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Explorations Learning

6591 Somerled Ave Suite 200
Montreal, Quebec, H4V 1T1
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Explorations Learning  

6591 Somerled Ave Suite 200, Montreal, Quebec, H4V 1T1

  • Type:
    Day camp, After-school/weekend program, Family programs
  • Focus:
    Traditional (multi activity)
  • Cost:
    $375 to $425/week
  • Ages:
    5 to 18
  • Gender:
  • Main language:
  • Capacity:
    12 to 300
  • Programs:
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  • Overview

    Here's what makes Explorations Learning stand out

    Known for excellence in arts and technology, Explorations is one of Montreal's best camps for fun learning. They have an amazing variety of activities at all age levels, with an impressive safety record. Their activities are run by experienced educators, using high quality equipment. Small group sizes mean that kids get individual attention and space for creative freedom. Explorations is a camp that challenges learners, introducing kids to advanced ideas and empowering them to become more proficient creators. Activities are project-based. Young campers learn science with projects like building pufferfish that inflate with vinegar and baking soda. Older campers might choose to tell a story through a comic, a movie, or coding a videogame.

    • Special needs: Not available
    • LGBTQ+ friendly community

  • Programs, Rates & Dates

    Programs and Sessions Calendar

    Founded by McGill, Explorations is a summer camp where children find their gifts. They offer an exceptional variety of activities, including traditional arts and engineering camp activities, as well as highly eclectic activities that kids are unlikely to find anywhere else. What sets Explorations apart is the quality and depth of learning in all of their diverse activities. By hiring experienced educators and professionals for their activity leaders, Explorations ensures that each of their unique activities are truly high-caliber. Because they offer so many different types of things to do, and because they have such professional staff, Explorations gives campers real opportunities to discover new talents and passions.

    Choose the right programs and sessions for your child; Explorations Learning currently has 1 program available; 1 TBD.

    Filter activities :

    Day Camp
    Ages: 5 - 17
    Traditional (multi activity) , Arts (multi)
    $425 to $750
    Wilderness Skills|Baking/Decorating|Comedy|Cooking|Contemporary|Dungeons and Dragons|Superhero/Marvel/DC|Fashion Design|Guitar|Jam Camp|Music Recording|Songwriting|String|Vocal Training / Singing|Acting (Film & TV)|Theatre Arts|Playwriting|Podcasting|Puppetry|Sculpture|Sewing|Storytelling|Arts & Crafts|Cartooning|Ceramics |Comic Art|Drawing|Filmmaking|Knitting and Crochet|Mixed Media|Painting|Papier-mache|Photography|Pottery|Videography|Woodworking|YouTube Vlogging|3D Design|3D Printing|AI (Artificial Intelligence)|Animation|Gaming|micro:bit|Minecraft|Arduino|C#|Python|Robotics|Technology|Video Game Design|Video Game Development|Web Design|Chess|Creative writing|Debate|Entrepreneurship|CIT/LIT Program|LEGO|Makerspace|Math|Nature/Environment|Public Speaking|Architecture|Engineering|Space|Zoology|STEAM|STEM|Writing|Nutrition|Dodgeball|Fencing|Hiking|Martial Arts
    Day Camp
    Ages: 10 - 15
    Traditional (multi activity)
    Wilderness Skills|Comedy|Dungeons and Dragons|Songwriting|Acting (Film & TV)|Musical Theatre|Theatre Arts|Storytelling|Arts & Crafts|Cartooning|Comic Art|Drawing|3D Design|3D Printing|Animation|Gaming|Video Game Design|Video Game Development|Creative writing|LEGO|STEAM|STEM

    Registration Details

    Registration is open all year round. Many families register at the end of each summer camp for the following year, signing up in August for the following year's July sessions. Their specialty programs are often sold out early, like Panaroma (advanced science for highschool students). Winter, Spring, and August sessions are much smaller, held at their Learning Lab location. These smaller camps also tend to be sold out early. The smaller programs are more specialized than the July Explorations Summer Camp sessions. Hot Tip: Early registration for the Intermediate and Senior campers in July is very important, because those groups get to choose their activities, and the preference for activity selection goes to the earliest registrants.

  • Reviews & Insider Perspectives

    The Our Kids review of Explorations Learning

    our take

    When a group of dedicated professors from McGill University in the early 80s wanted to create an ideal learning environment to encourage and enrich gifted young learners, they founded Explorations. Over four decades later, it's cemented a city-wide reputation for reliably excellent, diverse programming. Certified leaders guide kids in mathematics, fine arts, science, music, physical education, environmental studies, technology, and media. Programs are aided by input from specialists in everything from technology to stand-up comedy. Two-week Junior and Explorer programs give younger kids an ideal introduction to camp. Intermediate and Senior programs are unique in allowing campers to focus on activities that interest them, with a range that includes everything from guitar to game design, and everything in between. Notably, Explorers has remained a not-for-profit after all that time, while becoming a non-pareil in its professionalism and breadth of programming.

  • Gallery

    Explorations Learning - profile photo
  • Meet the Staff

    Staff and Counsellors

    Explorations' camp activities are run by passionate educators. Some of the activity leaders are school teachers, working as specialists around Montreal. Other instructors are professionals who work in the fields that they teach. For example, the moviemaking and videogame design activities are run by instructors who actually work in Montreal's film and game industries. Regardless of their background, all activity leaders at Explorations are highly experienced specialists. Parents report feeling reassured that their children are with mature adults who want to share their expertise. Activity leaders are supported by counselors. Every counselor is trained in safety and first aid, as well as behavior management. They are also famously fun!

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