - 8
    Theatre Arts
    $185 to $225
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Ages: 9 - 14
    Theatre Arts
    $280 to $340
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Ages: 9 - 14
    Theatre Arts
    $280 to $340
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Ages: 6 - 8
    Theatre Arts
    $185 to $225
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting
    Day Camp
    Ages: 6 - 14
    Theatre Arts
    $315 to $395
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting|Storytelling
    Day Camp
    Ages: 6 - 14
    Theatre Arts
    $195 to $260
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Arts & Crafts|Theatre Arts|Vocal Training / Singing|Jazz|Drawing|Musical Theatre
    Day Camp
    Ages: 6 - 14
    Theatre Arts
    $225 to $276
    Choose location above to view sessions and fees.
    Vocal Training / Singing|Musical Theatre|Set and Costume Design|Theatre Arts|Playwriting|Arts & Crafts|Drawing

    Registration Details

    The best way to register is online on our Web site, at www.gbtc.com, where you can find detailed information on schedules and locations. Registraton is easy and secure through our online process; you can pay with Visa or Mastercard and will receive your receipt immediately. We are always available to answer any questions; the easiest and quickest way to reach us is via our toll-free number, at 1 866 864 4282 (or at 905 628 9747). Summer registraton opens in November of the preceding year; early registration discounts are available until the end of March, and our largest discounts are in effect until Dec 31. There are also multiple-week discounts of 50 % for third and additional weeks, for the same camper.

    Financial Aid & Payment Details

    Payment Options:

    Deposit required with acceptance Yes
    Credit card payment Yes
    Maximum installments available 1


    Discount if paid early $60

    Scholarships & awards:
    Total annual scholarship fund: $6,000 CAD

    • Low-Income

      Amount: $125 Deadline: August 19, 2023 annually
      Type: Need based
      Details: GBTC offers registration opportunities to low-income families. Our goal is to encourage wide participation within the communities we serve and to make it possible for children to attend where they might otherwise be restricted by financial limitations. Eligible families can register a child for a full week of summer camp for $ 130.00 (a discount of approximately 50 % below full registration rates). Availability is limited to particular camp weeks / locations; the full list of eligible camps can be found on our Web site, along with information on eligibility and registration
      Application Details: Proof of low-income family status is required. This can be sent before or after registering your child; however, it must be submitted in advance of the camp start date. Acceptable documentation includes one of the following: (1) Tax assessment from current or previous year. (2) Proof of current eligibility for program subsidies for child care or children's programming at the regional or municipal level (3) Proof of acceptance for subsidy by Jumpstart or similar programs (4) Letter of support from a recognized social agency. If none of the above is available, we will also, depending on circumstances, accept a letter from the family outlining why financial support is needed. Required documentation can be submitted by mail (to Great Big Theatre Company, 4 Thistle Lane, Dundas ON L9H 6G1), by fax (to 905 628 2016), or by e-mail. Low-income registration must be completed online using Visa or Mastercard credit or debit card. Please use the online registration system and, where coupon code is requested, enter: LOWINCOME
  • Reviews & Insider Perspectives

    The Our Kids review of Great Big Theatre Company

    our take

    The GBTC was founded by Lily Small and her husband Charles Small in Dundas in 1994. Then as now it was a non-profit organization based in a passion for the arts and in the knowledge of how, through both passive and active engagement, can transform the lives of young people. The program grew, to say the least, based in the quality of the programs and supported by a growing community of participants. There are now locations throughout the GTA, with a participation rate in the thousands. Each session is close-knit, bringing kids together around a clear set of challenges—improv, theatre games, stagecraft, and performance—and the joys of meeting them. While each session is a week in length, the experience can be significant, sparking fast friendships in a deceptively short period of time.

    Three Things: Great Big Theatre Company
    Hear the three things that Our Kids’ editors see when they look at Great Big Theatre Company

    Video interviews with parents, campers, and alum

    Javier Stewart, Parent

    View transcript

    Transcript of our interview with Javier, Father

    What's unique about the program at the Great Big Theatre Company that made you want to register your child there?

    He was the one asking me to register him there. The reason I registered him is because I received a flier for the Great Big Theatre Company (GBTC), and then I read that by participating in these camps, kids will develop more skills like self-confidence, teamwork, leadership, and so many other things that I was interested in. I thought that would be great. So I registered him for the first time. And after the first time, he was so happy. He was really motivated and interested.

    The unique thing for me was the customer service and the personal relationships that you develop with the people at GBTC. Charles and Lily made a difference. There are people that you can talk with face-to-face. And they are concerned; they are not just two people running a business.

    And also because my son, David, was happy. He was the one asking me to register him there. I used to work for another camp and I could have registered him for free or for a low cost. But David said, “No, I want to go to the acting company.” And they helped him with his creativity. He's improved his public speaking as well. He then joined Toastmaster's and he was doing great.

    What is the difference between Great Big Theatre Company and other theatre camps?

    Well, the difference is that the camp I worked at was not as personalized. The counsellors at the GPTC are more connected with the kids. And also because it has smaller groups, they are more connected and it has more structure and allows kids to work on their creativity.

