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Session: Introduction into riding (Whitchurch Equestrian)

Introduction into riding

By: Whitchurch Equestrian

About this Program:

  • Program
  • Age 7 - 16 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Horseback Riding/Equestrian, offers 1 activity
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $1
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


19480 McCowan Road, Mount Albert, Ontario, L0G 1M0

With proper instruction, being able to ride horses in a safe and controlled fashion is only the start to a lifetime passion. Riding provides excellent health & fitness benefits, promotes confidence and responsibility, and its fun too! We firmly believe that additional time spent grooming, tacking, and bonding with the animal ensures a better, more productive riding experience.

For children, learning to ride independent of a leader requires the ability to focus on instruction while on horseback for a minimum of one hour. Don’t forget we are dealing with a large animal with a mind of its own! For this reason, we follow insurance guidelines that recommend children are turning seven the year they begin riding. Before this age, a simple pony ride with a leader would be more appropriate, which is both safer and more economical.

Whitchurch Equestrian has a wonderful introduction for children and teens (age 7 to 16), to learn the basics of riding and the care of horses in a fun environment.  

Whitchurch Equestrian Riding Lesson Programs operate throughout the entire year, and are specifically designed for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced riders, guiding them through the various levels of riding and horsemanship.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Courage: Willingness and ability to face fears and try new things. Tolerance for uncertainty. Social confidence.
  • Independence: Developing a relationship bond and sense of trust between yourself and your horse is truly rewarding. And learning to control and care for an animal much larger than yourself builds confidence and self-assurance.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Newmarket, ON
19480 McCowan Road

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Horseback Riding/Equestrian
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Horseback riding for beginners
Whitchurch Equestrian Riding Lesson Programs operate throughout the entire year and are specifically designed for Beginners.


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This program, Introduction into riding, is offered by Whitchurch Equestrian.

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Introduction into riding
Contact name:
Amanda Forbes

Phone number:
(416) 427-9338

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