Python classes for kids and teens

Program games and applications in these Python training courses

Learn the Python programming language in classes listed below, including junior, intermediate, and advanced training for kids and teens. Below the list of courses and after-school programs, learn more about this versatile language, its applications, and everything kids gain by enrollment in a Python class.  Read more

  • Python classes for kids and teens
  • After-school programs with some Python programming
  • Upcoming Events

  • List of Python programs


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Python classes for kids and teens

    Circuit Stream   
    Inspire your teen's creativity with our hands-on online tech courses in AI, Business, Gaming, Coding and more! These courses are offered in collaboration with top Canadian Universities online and on-campus.

    Throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec (6)
    Computer (multi)
    • Ages 9 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $800
    daycampvirtualprogramcoed 800 9-18 2South Annex, TorontoCalgaryMontrealVancouverOnlineAlberta, British Columbia, Ontario, QuebecDowntown
    Ontario Tech University Camps   
    Explore unique science and technology camp programs at Ontario Tech, including LEGO, Coding, Minecraft, Math, Engineering, and more! In-person and virtual camps available.

    Education (multi)
    • Ages 6 to 17 ( Girls, Coed)
    • Virtual Program
    • from $80
    virtualprogramallgirlscoed 80 6-17 4OshawaOnlineOntario
    After-school programs with some Python programming
    Zebra Robotics   
    We are a STEM program and camp that specializes in robotics, coding, and technology. Kids who like to compete can try out for our competitive teams upon completing a course. Kids discover their passion at Zebra Robotics.

    Burlington; Mississauga; Oakville
    Computer: Robotics
    • Ages 7 to 17 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $175
    Carleton University STEM Camps   
    Virtual Ventures offers Ottawa's youth immersive learning in computers, IT, engineering, and science - igniting passion for STEM!

    Education: STEM
    • Ages 4 to 16 ( Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $285
    Prestige School Summer Programme   
    A day camp with weekly themes that incorporate adventurous outings, artistic creations, scientific experiments, and much more.

    Newtonbrook, Toronto; Willowdale, Toronto; Richmond Hill
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 3 to 12 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $450
    programclasscoed4503-125Newtonbrook, TorontoWillowdale, TorontoRichmond HillOntarioNorth-York
    Explorations Learning   
    Known for excellence in arts & technology, Explorations is one of Montreal's best camps. Amazing variety of activities, run by experienced educators. Small group sizes ensure individual attention and space for creativity

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 5 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $375
    University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics   
    The Mathematics Outreach Office at the University of Toronto encourages the love of learning mathematics through various programs, including enrichment programs, math contests and preparation courses, camps and more.

    South Annex, Toronto
    Education: Math
    • Ages 6 to 18 (Coed)
    • Virtual Program
    • from $240
    virtualprogramcoed2406-187South Annex, TorontoOnlineOntarioDowntown
    A STEM / STEAM maker academy for kids that offers after-school programs, year-round 400-hour classes, along with fun camps.

    Throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario (17)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $249
    daycampprogramclasscoed2495-148BurnabyCalgaryEdmontonKelownaMississaugaOakvillePickeringPort MoodyRichmondRichmond HillVancouverWhite RockAlberta, British Columbia, Ontario
    Bot Camp - Specialty Robotics Programs   
    Founded by FIRST Robotics world champion Shawn Lim, Bot Camp is a best-in-class robotics program for students 8 and up. Camps, after-school/weekend workshops and competitive robotics teams.

    Don Mills, Toronto
    Computer: Robotics
    • Ages 8 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $55
    daycampprogramclasscoed558-149Don Mills, TorontoOntarioNorth-York
    Idea Labs Kids Pickering & Whitby   
    A STEAM (STEM + Arts) summer camp and before and after-school care provider that offers variety of classes, including coding, cooking, game design, robotics and virtual reality for children ages 4-13.

    Pickering; Whitby
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 12 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $285
    uOttawa Engineering Outreach   
    uOttawa Engineering Outreach offers a wide range of programs in engineering, science, technology, and coding for both kids and teens. From summer camps to clubs and afterschool programs, as well as credited courses.

    Kanata; Orleans; Ottawa; Ottawa South
    Education: STEM
    • Ages 5 to 18 ( Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $1
    daycampprogramclassallgirlscoed15-1811KanataOrleansOttawaOttawa SouthOntario
    York University; Science Engagement   
    An interactive and hands-on STEM experience for youth in grade 3-12. Online and in-person programs available year-round: online STEM Clubs, March Camp, and Summer Camps. Spark Lab for high school students.

    Sentinel Park, Toronto; Markham
    Education: STEM
    • Ages 8 to 18 ( Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $335
    daycampallgirlscoed3358-1812Sentinel Park, TorontoMarkhamOntarioNorth-York
    Hive5 Innovative STEAM Centre   
    S.T.E.A.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. STEAM is critical to the future success of the young generation as the most core concept of future jobs are rooted in the 5 skills of STEAM education.

    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 4 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $85


    What is Python? 

    Python is a popular, beginner-friendly programming language, used in a wide range of applications, from simple animations to video games to websites to robotics and artificial intelligence. Unlike learning Scratch programming, Python has appeal and relevance to both beginners and professional programmers. For example, it’s the programming language used in the back end of Instagram, Spotify, Netflix, and is part of the tech stack used for Google's as well as Youtube’s search engine.  

    What do kids learn in Python classes? 

    Introductory classes might focus on Pygame and basic while more advanced classes teach higher concepts such as the following: 

    Variables and data types: Students learn how to store and manipulate data using variables and different data types such as strings, integers, and floats.

    Control flow: Students in a Python class learn how to use conditionals and loops to control the flow of their programs.

    Functions: Python classes teach kids how to create and use functions that organize code and make it easier to read and debug.

    Object-Oriented Programming: Students can also use Python to create and use objects that model real-world scenarios.

    Debugging: Kids learn how to identify and fix errors in their code.

    Algorithms: Kids learn how to design and implement algorithms to solve problems.

    Programming libraries & tools: Intermediate and advanced classes introduce students to libraries, collections of previously written code that programmers incorporate in their own projects. Classes may also introduce tools like speech recognition or  web interactions. These libraries and tools may be used to create big projects that advance teens’ programming abilities to a near-professional level.  

    Classes may employ gamification to make learning more fun.

    Advantages of classes beyond learning Python

    Python training is exemplary among coding classes, giving kids and teens advantages beyond learning this powerful programming language. Here’s a quick list of still more benefits of Python classes: 

    Kids develop versatile problem solving skills. Programming always involves making mistakes and actually creating problems. Solving issues and fixing bugs is a part of every programmers life. When kids learn Python, they must continually expand and deepen their logic and analysis skills. This will in turn be applicable in learning other languages, developing project management skills, entrepreneurial skills, and much more. 

    They develop and deepen their work ethic. Time spent in an after-school Python class will implicitly teach kids to work hard. They take learning into their own hands. 

    They’re introduced to project development and real-world programming.  Classes focus on projects like creating a video game or a rudimentary search engine. Kids meet instructors and guests from the software engineering industry, and get a taste of professional development work. 

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