Vancouver Island camps

Day and overnight programs that help kids mature

Below, find kids’ summer camps and year round programs from across Vancouver Island. These include camps in Victoria, on the Gulf Islands such as Thetis Island, and kids’ camps along the Eastern inland coast. Below the list of camps, find information for families and parents.  Read more

  • Vancouver Island kids' camps and summer programs
  • Upcoming Events

  • List of Vancouver Island camps


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Vancouver Island kids' camps and summer programs

    Outward Bound Canada   
    Outward Bound Canada provides challenging adventures in the outdoors across the country that develop self-respect, awareness of others, interpersonal skills, and a sense of accomplishment.

    Vancouver; Vancouver Island
    Adventure (multi)
    • Ages 9 to 19 ( Boys, Girls, Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp
    • from $1
    daycampovernightcampallboysallgirlscoed 1 9-19 1VancouverVancouver IslandBritish Columbia
    Pedalheads Bike, Swim, Trail, & Soccer   
    Pedalheads offers bike, swim, soccer, and trail programs to families across Canada. Pedalheads helps kids develop life skills, confidence, and independence through fun, safe, and engaging instruction.

    Throughout British Columbia (40)
    Sport: Cycling
    • Ages 2 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $199
    daycampprogramclasscoed 199 2-12 2AbbotsfordBurnabyCoquitlamDeltaKelownaNanaimoNorth VancouverPort CoquitlamPort MoodyRichmondSurreyVancouverVictoriaWest VancouverBritish Columbia
    Camp STEAM   
    Camp STEAM offers coding, technology, robotics and animation camps. Campers will execute large-scale projects teaching them how perspectives from all STEAM disciplines can be used to solve a problem in a unique way.

    Throughout British Columbia (7)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp
    • from $180
    daycampcoed 180 5-14 3CoquitlamPort MoodySidneySurreyVictoriaBritish Columbia
    Power of Words Academy   
    Enrichment Writing & Public Speaking Programs offered year round for kids 5-15. Select in-person classes (North York, Markham and Mississauga Campuses) or online classes (delivered using Zoom and Google Classroom).

    Vancouver Island
    Education (multi)
    • Ages 6 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program, Virtual Program
    • from $275
    daycampprogramclassvirtualprogramcoed 275 6-14 4Vancouver IslandBritish Columbia
    InterVarsity Pioneer Pacific Camp   
    One of nine Inter-Varsity Camps, Pioneer Pacific offers Christian summer camp and leadership programs for kids from 7-18, and includes a wide range of activities such as sailing, archery, kayaking and more.

    Thetis Island
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 7 to 18 ( Boys, Girls, Coed)
    • Overnight Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $699
    overnightcampvirtualprogramallboysallgirlscoed 699 7-18 5Thetis IslandBritish Columbia
    Camp Qwanoes   
    Camp Qwanoes is a youth-focused high adventure Christian residential camp that exists to love kids to life like no other. Summer camps for ages 8-18 and leadership programs starting at age 15. Over 75 activities.

    Vancouver Island
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 8 to 18 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $709
    overnightcampvirtualprogramcoed 709 8-18 6Vancouver IslandBritish Columbia
    L&E World Camps   
    L&E offer a unique overnight international summer camp experience in British Columbia, Canada & Winchester, UK. L&E inspires & nurtures young people with their award winning multi-activity program & specialised courses.

    Shawnigan Lake
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 8 to 16 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp
    • from $1,195
    daycampovernightcampcoed 1195 8-16 7Shawnigan LakeBritish Columbia
    Easter Seals Summer Camp   
    Easter Seals camps are for children and adults (6-49+) with physical and cognitive disabilities. With fully accessible facilities and specially trained staff, our programs can accommodate campers with all abilities.

    Kelowna; Shawnigan Lake; Squamish
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 6 to 49 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Overnight Camp, Virtual Program
    • from $1
    daycampovernightcampvirtualprogramcoed 1 6-49 8KelownaShawnigan LakeSquamishBritish Columbia
    The YES (The Youth Excellence Society)   
    Overnight leadership camps at beautiful Cowichan Lake! Expand your co-operative leadership and team building skills while connecting with youth from around the province. Experience a summer camp like no other.

    Lake Cowichan; Victoria
    Education: Leadership (multi)
    • Ages 14 to 18 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp, Program
    • from $125
    overnightcampprogramclasscoed 125 14-18 9Lake CowichanVictoriaBritish Columbia
    Camp Homewood   
    Camp Homewood offers four radically different, exciting overnight camp experiences at its stunningly beautiful Sailing, Harbour, Woodsman, and Ranch Camps. Homewood's 26 camp sessions provide exceptional fun and value!

    Quadra Island
    Traditional (multi activity)
    • Ages 1 to 99 (Coed)
    • Overnight Camp
    • from $240
    overnightcampcoed 240 1-99 10Quadra IslandBritish Columbia


    How to get the most out of Vancouver Island summer camps and kids’ programs

    If you’ve never been to camp or have had restricted experience with kids’ camps, take a look at the variety that’s out there and consider the best Vancouver Island camp experience for you and your child. 

    Day camps are a great way to introduce kids to camp. Day camp is a fun experience, where kids can take part in fun programming and meet friends from the area. They're often specialized, and listed above you’ll find cycling camps, soccer camps, and other sports camps, as well as camps focused on STEM and other educational activities. It’s a great way to introduce kids to the camp experience. 

    Overnight camp gives kids a unique growth experience. While some kids—and even parents—may shy away from the idea, we feel that it gives kids an advantage. Its benefit lies precisely in the fact that it is a personal challenge to go, the first time. Overnight camp naturally encourages kids to develop independence and responsibility, key factors in their maturation. Away from parents and familiar surroundings, they tap into personal resources and learn how to deal with things on their own. Another natural part of overnight camp is taking care of their own stuff, for example. They learn to put things away, to be mindful of others in their cabin, and they negotiate with other kids how to act and behave toward each other. Our sister site,, features a longer look at how overnight camp helps kids mature

    Special needs camps are also available. These are another wonderful experience for children of all kinds. It opens up the camp experience to kids with a variety of challenges, and is a unique way of maturing and growing up during the summer months. Kids with special considerations are encouraged to participate in a full variety of camp activities. Counselors are specially trained and always present. Camps are sometimes sponsored by non-profit or philanthropic organisations.

    Leadership camps put kids into multiple situations where they're required to communicate effectively, solve problems, and lead groups. Supervised by others, they are put into situations that challenge them and spur further personal growth. Many adult camp alumni attest to a variety of different camp experiences as pivotal to their personal growth and to their development into influencers and leaders. 

    Faith-based camps on Vancouver Island offer a wide range of outdoor activities while emphasizing positive values. Prayer, meditation, and religious education are often part of everyday activities at these camps.

    What do summer camps on Vancouver Island cost?

    Vancouver island kids’ camps vary widely in costs, depending on the type. On  average, typical overnight camps can cost $240 to over $1,000 per week, depending on their focus and the duration of the session. Vancouver Island day camps cost $50 to $500.

    Upcoming Events view all events on

    Mar 29
    Your Neighbourhood Camp
    Kids Night Out  
    March 29, 2025
    Mar 31
    Adventure Valley
    Earlybird Registration Deadline - Save 10% by November  
    March 31, 2025
    Mar 31
    Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp
    Early Bird Deal Ends  
    March 31, 2025
    Apr 1
    InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Halkirk
    LIT applications  
    April 1, 2025

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