Artificial Intelligence camps

AI camps and programs near you

Artificial intelligence describes a subsection in computer science that builds machines and robots that mimic human intelligence. For beginning AI enthusiasts, camps are an introduction to the modern uses of artificial intelligence. Real-world AI algorithms are coded in camp in programming languages like Scratch (created for young programmers), Java, and Python. Kids and teens learn how to code machines for any of a variety of uses like detecting faces, hand movements, or for photo recognition, for a few examples. Read more

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) camps and programs
  • Camps and programs with some training in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Upcoming Events

  • List of artificial intelligence (AI) camps


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) camps and programs

    Power of Words Academy   
    Enrichment Writing & Public Speaking Programs offered year round for kids 5-15. Select in-person classes (North York, Markham and Mississauga Campuses) or online classes (delivered using Zoom and Google Classroom).

    Don Mills, Toronto; Markham; Mississauga; Vancouver Island
    Education (multi)
    • Ages 6 to 14 (Coed)
    • Program, Virtual Program
    • from $275
    programclassvirtualprogramcoed 275 6-14 1Don Mills, TorontoMarkhamMississaugaVancouver IslandOnlineBritish Columbia, OntarioNorth-York
    Circuit Stream   
    Inspire your teen's creativity with our hands-on online tech courses in AI, Business, Gaming, Coding and more! These courses are offered in collaboration with top Canadian Universities online and on-campus.

    Throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec (6)
    Computer (multi)
    • Ages 9 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $800
    daycampvirtualprogramcoed 800 9-18 6South Annex, TorontoCalgaryMontrealVancouverOnlineAlberta, British Columbia, Ontario, QuebecDowntown
    Slingshot Innovation Academy   
    Branksome Hall's co-ed Slingshot Innovation Academy empowers students to tackle real-world challenges, gain hands-on experience, learn from experts, and create technology-driven solutions to reshape the future.

    Downtown West, Toronto
    Education: Entrepreneurship
    • Ages 13 to 16 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $1,800
    daycampcoed 1800 13-16 9Downtown West, TorontoOntarioDowntown
    VISST Camps   
    STEAM spring, summer and after school programs for kids 8-15. Topics include Math, Game Design, Animation, Coding, and more. Cultivating curiosity and having fun are explicit goals of our programs.

    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 8 to 15 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $250
    daycampcoed 250 8-15 10VancouverBritish Columbia
    Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Camps   
    Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School offers a variety of inspiring summer camps for kids 4-17 yrs, from science, robotics & math to art, magic, film, sports, outdoor adventures & more! All led by experienced leaders & teachers.

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $250
    daycampcoed 250 4-17 15CalgaryAlberta
    HASSE Space School x World Space AI Challenge   
    HASSE Space School: 12-Day STEAM and AI Adventure! Build rockets, meet astronauts, & explore space. Immersive simulations, teamwork, & critical thinking. Discover the universe, ignite your passion. Reach for the stars

    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 8 to 22 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $180
    overnightcampcoed 180 8-22 19TexasOnlineUnited States
    Camps and programs with some training in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    Camp STEAM   
    Camp STEAM offers coding, technology, robotics and animation camps. Campers will execute large-scale projects teaching them how perspectives from all STEAM disciplines can be used to solve a problem in a unique way.

    Throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario (23)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $180
    daycampcoed1805-142Agincourt, TorontoBarrieCambridgeCoquitlamEdmontonGrande PrairieKingstonLeducLondonMississaugaNorth BayOrleansPort MoodyRed DeerSault Ste MarieSidneySudburySurreyTimmins Cochrane - Iroquois FallsVictoriaWaterlooAlberta, British Columbia, OntarioScarborough
    Connections: Queen’s Summer Engineering Academy (QSEA)   
    The Queen's Summer Engineering Academy (QSEA) offers week-long camps introducing students to engineering through hands-on learning, facility tours, and tailored programs for grades 4-11 (2025-2026 school year).

    Education: STEM
    • Ages 10 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp
    • from $200
    STEM Camp   
    STEM Camp is a weekly summer day camp at more than 50 locations across Ontario, where youth aged 5-13 engage in fun and amazing activities in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math. 519-475-6600.

    Throughout Ontario (50)
    Education: STEM
    • Ages 5 to 13 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $225
    daycampcoed2255-134Don Mills, TorontoScarborough Village, TorontoThe Beach, TorontoAncasterBarrieBrantfordBurlingtonChatham-KentCornwallDundasGeorgetownGuelphHamiltonKanataKincardineKingstonKitchenerLondonMarkhamMiltonMississaugaNepeanNewmarketNiagara FallsOakvilleOrangevilleOrilliaOshawaOttawaOxford CountyPeterboroughRichmond HillSarniaSt ThomasSt. CatharinesStittsvilleThornhillWaterlooWellandWindsorOntarioEast-End, North-York, Scarborough
    Camp Laureate   
    A fun-filled summer camp featuring a blend of STEAM programs and traditional day camp activities. Register in Science, Arts, Sports, Cooking or our weekly exclusive programming! We have something to intrigue all campers!

    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 4 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $312
    Ontario Tech University Camps   
    Explore unique science and technology camp programs at Ontario Tech, including LEGO, Coding, Minecraft, Math, Engineering, and more! In-person and virtual camps available.

