Virtual Camp@Home

By: Easter Seals Summer Camp

About this Program:

  • Virtual Program
  • Age 6 - 18+ (Coed)
  • Specialized in Traditional (multi activity) , offers 6 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $125
  • Special needs support available

Through interactive, fun and social online activities and programs, campers of all ages and abilities learn with trained counsellors through role-playing game adventures, crafts, drawing, cooking and more.

Summer 2023 Camp@Home Dates

July 10-14 (Ages 6-18) $125/week
July 17-21 (Ages 19-49) $125/week
July 24-28 (Ages 6-18) $125/week
July 31-Aug 4 (Ages 19-49) $125/week


Campers will find the same sense of community they have at overnight camp. Virtual camp will continue to be a place where campers can explore and develop their abilities in a safe, warm, fun and supportive environment, with weeks being divided into specific age groups and themes. Campers will be assigned a “Buddy Group” and have their very own counsellor for the week. They will meet virtually for various activities both in large all-camp groups and in their smaller Buddy Groups with the option of choosing which activities they would like to do. **Please note – campers will need to have a form of technology that allows them to access the video conferencing program Zoom.


Whether in activities together as a big group or in smaller group sessions, campers will have an experienced counsellor present at all times. Through live video streaming, counsellors lead discussions, offer mentorship, and cheer on campers during activities.


With a set daily schedule, campers will log in alongside their peers for engaging programming and social connection each day. Kids will be assigned a “Buddy Group” and counsellors will lead many of the loved traditions of camp, such as camp fire sing-a-longs and our famous Talent Show and Kangaroo Kourt.

Camper Kits

One week before camp starts, your camper will receive a Camper Kit filled with all the supplies they will need to do the weekly activities. Each week’s activities will follow a different theme and may include various materials for arts and crafts projects, books, games and more.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Independence: BC Easter Seals promotes independence through accessible facilities and programs, maximising autonomy for participants. Participants are able to choose activities they are most interested in, all of which are accessible to campers with either the support of staff, equipment, or peers.
  • Courage: BC Easter Seals promotes courage through programs like “New Camper Camp”. This program allows participants to attend a shortened overnight camp program, with the support of parents, caregivers, and other new campers to build community and confidence in sleeping away from home.

Session Dates and Rates:

Special Needs Support: This is a specialized program. Most campers have special needs

Mild Support       Specialized programming

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Down Syndrome
Hearing loss
Intellectual disability
Physical Disability
Tourettes Syndrome
Vision loss
Mild Support       Specialized programming


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

All Abilities Welcome!
Easter Seals Camp@Home is a unique camp experience that allows campers to have personal, genuine camp connections online.


More from Easter Seals Summer Camp

This program, Virtual Camp@Home, is offered by Easter Seals Summer Camp.


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