Burnaby camps

Find camps from Metrotown to Brentwood Park to East Burnaby

Below, find summer camps, spring break, and after-school programs in Burnaby, BC,  including camps in Metrotown, Sullivan Heights, Brentwood Park, Suncrest, South Slope, Highgate, Edmonds, Deer Lake, Oakland, Buckingham Heights, Forest Glen, or Burnaby North or South. Camps include programs focused on everything from the arts to technology to sports. Below the listings, find more information and advice.  Read more

  • Kids' camps in Burnaby, BC
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    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Kids' camps in Burnaby, BC

    Canlan Sports   
    From camps for kids to instructional programs raise your game by working on your skills and learn the fun way, through play-based teaching. Canlan Sports is where we play.

    Burnaby; Langley; North Vancouver
    Sport: Hockey
    • Ages 4 to 18 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program, Virtual Program
    • from $120
    daycampprogramclassvirtualprogramcoed 120 4-18 1BurnabyLangleyNorth VancouverBritish Columbia
    Pedalheads Bike, Swim, Trail, & Soccer   
    Pedalheads offers bike, swim, soccer, and trail programs to families across Canada. Pedalheads helps kids develop life skills, confidence, and independence through fun, safe, and engaging instruction.

    Throughout British Columbia (40)
    Sport: Cycling
    • Ages 2 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $199
    daycampprogramclasscoed 199 2-12 2AbbotsfordBurnabyCoquitlamDeltaKelownaNanaimoNorth VancouverPort CoquitlamPort MoodyRichmondSurreyVancouverVictoriaWest VancouverBritish Columbia
    A STEM / STEAM maker academy for kids that offers after-school programs, year-round 400-hour classes, along with fun camps.

    Throughout British Columbia (8)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $249
    daycampprogramclasscoed 249 5-14 3BurnabyKelownaPort MoodyRichmondVancouverWhite RockBritish Columbia
    ISWIM School   
    At ISWIM, we make waves in teaching! From age 4 to adults, enjoy top-quality private, semi-private, and group lessons, plus exciting swim camps over school breaks. Dive in with us!

    Abbotsford; Burnaby; Surrey
    Sport: Swimming
    • Ages 4 to 15 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $290
    daycampprogramclasscoed 290 4-15 4AbbotsfordBurnabySurreyBritish Columbia


    Kinds of kids' camps in Burnaby and area

    Camp is a place where children and instructors come together to create a community, spend time outdoors, and learn life skills. Camps.ca works with camps across Burnaby, ranging from March break and spring break camps to summer camps and after-school programs. Each camp is unique in terms of environment and routines. Explore all your camp options to optimize your choice. Take a closer look at the variety below:

    March break camps incorporate a unique mix of sports, outdoors, creative arts, and unique activities into their programs. 

    Traditional summer camps often have students stay for one to eight weeks. 

    Special needs camps offer children with physical or learning restrictions careful attention and include specialised facilities that allow them to participate in the full variety of camp activities. Trained adult supervisors are always present. Camps are sometimes sponsored by non-profit or philanthropic organisations.

    Camps for underprivileged youth offer low-cost or even free tuition to disadvantaged or economically challenged adolescents and operate in much the same way as regular camps, with a wide choice of general activities available including but not limited to arts, sports, education and STEM. Many of these are operated by non-profit or charity groups. Learn more about affordable summer camps and tips on paying for camp

    Faith-based or religious camps are run by, for example, Christian or Jewish groups, offering a wide range of outdoor activities while emphasizing certain life values. Prayer, meditation, and religious education may be incorporated in everyday camp life at these camps.

    Overnight camps are located in more isolated areas. There will be an emphasis on teaching youngsters outdoor skills, and programs will include hiking, copious water sports, or canoe expeditions.

    What do summer camps in Burnaby cost?

    Kids’ camps in Burnaby vary widely in costs, according to the type of camp. On  average, typical overnight camps can cost $250 to $1,000 each week, whereas day camps cost $50 to $500.

    How do I choose a camp for my child?

    Start with your child’s interests when choosing a camp. It’s essential to understand your child's interests and choose camp activities that’ll be most beneficial to them. Involve your child in the decision-making process. Summer camp provides fun and meaningful adventures tailored to a child's interests and mental age through a range of programmes and activities. 

    Explore the kids’ camp alternatives in the list above together. Each camp’s profile and website offer images, interactive maps, or even virtual tours of the camp, with a list of activities, meal timetables, and information about the supervisors and administrative staff. 

    As you shortlist camp options, consider the following questions:

    • Do I want a traditional camp that provides my child a range of experiences, or do I  want to pick a specialist camp that concentrates on a certain activity or set of skills?
    • What enrollment size will my child feel most comfortable with? 
    • What location would be ideal for my child?
    • Is my child mature enough to sleep away from home for an extended period of time?

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