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Session: Laureate College Aftercare Centre (Camp Laureate)

Laureate College Aftercare Centre

By: Camp Laureate

About this Program:

  • Program
  • Age 6 - 12 (Coed)
  • Specialized in STEAM, offers 23 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $298
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


1921 Snake Road, Burlington, Ontario, L7P 4Y2

Laureate College Aftercare Centre offers after school care to 2 different age groups: Primary and Junior. Separating the children by age allows us to provide activities and environments that are suitable to the unique needs of each age-group. Each of our programs are designed to provide children with enrichment in science and arts, as well as plenty of time for physical exercise through sports, games, and outdoor activities. Our primary and junior programs each provide time for homework and academic support.

Primary Program: Our primary program fosters children’s independence, friendships, and interests while prioritizing their holistic well-being. We offer engaging science and arts activities, promoting freedom in exploration, and lots of outdoor play. Through group activities, we nurture a sense of community. We develop children’s interests through activities like science experiments, art projects, and hands-on activities. Qualified staff provide homework assistance for math and reading, ensuring your child is progressing as they should be. For children in grades 1 to 3.

Junior Program: In our junior program, we nurture critical thinking and problem-solving skills through exciting hands-on arts and science projects. These projects promote problem-based learning and teamwork, fostering connections with peers. We also provide structured homework time with support in math and literacy. Beyond academics, our program offers a well-rounded experience with access to a full-size soccer field, over 50 acres of land, and the Bruce Trail. We encourage physical activity through team sports, games, and outdoor activities. For children in grades 4 to 6.

PD Day Care: Our PD Day Care program is where your child can enjoy a safe and engaging environment on professional development (PD) days. Our experienced and caring staff provide supervision and offer enriching activities, homework assistance, and outdoor play. We offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your needs, all conveniently located at our centre. For children in grades 1 to 6.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Curiosity: Our program features science activities designed to engage children with hands-on learning and explore various science topics that interest them. Programming is tailored to the interests of the children. It could include chemistry, physical, or outdoor science!
  • Creativity: Our program fosters creativity by providing students with opportunities to participate in various arts and crafts activities. The activities are designed for students to create works of art inspired by their own ideas, not replicate a product made by their program leader.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Burlington, ON
1921 Snake Road

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Disc Golf
Instructor lead (group)
Instructor lead (one on one)
Knitting and Crochet
Mixed Media
Ultimate Frisbee
Wilderness Skills
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Afterschool Program with STEAM Activities
An aftercare centre for kids in Waterdown and Burlington. We provide transportation, snack, fun activities, and outdoor time!


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Laureate College Aftercare Centre
Contact name:
Katie Westoby

Phone number:
(416) 800-8434

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