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Session: March Break Camp 4: What does the world really look like? (Drop Thought Kids)

March Break Camp 4: What does the world really look like?

By: Drop Thought Kids

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 8 - 11 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Animals, offers 12 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $100
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


69 Queen Street South, Streetsville, Ontario, L5M 1K5

Explore How Animals See: What Does the World Look Like Through Their Eyes? 

What Makes This Program Special?

This unique program takes kids on an exciting journey to explore how animals see the world differently. They’ll dive into the fascinating world of vision science, optical illusions, and animal perception to uncover how various species experience their surroundings. What makes this program truly special is the combination of hands-on experiments, visual challenges, and real-world science, giving kids a fun and immersive experience that goes beyond just learning facts!

What Will Kids Do & Experience?

  • Animal Vision Exploration – Discover how animals like eagles, dogs, and octopuses see the world with different eyes and sensory abilities.
  • Hands-On Experiments – Test out optical illusions, eye tricks, and perception experiments to better understand how sight works.
  • Interactive Discussions – Explore how human sight compares to animals and ask big questions about how we all perceive reality.
  • Design Your Own Illusions – Create fun optical illusions and test how different eyes see the same image!

What Does a Typical Day May Include?

Introduction to Animal Eyes – Learn how different animals see the world with a fun, interactive lesson.
 Experiment Time – Kids will participate in experiments, testing optical illusions and investigating how vision works.
Animal Exploration – Discover cool facts about animal vision and how they use it to survive and thrive.
 Design & Create – Kids get creative by designing their own optical illusions based on what they’ve learned.
Wrap-Up & Reflection – Reflect on the day’s experiments and discuss how our vision shapes how we view the world.

What Will Kids Take Away?

By the end of this program, kids will have a deeper understanding of animal senses, optical illusions, and how sight works. They’ll also develop a new appreciation for how different creatures experience the world, fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity.

Ready to see the world through new eyes? Join us for a mind-blowing adventure in perception!

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Curiosity: This workshop sparks curiosity by encouraging kids to ask, "How do animals see the world?" Through hands-on experiments, optical illusions, and exploring different animals' vision, kids will test their ideas, discover new perspectives, and develop a deeper desire to ask questions and learn more!
  • Independence: These workshops build independence by encouraging kids to explore concepts on their own. They’ll conduct experiments, create optical illusions, and solve challenges, allowing them to take ownership of their learning.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Mississauga, ON
69 Queen Street South

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Instructor lead (group)
Leadership Training
Social Justice
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Investigate How Animals See the world.
Explore How Animals See: What Does the World Look Like Through Their Eyes? Discover new perspectives for ages 8-11!


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March Break Camp 4: What does the world really look like?
Contact name:
Kim Gillingham

Phone number:
(647) 215-0699

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