West Vancouver camps

Including camps in Altamont, Horseshoe Bay and across West Vancouver

Find West Vancouver features summer camps and kids’ programs below. These include camps serving the neighbourhoods of Altamont, Ambleside, British Properties, Horseshoe Bay, Waterfront East, Waterfront West, and Upper West Van. Under the list of camps, find  out more about the variety of camps here, and get advice on finding the best camp.  Read more

  • Summer camps and kids' programs in West Vancouver
  • Upcoming Events

  • List of West Vancouver camps


    Special Needs Support: Mild    Specialized   
    Summer camps and kids' programs in West Vancouver

    Pedalheads Bike, Swim, Trail, & Soccer   
    Pedalheads offers bike, swim, soccer, and trail programs to families across Canada. Pedalheads helps kids develop life skills, confidence, and independence through fun, safe, and engaging instruction.

    Throughout British Columbia (40)
    Sport: Cycling
    • Ages 2 to 12 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $199
    daycampprogramclasscoed 199 2-12 1AbbotsfordBurnabyCoquitlamDeltaKelownaNanaimoNorth VancouverPort CoquitlamPort MoodyRichmondSurreyVancouverVictoriaWest VancouverBritish Columbia
    A STEM / STEAM maker academy for kids that offers after-school programs, year-round 400-hour classes, along with fun camps.

    Throughout British Columbia (8)
    Education: STEAM
    • Ages 5 to 14 (Coed)
    • Day Camp, Program
    • from $249
    daycampprogramclasscoed 249 5-14 2BurnabyKelownaPort MoodyRichmondVancouverWhite RockBritish Columbia


    Types of camps in West Vancouver

    Camps in West Van offer a variety of activities. Camps we list from this city offer over 60 different activities, so there’s something for everyone! Some of the more popular kinds of camps in the city are Minecraft camps, music camps, robotics camps, soccer camps, and STEM camps. There are also many camps that offer support for differently abled kids and kids with special concerns, anything from ADHD to diabetes or even cancer

    How much do West Vancouver camps cost?

    Summer camps in West Vancouver vary in cost according to the length of the camp and the type of programming offered. In general, education camps (which require more facilities) are more expensive than soccer, for example. Camps in 2023 cost $199 up to  $500 (starting) for one week sessions. 

    How to find the best West Vancouver camps for your child(ren)

    When sorting through camps in West Vancouver, you’ll encounter a variety of options. You can find the camp that’s best for your child by asking penetrating questions. Due diligence in finding the right camp—even paying a bit more than you might want to—will give your child an experience that will positively influence they’ll remember the rest of their lives. 

    Here’s a good  list to start with:

    • How much time is devoted to your child(ren)’s favourite activities? Can they share an activity calendar or schedule with you? 
    • What is the projected outcome or goal or takeaway of the camp session? How do they measure success? 
    • What is the ratio of counsellors to campers in each session or group?  How are kids grouped? 
    • What training do counsellors have in dealing with bullying or discipline issues? Can they provide you with an example of a recent situation? Do counsellors all have vulnerability sector checks? First Aid training? 
    • How much experience do camp leaders have in their specialization (e.g. if they are running a robotics or coding camp)? How much in running a camp?
    • Are there any prerequisites, especially for tech camps or education camps?
    • Can they provide you with testimonials from other parents or campers? 
    • How diligent are they in maintaining communication with parents? 
    • Is there any financial aid available? Are there sibling discounts?  
    • What is the camp’s policy with regard to special diets and food allergies? Consider how this will affect your child. 
    • Do they have before and after care? Consider how the camp’s schedule fits yours.

    Upcoming Events view all events on OurKids.net

    Mar 29
    Your Neighbourhood Camp
    Kids Night Out  
    March 29, 2025
    Mar 31
    Adventure Valley
    Earlybird Registration Deadline - Save 10% by November  
    March 31, 2025
    Mar 31
    Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp
    Early Bird Deal Ends  
    March 31, 2025
    Apr 1
    InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Halkirk
    LIT applications  
    April 1, 2025

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