    The other camps were outdoors most of the time, so it was kind of tiring. Whereas GBTC always had places where the kids go outside, but they have an indoor area of the camp where kids find shade in more comfortable conditions.

    The counsellors at GBTC are great. I think that Charles and Lily do a great job screening and hiring and interviewing good people. Because you need to have good people who believe that when you do something, you have to do it with passion. The people that work there are very passionate, which makes a big difference.

    Was there any change or noticeable personal growth you saw in your child after his time at the Great Big Theatre Company?

    For me, the number one thing is not your knowledge, your degrees, or your titles—it's your self-confidence. And that was the main reason I registered David in this program. And everybody could notice his improved confidence, at school and elsewhere.

    He joined the Toastmaster's program. This is a club where people develop public speaking skills. So he did really great, and everyone was impressed.

    And that's because of David’s experience at GBTC. Because there, the kids have to speak and be creative. Not only that, David developed his teamwork skills and creativity with language— he had to write some stories at camp and he was able to write the Superhero Boy.

    How can a parent support their child to get the most out of the Great Big Theatre Company?

    Parents need to be involved. It's not about just registering your kid in a camp because they don't want to have the kid at home. So being involved means being aware of what your kid is doing. Like every time he or she goes to GBTC, they’re participating in presentations that they have— usually at the end of every week they have a performance. So you have to be there.

    Imagine your child working hard preparing for a play to perform by the end of the week on Friday and you’re not there. So it’s extremely important you come to watch. 

    Also, in the past and even now, they have to prepare some kind of costumes. So engaging, participating, being as excited as your child, who might say “Hey dad, today I'm going to perform this character and I need these things.” So you need to help them get the stuff.

    You also want to listen to the excitement and motivation of your child. You want to be involved: knowing what your child is doing and supporting him in those things, helping them prepare and participate, and going to see them perform. Those are some of the important things you can do [to support your child].

    What does your child say about the Great Big Theatre Company, either to you, or that you may have heard them say to friends?

    In the last two summer camp seasons that he participated in, way before the summer arrived, he was telling me to make sure that you register me for the summer camp. Summer camps start in July, and I have registered David for the last two summer camps in December of the previous year, so you see how motivated he was. He would also say he loves GBTC. He was so excited!  

    Final thoughts?

    Regardless of the conditions at home, GBTC is something that can reinforce skills needed for kids to develop stronger emotionally. Because in a human being, it's all about your body, your mind, and your emotion. So this will definitely help improve the social and creative part of the children, like interacting, creating your own ideas, and feeling free.

    Also, if you want to do something for your child, and if you are experiencing a difficult situation, this can definitely help. And even if you don’t have difficulties, this will also help kids reinforce those skills that are going to be needed at the school.

    It will help kids with their  interpersonal skills. There was a recent study done by Harvard University, and it's one of the longest studies in the world, like years, decades, where they ask people, like, what will make you happy at the end of the day, at the end of your life? And it turned out to be all about interaction and relationships with people. And GBTC is a great way to start making the foundation for those future relationships in life.


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    • 00:34 - What's unique about the program at Great Big Theatre Company that made you want to enroll your child there?
    • 03:24 - What is the difference between Great Big Theatre Company and other theatre camps?
    • 05:13 - Was there any change or noticeable personal growth you saw in your child after time at camp?
    • 06:55 - How can a parent support their child to get the most out of this camp?
    • 08:38 - What does your child say about the camp, either to you, or that you may have heard them say to friends?
    • 10:33 - Final thoughts?
  • Gallery

    Great Big Theatre Company - profile photo
  • Meet the Staff

    Interview with the Director of Great Big Theatre Company

    Lily Small, Artistic Director

    • 00:34 - What makes your camp or program unique compared to others?
    • 01:41 - What type of child is successful at your organization?
    • 02:46 - Is the schedule more structured or open?
    • 03:53 - How does your staff deal with behavioural issues?
    • 06:02 - What do campers or students value the most about an experience at your organization?
    • 07:12 - What message would you give to a camper who is entering your camp or program?

    Director's Message

    It's our 27th year !  We look forward to welcoming back campers to our in-person camp programs all across Toronto, the GTA and southwest Ontario.  Our goal is to build skills and confidence, create special camp memories, and ensure that each of our campers has an inspiring and enriching camp week.  We will also be continuing our popular and well-... Read more

    Staff and Counsellors

    We take great pride in our enthusiastic, professional and inspirational camp counsellors. Our staff is almost entirely college or university level, or recent graduates; we look for backgrounds in arts, drama and education and experience working with children, as well as qualities of leadership and organization. All are reference-checked and police-checked, and have also been trained to work with our agenda, materials and resources.

