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Session: Bot Basics and Beyond 12-15 years with Ten Peaks (Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Camps)

Bot Basics and Beyond 12-15 years with Ten Peaks

By: Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Camps

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 12 - 15 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Technology and Entrepreneurship, offers 5 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $375
  • Busing available
  • Special needs support not available


20-298136 24 St W, Foothills, Alberta, T1S 7A4

Ten Peaks Innovation presents a five-day camp where students work in teams to get their ‘tech on,’ innovate and develop solutions for real-world problems. Students will be exposed to two days of an entrepreneurial thinking workshop on the STS campus. They will be introduced to concepts of design thinking, UN sustainable development goals, agri-tech, and automation and pitch their solution to a panel of innovators. Students will then apply their solution for the next three days in a hands-on robotic workshop where they will code and design a robotic solution with an award-winning Science teacher and discover their ability to become entrepreneurial leaders and change-makers.

Instructor: Steven Schultz 
Steven Schultz has been teaching high school science, chemistry, forensics, electronics, and agriculture at Lacombe Composite High School since 1997. He is well-known for his ability to differentiate his teaching methods and his willingness to provide extracurricular opportunities for students. Among his many extracurricular activities, Steven coaches soccer, facilitates a robotics club, and advises an environmental club called EcoVision. A student-run club to build ecological leaders through projects that enhance education, help the environment, and encourage community collaboration, their latest project is a net-zero geodesic community greenhouse that an edible forest, gardens, and an outdoor classroom will surround. The dome was completed in September 2012 and is supplemented with composting and an indoor hydroponics herb grow op. The whole project will become the platform for a new agricultural course, providing the school and community with local, healthy, environmentally sustainable food and bringing the community together. Steven was recognized with the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2019 for his out-of-classroom educational opportunities. He founded the United Robotics Lacombe (URL) Club in 2004 and continues to inspire students through this program. In 2006, EcoVision won numerous awards, including the Emerald, Ron Shulack, Greenest School in Canada, Watershed, and A+ for Energy Award.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Responsibility: Through hands-on workshops and pitching sessions, students learn to consider the impact of their innovations on society and the environment. They are accountable for their decisions and actions as they work in teams to develop and implement solutions.
  • Interpersonal skills: Through working in teams to develop solutions, students learn to listen to and respect diverse perspectives, negotiate differences, and leverage each other's strengths.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Calgary, AB
20-298136 24 St W

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive


Location Address Pick up Drop off
Bus 1
McMahon Stadium, Red & White Club1833 Crowchild Trail Northwest, Calgary, AB, Canada7:25 am5:25 pm
Richmond Square Northbound 51st St and Richmond Rd3715 51st St SW Calgary, AB7:45 am5:05 pm
Kal Tire at Chinook Centre6607 Macleod Trail Southwest, Calgary, AB, Canada8:00 am4:50 pm
Southcentre Mall West Entrance at The Bay100 Anderson Road Southeast, Calgary, AB, Canada8:10 am4:40 pm
Landmark Theatres Shawnessy Parking Lot16061 Macleod Trail Southeast, Calgary, AB, Canada8:20 am4:30 pm
Heritage Pointe Gas Plus412 Pine Creek Road, De Winton, AB, Canada8:35 am4:15 pm

Innovate, Create, Lead with Tech
Tech camp fosters problem-solving, entrepreneurial skills, and robotic solutions for real-world challenges.


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This program, Bot Basics and Beyond 12-15 years with Ten Peaks, is offered by Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School Camps.

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Bot Basics and Beyond 12-15 years with Ten Peaks
Contact name:
Scott Bennett

Phone number:
(403) 604-1809

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