Math classes after-school

After school programs build confidence in your math skills

Math concepts are made easy in the programs listed below. Taught by certified mathematicians, each program focuses on improving children’s individual math and logical thinking skills. First below is a list of programs specializing in math education, followed by a second list of programs that offer math instruction amongst other activities. At the bottom of the page, find more information on what math programs offer students. Read more

  • Programs that specialize in math
  • Programs offering math as an activity
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  • List of math classes programs


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Programs that specialize in math

    Brain Power Enrichment Programs   
    Brain Power (IN-PERSON and VIRTUAL) is an innovative leader in enrichment education for bright and gifted students. Brain Power is a transformative model for what gifted education should be about in the GTA.

    Throughout Ontario (8)
    Education: Instructor lead (group)
    • Ages 6 to 18 (Coed)
    • Program, Virtual Program
    • from $40
    programclassvirtualprogramcoed 40 6-18 2Bathurst Manor/Clanton Park, TorontoKingsview Vilage, TorontoSouth Annex, TorontoSummerhill, TorontoMapleMarkhamOakvilleVaughanOntarioDowntown, Etobicoke, Midtown, North-York
    Canadian Mathematical Society   
    The Canadian Mathematical Society has been offering engaging camps in English and French across Canada for decades. The concepts covered in each class will be: number sense, algebra, data, geometry and measurement.

    Education: Math
    • Ages 6 to 13 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $395
    daycampprogramclasscoed 395 6-13 7OttawaOntario
    Prestige School Summer Programme   
    A day camp with weekly themes that incorporate adventurous outings, artistic creations, scientific experiments, and much more.

    Newtonbrook, Toronto; Willowdale, Toronto; Richmond Hill
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 3 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program, Virtual Program
    • from $450
    daycampprogramclassvirtualprogramcoed 450 3-12 8Newtonbrook, TorontoWillowdale, TorontoRichmond HillOntarioNorth-York
    Idea Labs Kids Pickering & Whitby   
    A STEAM (STEM + Arts) summer camp and before and after-school care provider that offers variety of classes, including coding, cooking, game design, robotics and virtual reality for children ages 4-13.

    Pickering; Whitby
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 12 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $285
    programclasscoed 285 4-12 11PickeringWhitbyOntario
    St. Michael's College School Summer Camps   
    SMCS Camps provides youth with exciting academic, athletic, and artistic outlets, as well as opportunities to learn and grow within a fun and interactive environment. Please visit:

    Forest Hill, Toronto
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 8 to 17 ( Boys, Coed)
    • Virtual Program
    • from $100
    virtualprogramallboyscoed 100 8-17 12Forest Hill, TorontoOnlineOntarioMidtown
    SLI The Sidney Ledson School   
    Trad./Innovative: AM- Math, English, STEM (entrepreneurship, financial literacy, coding, python, web)/ PM- 2-week workshops:Art & Architecture, Animals & Archeology, Ancient Civilizations & Astronomy, and Magic & Mystery

    Don Mills, Toronto
    Education (multi)
    • Ages 2.5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $45
    daycampcoed 45 2.5-14 14Don Mills, TorontoOnlineOntarioNorth-York
    VISST Camps   
    STEAM spring, summer and after school programs for kids 8-15. Topics include Math, Game Design, Animation, Coding, and more. Cultivating curiosity and having fun are explicit goals of our programs.

    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 8 to 15 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $250
    programclasscoed 250 8-15 15VancouverBritish Columbia
    Ashbury College Summer Programs   
    Ashbury's Summer Program offers a broad range of summer camps in the performing and visual arts, athletics, and STEM as well as set-up for success workshops and credit courses. Learn something new this summer!

    Ottawa North
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 6 to 18 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $440
    programclasscoed 440 6-18 16Ottawa NorthOntario
    RSM | Russian School of Mathematics   
    Top K-12 after-school math program for kids. Spring, Summer and Fall classes, competitions and tutoring. Schedule a free evaluation today!

    Casa Loma, Toronto; Richmond Hill
    Education: Math
    • Ages 4 to 16 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $150
    programclasscoed 150 4-16 22Casa Loma, TorontoRichmond HillOntarioMidtown
    University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics   
    The Mathematics Outreach Office at the University of Toronto encourages the love of learning mathematics through various programs, including enrichment programs, math contests and preparation courses, camps and more.

