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Session: Maker Lab: Digital Design and Fabrication (VISST Camps)

Maker Lab: Digital Design and Fabrication

By: VISST Camps

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 10 - 13 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Makerspace and 3D Printing, offers 6 activities
  • 1 session date to choose from
  • Cost starting from $275
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


1490 West Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6H 4E8

From a pen and paper drawing to physical creations of wood, acrylic, vinyl, textiles and more! In this camp you will learn how to turn your ideas, sketches and doodles into 3D reality using design software such as Inkscape and amazing CNC Tools such as a Laser Cutters and Cricuts.

Although this camp is a stand alone camp, it is also is a perfect compliment to our Entrepreneurship for Kids camp as students will be able to learn how to design their logos and produce swag for their businesses.

When and Where?

Monday July 28 - Friday August 1, 2025.


Location: The Vancouver School for Science and Technology (VISST): 1490 West Broadway, Vancouver.


This camp is for students going into grades 5-8.

Why should you attend?

  • Earn a certificate of completion from the Vancouver Independent School for Science and Technology.
  • Exercise your brain and work with your hands: From ideas —> simulations —> fabrication.
  • Become a digital artist and design your very own graphics and toolpaths using Inkscape.
  • Learn to use new tools such as the Laser Cutters, Cricuts, and Heat Presses.

What will you learn?

Zip, Zap, Zerp, Goes the Laser Cutter: Students will get first hand experience on what a C02 laser cutter is used for and learn how to design their own projects for laser cutting and engraving - starting with a simple keychain.

Shredding It Up: Cricuts are a versatile tool for paper crafting, sticker making, vinyl cutting, and much more. Students will start off their Cricut adventures by cutting up vinyls to compliment their laser cut keychains.

Textile Art and Printing: Designing and having your own merch is more accessible than ever with the invention of a compact heat press! Creating their own graphics, students will sublimate their very own tote bags.

Digital Design: Using Inkscape, a free and powerful vector illustration tool, students will learn to design their very own toolpaths.

Prototype, Iterate, Fabricate: Sometimes designs don’t turn out the way you initially intended - this is the time to review and revise. With guidance and feedback from instructors, students will learn how to build off of their initial prototypes and improve their designs for future models.

To Be Creative: Machines are not just all robots and calculations. CNC tools are used for creative endeavours and to explore new ways of bringing ideas to life.

Program Requirements

  • All materials will be provided. Students are welcome to bring in their own materials later on in the camp once they learn the tools’ capabilities.
  • Parents, please adjust any permission settings on your students’ devices including screen time limits.
  • Students must bring their own laptops with the Inkscape and Cricut Design Space software installed. As Cricut Design Space requires a user account, students should create a free user account in advance.

Session Dates and Rates:

Jul 28 - Aug 01. '25
Vancouver, BC
1490 West Broadway

09:00 - 12:00
$275 - $290


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

3D Design
Skilled Trades Activities
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Fun with design software and laser cutting
Turn your ideas into 3D reality using design software such as Inkscape and CNC Tools such as Laser Cutters and Cricuts.


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This program, Maker Lab: Digital Design and Fabrication, is offered by VISST Camps.

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Maker Lab: Digital Design and Fabrication
Contact name:
Dr. Mike Gelbart

Phone number:
(604) 566-7836

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