  • Location & Operations


    Ontario (12)
    View all locations


    Is Great Big Theatre Company technology free? Yes. Campers are not permitted to use cell phones, Ipads, Iphones, Ipods and similar electronics at the camp. The use of these devices is a distraction, it inhibits interaction with staff and other campers, and it is damaging to the camp environment as a whole. We strongly suggest that electronics be left at home. There is always a camp cell phone that can be used in the event of an emergency. Parents can also be put in contact with any of the camp locations, where needed, by calling our toll-free number. If electronic devices are brought to the camp, staff will ask that they be left at the camp table at the entrance; they will be returned at the end of the day.

    Rentals & Services

    Offers children's birthday party packages: Yes
    Acting and Drama Parties featuring theatre games, role-playing, storytelling, costumes and improvisation. Call us for information, at 1 866 864 4282

  • What's New

    In the News

    March 21, 2024
    Great Big Theatre Company: discounts on summer camps until March 31

    Great Big Theatre Company: discount on summer camps until March 31; GBTC offers camps all across Toronto, the GTA and southwest Ontario... Read More

    February 1, 2024
    Great Big Theatre Company Winter-Spring classses starting soon!

    GBTC's Winter-Spring classes begin very soon; there's still time to register for all of our locations. Register online at www.gbtc.com... Read More

    March 24, 2022
    Great Big Theatre Company: discounts for summer camps until March 31

    Great Big Theatre Company's early registration discounts end on March 31. Until then, parents can save more than 10% on registration.... Read More


    • What they said (continued !)
      Fabulous camp and counsellors A great big thank you ! My daughter really enjoyed herself. You offered a nice variety of activities for the kids This is our third year ! Thanks for another great camp experience ! Totally enjoyable, keep up the good work ! Wonderful experience ! Thank you !! All I know is that my daughter had a great time. Everything I heard and saw was great ! Thanks to all of you ! My daughter has had a wonderful week ! See you next year ! Thank you ! My son loved the program. Thank you for all your efforts. Thanks great job ! Thanks for a great week. My son really enjoyed it Great show ! A great achievement in five days. Wonderful Well done ! And the kids had a blast ! This is my daughter's third year with GBTC and she loves it ! Great job with the kids ! My daughter had a fantastic time ! Thanks for a great experience ! Awesome ! Good job ! My daughter loved it ! My son had a blast he was always sad to see me when I picked him up ! They want to come againthey really enjoyed the week ! A definite boost to my children's confidence My daughter was very excited about the whole week I am more than pleased with this camp experience and the kids loved it ! Thank you ! Lots of fun ! My daughter wished the camp was longer They loved it Wonderful camp ! Thank you !! Confidence has soared ! Really enjoyed this experience. Thank you Great job ! My kids begged to do another week ! This was my son's first exposure to theatre -- and he loved it ! Great job ! My son loved the program. Thank you for all your efforts.
    • What they said about the camps ...
      Wow I was so impressed with your day camp and the performance I was overwhelmed with the performance of my 'shy' son My son has never liked any kind of camp ! He had a wonderful week with your camp and the terrific counsellors. He has already asked where he can go to take acting classes. All around everything was done very well and I will not hesitate to recommend your camp to anyone ... Thank you for a terrific week ! Our daughter really enjoyed the camp ! My daughter had a great time. This was her first year and she can't wait to go back The performance was very impressive ! Direction and development without impatience or pressure !! My son really enjoyed himself FUN !!! WAY FUN - put 3 check marks there !! Every day my son said he had a GREAT day ! My son greatly enjoyed the camp My daughter has had a great week Excellent program - big confidence booster The kids loved it ! The kids had a great time ! She thoroughly enjoyed the experience My daughter loved it ! The camp is awesome. My daughter loves it. Thanks to all the staff. You're the best !
    • What they said about our staff ...
      ...excellent group ! very personable They were all great Staff did a great job with the kids. I can't believe what they learned in only a week. Super job. Right away they got my [child] involved [so as] to get to know other campers. Very patient and compassionate. Great work ! Nice people. Excellent staff. My son really liked them. We were often given positive feedback at the end of the day. They were excellent with the children ! Excellent staff. All the counsellors were very impressive, energetic and very friendly, they made my child feel comfortable. Great counsellors I like how you worked with their level of comfort Great job Wow ! The counsellors were very caring -- instilled confidence gently and quietly directed, and shared the students' enthusiasm and joy. To mold and smoothly create a performance that included such a variety of performers is a feather in their cap and shows directional skill. Thank you ! My son talked every day about how great the camp leaders are ! Exceptional. They are friendly, warm, competent, capable, well-rounded young adults. They are great role models for my son. Thank you ! You couldn't find more wonderful staff.
    • From summer evaluations ...
      My children ... have been participating in the programs run by the Great Big Theatre Company for over three years now ... My initial interest in the program was for my oldest son who was a little shy. I felt the acting may help with his self-esteem and the results were astounding. The instructors were great and by the end of the week-long camp, [he] ... was one of the hits of the performance. Since then the kids haven't missed a session ... All of the instructors have been great with the kids and are knowledgeable in their craft. I have referrred a number of people ... and those that participate have had good experiences as well. I highly recommend this program to children to help them overcome any fear of public performance and build self-esteem. My children will continue to participate in the program and camps for as long as they are offered.

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