    South Annex, Toronto
    Education: Math
    • Ages 6 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program, Virtual Program
    • from $240
    daycampprogramclassvirtualprogramcoed 240 6-18 24South Annex, TorontoOnlineOntarioDowntown
    Programs offering math as an activity
    Power of Words Academy   
    Enrichment Writing & Public Speaking Programs offered year round for kids 5-15. Select in-person classes (North York, Markham and Mississauga Campuses) or online classes (delivered using Zoom and Google Classroom).

    Don Mills, Toronto; Markham; Mississauga; Vancouver Island
    Education (multi)
    • Ages 6 to 14 (Coed)
    • Virtual Program
    • from $275
    virtualprogramcoed2756-141Don Mills, TorontoMarkhamMississaugaVancouver IslandOnlineBritish Columbia, OntarioNorth-York
    The STEAM Project   
    Camps and classes for creative girls and boys who love science, technology, robotics, and design projects. Our kids learn while they experiment, invent, digitally fabricate, and build projects with their own hands!

    Markham; Richmond Hill
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 4 to 15 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $35
    daycampprogramclasscoed354-153MarkhamRichmond HillOntario
    Camp Laureate   
    A fun-filled summer camp featuring a blend of STEAM programs and traditional day camp activities. Register in Science, Arts, Sports, Cooking or our weekly exclusive programming! We have something to intrigue all campers!

    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 4 to 14 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $312
    Empower Learning Centre   
    Join our summer camps at Empower Learning Centre! Engage in fun activities, develop new skills, and make lasting memories. Limited spots available. Register now!

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 2 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $80
    Seneca Hill Summer Camp   
    Explore, learn, splash and play at our fun-filled day camp! Featuring daily sports, games, crafts, STEM+, reach ahead language & math skills, weekly field trips, nature hikes & water days in a safe environment.

    Don Mills, Toronto
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $265
    daycampcoed2654-126Don Mills, TorontoOnlineOntarioNorth-York
    Bot Camp - Specialty Robotics Programs   
    Founded by FIRST Robotics world champion Shawn Lim, Bot Camp is a best-in-class robotics program for students 8 and up. Camps, after-school/weekend workshops and competitive robotics teams.

    Don Mills, Toronto
    Computer: Robotics
    • Ages 8 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $55
    daycampprogramclasscoed558-149Don Mills, TorontoOntarioNorth-York
    A STEM / STEAM maker academy for kids that offers after-school programs, year-round 400-hour classes, along with fun camps.

    Throughout Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario (17)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $249
    daycampprogramclasscoed2495-1410BurnabyCalgaryEdmontonKelownaMississaugaOakvillePickeringPort MoodyRichmondRichmond HillVancouverWhite RockAlberta, British Columbia, Ontario
    Explorations Learning   
    Known for excellence in arts & technology, Explorations is one of Montreal's best camps. Amazing variety of activities, run by experienced educators. Small group sizes ensure individual attention and space for creativity

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 5 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $375
    Appleby College Summer Programs   
    Located on our beautiful 60-acre lakeside campus in southwest Oakville, Appleby Summer Programs offer day camp, overnight (NEW) enrichment, leadership and credit program options for campers and students ages 4-17.

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 17 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $575
    Joookooo Sports Academy   
    JOOOKOOO’s programs and camps expose youth to STEM, sports and competitive games. We provide enrichment opportunities that generate valuable learning and skill development in an exciting and inclusive environment.

    Ajax; Bowmanville
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $179
    Hive5 Innovative STEAM Centre   
    S.T.E.A.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. STEAM is critical to the future success of the young generation as the most core concept of future jobs are rooted in the 5 skills of STEAM education.

    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 4 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $85
    WillowWood School Camp and Summer School   
    WillowWood offers 3 different summer programs: camps for Grades 1-6, skills programs for Gr. 7-9 and high school credits for students in Grades 9-12.

    Don Mills, Toronto
    Education (multi)
    • Ages 6 to 17 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $300
    programclasscoed3006-1720Don Mills, TorontoOntarioNorth-York
    York University; Science Engagement   
    An interactive and hands-on STEM experience for youth in grade 3-12. Online and in-person programs available year-round: online STEM Clubs, March Camp, and Summer Camps. Spark Lab for high school students.

