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Each day of the week is a different Girls Inc. program
Allies in Action Build self confidence, self esteem and addresses topicssuch as bullying.
Operation SMART Explore science, engineering, and technology whilemaking gooey experiments & figuring out how thingswork.
Leadership & Community ActionLearn how to make a difference with issues that areimportant to you.
Mind+BodyTaking a whole body approach to self esteem looking atbody image, nutrition, healthy stress management, andphysical activity.
Jun 30 - Aug 29. '25
Pickering, ON
2010 Bushmill St 09:00 - 16:00
Before Care: 08:30 (Paid)
Before Care: 08:30 (Paid) $140 - $175
Inspiring girls to be strong, smart, &bold
Stress management, STEM education, media messaging, financial literacy and leadership, communication and Fun!.
This program, Summer Camp, is offered by Girls Inc. of Durham.
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Trusted by Families since 1998.
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