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Trusted by Families since 1998.
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My twin boys are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum, but they love music and acting. I was so afraid at the beginning because it is so difficult to find any "good" and "fit" program for my boys to stay learning but having fun, for my priority. I am so happy with the Innovative Arts Program. They really did what they have promised all along. "ALL INCLUSIVE"! I chat with my boys after every class they have attended, they love it, and never have any negative comment from the class or anyone around them. That is very important, because that is how all staff and teachers make the atmosphere among all programs. Also, I love to speak with all staff over the year. When we have difficulties in learning, progressing, or financial, I can always find the right person to speak with and discuss a solution. I feel safe and caring. This is really helping my boys finally making something on their own, with another big community, like a family. We would love to come back the next year in the future to keep learning and exploring.
My boys loved music since they were little. I found this is the only way I could help them calm their mind and with learning in speaking and comprehension. And we have been watching and searching for something unique, which my boys could try in the most positive and effective way, so they can feel safe and happy to stay for a long time. My boys had got invited from their school choir group, to enjoy the Innovative Arts show in 2023, "Into the Woods." They loved it. After the show, I spoke with the organizer about joining for the next year. After all my worry and questions had been heard and answered, I really feel this program is good for my boys, since I know they listened to my concern and encouraged me to try. I was really amazed by the exceptional compassion.
My boys love to sing, dance, and perform on the stage, even though they are autistic. They have been performing throughout their childhood, since 6 years old, and they love it. However, along with life-changing, going along on the stage was a bit of a challenge for them, especially [since] one of my children had a stroke 4 years ago and his mobility is limited with dancing, performing, or cognitive processes. In my expectation, I was just hoping they can get out of their comfort zone again to do what they love, which is singing and dancing. I was worried at the beginning, or afraid of [them] breaking down in their emotion, but it never happened. Instead, their focus, their joy are all over them again, [and] at the same time, they have built up their confidence over time. My boys are so amazed how much work that all the staff have done behind the "book" and preparation, and all the organization from small group to small room. It was a good use of their time, and the best [use] of their time. They have kept mentioning [this] to everyone else. Just for their happiness, I found this program is worthy to be part of it.
Luckily, my boys aren't experiencing any negative behaviour so far at the studio or in any program they have. This is also the most concern for me, as well. My boys love everyone who works together with them. They have found everyone is cheerful, helpful and kind. My boys' [biggest weakness] is making new friends. My boys were in elementary for 8 years. They have known every single one's name, but they couldn't make any friend. Same [with their] current situation, they know most of their names but they don't know how to make friends on their own.
My kids really love the program, they have gained [in] their cognitive focus and cooperative skills, as well as their singing and dancing skills. They really love the program and keep speaking positively about it. The only particularly challenge [for] one of my boys is mobility, for moving fast or dancing, since his left side of his body is paralyzed due to his post-stroke. However, I understand all teachers and staff were tailored for him and helped him to choose the best option for him to be safe, [to] best perform [by] himself in a comfortable way. I really appreciated that.
I [enjoy] speaking with staff any time, especially with the organization's administration when I have any difficulties with the drop-off schedule [or] financial trouble. I have found our communication with all the staff, from the beginning when we were interested in [after] watching their first show, [throughout] the entire season, everyone listens to me, tries to understand our needs and tries their best to find the best solutions and in the shortest period of time, to solve it. It's an amazing organization, with a group of young people who cares, [and have a] good heart for our kids, their dreams, and [toward] our family.
I think all the programs Innovative Arts [has] been providing are very importand and neccessary for children like mine. They all need a stage and a group of people like them who understand them and [embrace] their dream. It seems the studio is just for after-school programs or a hangout place, but I see it as more than that. They are helping our little ones build their little dream, and put them together piece-by-piece, and embrace them, [to] grow stronger in them. I think if there is any advice, I think we can get more involved [as a] family, if there is any volunteer from parents or sibling, we can always help. I know I can't speak for everyone, but at least our family would love to help out if there is anything.
This is my daughter's second year at Innovative Arts and although she was a little nervous about attending, she came out beaming after day 1! She now does musical theatre, acting, and summer camps th...
Read full reviewThis is one of the best activities we have recommended to others! Our kids always leave the studio beaming with happiness. They leave the studio singing and dancing. Couldn’t say enough good things ...
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