See the SLI Summer Camp 2025 Schedule for our exciting weekly themed activities.
Campers will have an opportunity for an enriched learning experience in core curriculum subjects, integrated with instruction in relevant STEM topics that are selected each year by our experienced curriculum development team. Campers will learn how they can use English, Math, and Research skills to bridge creative writing and profit, to build and present an informed opinion, to budget and invest wisely, as well as to extend their skills learned in presentation techniques to present their projects before an audience. Besides the opportunity to progress in their curriculum subjects (English and Math) for an advantage before the next academic year, campers will explore advanced STEM subjects that are broken down to engage their grade level. Running on weekly themed sessions, from June 30th to August 22nd (9:00 am to 12:00 pm), campers will have an introduction to Short Story Writing, creating eBooks, Digital Art, Debate based on Current Events, Research, Financial Literacy (Personal Budgeting, Entrepreneurship, and Investments), and Computer Science. The afternoon session offers campers a unique experience through weekly themed workshops and activities in Art, Architecture, and Engineering. They will learn Science using a hands-on approach investigating mysteries in Science, through an understanding of the Science of Structures, Chemistry, and Physics. Campers will learn about Music through Drumming and different musical instruments around the world. Finally, they will look at solving mysteries and immersing themselves in the amazing world of Magic. Campers research and investigate themed topics, get innovative and creative in expressing what they have learned, work in teams for themed projects, and build their confidence in public speaking and presentation of their work. Campers engage in both team sports and physical activities as well as enjoy the social interaction and the natural environment as they hike with friends.
Mild Support Specialized programming
Learn Academics (STEM), Hands-on Workshops
Campers learn Math, English, STEM, Investing, Debate, and enjoy hands-on workshops, related activities, and outdoors.
Contact & Location:
This program, Middle Camp: English, Math, STEM, Investments, Debate, and Themed Workshops for Grades 3/4 (in-person), is offered by SLI The Sidney Ledson School .