    Sentinel Park, Toronto; Markham
    Education: STEM
    • Ages 8 to 18 ( Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $335
    daycampallgirlscoed3358-1821Sentinel Park, TorontoMarkhamOntarioNorth-York
    Gracefield Christian Camp   
    Come to camp at Gracefield! We offer exciting overnight camp programs for youth ages 7 to 17. Each week campers participate in a variety of activities and games suited to their age and interests.

    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 7 to 18 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $500
    Get the kids cooking and learning more life skills! Our program has both virtual and in-person options! The kids are loving cooking together to make tasty foods for their family.

    Arts: Cooking
    • Ages 5 to 99 (Coed)
    • Virtual Program
    • from $15
    Drop Thought Kids   
    A unique hands-on program designed to build confidence and critical thinking skills. With cross-curricular activities within STEM, Science, Geography, History, Math and Art, children will explore what could be possible.

    Education (multi)
    • Ages 6 to 11 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $150
    Forest Hill Taekwondo   
    Forest Hill Taekwondo offers traditional summer camp sessions and year round Taekwondo programming for students (as young as 2.5 to adults) to help build & foster their physical, mental & emotional well-being.

    Forest Hill, Toronto
    Sport: Martial Arts
    • Ages 4 to 16 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $450
    daycampcoed4504-1627Forest Hill, TorontoOntarioMidtown
    Central Eglinton Community Centre   
    An excellent camp at an affordable cost. Runs full day from 8:30am to 5:30pm and children go on 2 outings (previous years Pawsitively Pets, ROM) each week! Summer, March Break, and after-school programs available.

    St. Paul's, Toronto
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 4 to 12 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $150
    programclasscoed1504-1228St. Paul's, TorontoOntarioMidtown
    St. Clement's School Summer Program   
    Kick off your summer by earning an Ontario credit, launching your own business, learning Mandarin, creating in the Makers Cafe, and more! SCS is offering both Ontario credit courses and enrichment/general programming.

    Summerhill, Toronto
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 10 to 17 (Coed)
    • Program
    • from $280
    programclasscoed28010-1729Summerhill, TorontoOntarioMidtown


    What do children learn in math programs?

    Children begin class by learning about basic math concepts. Young children focus on more foundational math skills such as the four operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide), fractions, decimals, and BEDMAS. Older students work with more advanced concepts such as calculus, algebra, and functions. Along with learning basic math concepts, children learn how to think mathematically. Kids gain critical thinking, problem solving, strategy, and reasoning skills. 

    Tutoring, extra-credit, and extracurricular programs are all listed above. Tutoring programs are great for students struggling with math, as instructors are paired with students to focus on their individual struggles. Grade 11 and 12 extra-credit programs in functions and advanced functions are also found above, while, in extracurricular programs, kids participate in more recreational activities. Here, math-lovers show off their skills and compete in national or international math competitions.

    On average, math classes cost around $500. However, some programs are offered between $100 and $200. Programs with more intensive curricula can rise to $1,000 or more. All grade levels are covered in these programs.

    About advanced math programs

    Advanced math programs help kids enjoy math class by providing personalized feedback and instruction. Most programs have small class sizes to ensure that teachers meet with students individually to understand where they struggle. One-on-one tutoring is available as well. During these classes, children are assessed before enrollment in order to be matched with an instructor best suited to their needs. Through this, teachers explain math concepts in a way the child understands best (visually, kinesthetically, etc.).

    Some advanced programs also include other STEM disciplines in the curriculum. For example, some classes use technology to assist with children’s learning, while other classes apply math concepts to engineering activities. Through this, students learn real-life applications of math.

    Why enroll in math programs?

    Math class exercises children’s brains in unique ways. Here are some things children can expect from their after-school math class:

    • Makes STEM education easier. Technology, engineering, and science classes both in and outside of school become easier, once students understand basic math concepts and gain problem solving skills. 
    • Children’s focus improves in math classes. Focusing on a single subject gives kids training in remaining focused for longer periods of time. Kids’ attention span improves.
    • Increases retention rates. Children memorize math equations, rules, and procedures in class to improve retention rates during exams or standardized tests. Some math programs focus specifically on improving children’s memory.
    • Boosts confidence. Math classes help children approach math problems with confidence. The skills and techniques taught in these programs makes mathematical thinking and concepts come naturally to children.

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