    Education (multi)
    • Ages 6 to 17 ( Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $80
    Ashbury College Summer Programs   
    Ashbury's Summer Program offers a broad range of summer camps in the performing and visual arts, athletics, and STEM as well as set-up for success workshops and credit courses. Learn something new this summer!

    Ottawa North
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 6 to 18 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $440
    programclasscoed4406-188Ottawa NorthOntario
    Explorations Learning   
    Known for excellence in arts & technology, Explorations is one of Montreal's best camps. Amazing variety of activities, run by experienced educators. Small group sizes ensure individual attention and space for creativity

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 5 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $375
    uOttawa Engineering Outreach   
    uOttawa Engineering Outreach offers a wide range of programs in engineering, science, technology, and coding for both kids and teens. From summer camps to clubs and afterschool programs, as well as credited courses.

    Kanata; Orleans; Ottawa; Ottawa South
    Education: STEM
    • Ages 5 to 18 ( Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $1
    daycampallgirlscoed15-1812KanataOrleansOttawaOttawa SouthOntario
    Camp Rowntree   
    Turn your child's summer into an epic adventure at Camp Rowntree! Explore themed camps, specialty coding, art programs, and summer school for a head start on the academic journey!

    Education (multi)
    • Ages 4 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $300
    Academic Camp Canada   
    Inspiring academic summer camps - choice of languages, maths, sciences, social studies & arts. You get to explore beautiful the New Brunswick or the cosmopolitan City of London in the UK. Be a Leader course is included.

    International; Rothesay
    Education (multi)
    • Ages 13 to 17 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $520
    overnightcampcoed52013-1714InternationalRothesayInternational, New Brunswick
    Active Scholars   
    A unique summer experience, Where Sports Meets Education and campers get to engage in both STEM Learning & Basketball or Soccer Development. Each week we offer a unique experience for continued growth and engagement.

    Humberlea, Toronto; Ajax; Whitby
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 7 to 13 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $250
    daycampcoed2507-1316Humberlea, TorontoAjaxWhitbyOntarioNorth-York
    Summer Immersion Program UdeM   
    Give your teen a unique 2-week adventure at Université de Montréal! Youths from around the world explore academic fields, enjoy sports, language and cultural activities, and experience the vibrant vibe of Montreal.

    Education (multi)
    • Ages 14 to 17 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $3,500
    A STEM / STEAM maker academy for kids that offers after-school programs, year-round 400-hour classes, along with fun camps.

    Throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario (17)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $249
    daycampprogramclasscoed2495-1418BurnabyCalgaryEdmontonKelownaMississaugaOakvillePickeringPort MoodyRichmondRichmond HillVancouverWhite RockAlberta, British Columbia, Ontario


    App development is one of many activities found at these camps. Kids and teens work together to create valuable applications that run on smartphones and tablets. Camps develop campers’ design and animation skills. All artificial intelligence camps help prepare children for a future in computer science. Kids and teens also learn how AI is used in the real world in social media algorithms, natural language processing, and self-driving cars. Camps will also entail discussions about the ethical uses of AI. 

    Note that this description is generalized. Consult camps above for specific details of their curriculum

    Prices for these camps range from $0-$200. Boys and girls as young as 6 years old are welcome to participate at camp.

    Choosing the right artificial intelligence camp

    In listings above, programs are described as “Machine Learning (ML)” camps or “Artificial Intelligence (AI)” camps. While these are related, note that they may have different learning objectives. 

    Analytics Insight describes artificial intelligence as "technology that enables a machine to simulate human behavior.” On the other hand, “machine learning is a subset of AI which allows a machine to automatically learn from past data without programming explicitly.” At artificial intelligence camps, kids and teens code programs that run in response to human activity. At machine learning camps, your child learns more about constructing accurate algorithms. In both, campers grow skills in logical reasoning and programming languages.

    Why go to artificial intelligence camp?

    Artificial intelligence camp opens up many new opportunities for bright young minds. Here are some things children can expect from camp:

    • Improves math and science skills. As a branch in STEM, artificial intelligence activities challenge children’s mathematical and scientific thinking. Children solve technical and logical problems through reasoning and critical thinking skills. In machine learning activities , kids and teens learn about probability. For example, kids create decision trees – algorithms that satisfy every possible outcome.
    • Learn more about humans. Artificial intelligence works to serve human needs. As kids and teens participate in AI activities, they learn more about what humans desire, as well as how they live, emote, and act. Algorithms and AI programs are coded accordingly. AI camps teach young programmers to work for people, fostering empathy and compassion.
    • Gain modern skills for modern job opportunities. With experience in coding AI projects or apps, kids and teens prepare for jobs in computer programming, web development, social media, data science, and more.
    • Meet like-minded people. At artificial intelligence camp, your child meets fellow AI enthusiasts with a passion for technology and the future. They grow their circle of friends and gain confidence.

    Related pages

    Upcoming Events view all events on

    Mar 29
    Your Neighbourhood Camp
    Kids Night Out  
    March 29, 2025
    Mar 31
    Adventure Valley
    Earlybird Registration Deadline - Save 10% by November  
    March 31, 2025
    Mar 31
    Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp
    Early Bird Deal Ends  
    March 31, 2025
    Apr 1
    InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Halkirk
    LIT applications  
    April 1, 2025

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