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Session: March Break Day Camps (Ages 12-16) (Ross Creek Centre for the Arts)

March Break Day Camps (Ages 12-16)

By: Ross Creek Centre for the Arts

About this Program:

  • Program
  • Age 12 - 16 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Arts (multi) and Nature/Environment, offers 16 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $75
  • Busing available
  • Special needs support not available


555 Ross Creek Road, Canning, Nova Scotia, B0P 1H0

Enrich your child! Register for March Break Camps!

We are looking forward to a  fabulous week at Ross Creek’s March Break Arts Camp for children and teens. There is something great for everyone aged 5-18 thanks to the great volunteers, artist faculty, staff, chef and of course kids and their families!  

At Ross Creek we provide an amazing art day taught by professional artists and a great camp experience for kids on our 178 acres of field and forest, led by our fabulous counsellors. Whether searching for the Creekster, creating a masterpiece or making new friends, our camps have something for every kid! We offer programs in dance, theatre, music and art. Kids can come for a day or for the whole week of adventure and art. 

Monday March 13
Rad Radio!
Dial into a new sound in this collaborative dive into podcasting, recording, funky DIY radio tools, and more! 


Jewellery & Metalwork
Alchemy and design mix together in this workshop on fine jewelry and metal casting. Learn how to transform metals into amazing shapes and patterns, and create a unique piece to take home!

Tuesday March 14
Darkroom Developer!
Kick it old school with this one day intro to the art of the dark-room. Campers will develop their own creative vision through experiments with both traditional and contemporary photography and develop their own prints!


Graphic Novel Studio
Art of the graphic novel! Learn new unique ways to tell your story with a combination of illustration, and the written word. Zines, DIY bookmaking, and narrative, all come together in this day of hands-on skill development and experimentation. 

Wednesday March 15
Visual Arts: Drawing & Painting
Quick-start your creativity and gain mad new artistic skills through this one day exploration of a variety of arts media and techniques.


Animation Bootcamp!
Try your hand at various styles and techniques of animation. Campers will work in small groups to create their own micro-sets and characters and bring them to life through the magic of film and photography, and recording.

Thursday March 16
Street Art: Muralmakers
Create your own stencil, stickers, and learn how to compose a collaborative mural, while learning to use spray paint, and tools of the trade in a safe way, all in one day! 


Totally Textiles
Learn about fabric construction, colour and dyes, applique methods, and block printing, in this amazing day in the studio with an artist/designer who can help bring your idea to reality. Experiment with new materials provided here, or bring something along from home you'd like to use! 

Friday March 17
Theatre Studio
Learn to create character through movement, improvisation and collaboration. Taught by acclaimed theatre director and educator Ken Schwartz, this workshop is sure to be hilarious and fun!


Sculpture Studio 
Learn about sculptural techniques both ancient and contemporary in this workshop. Using clay and plaster, get inspired and get inspired to develop your own hands-on creation. 

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Canning, NS
555 Ross Creek Road

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Acting (Film & TV)
Arts & Crafts
Fashion Design
Theatre Arts
Vocal Training / Singing
Wilderness Skills
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive


Location Address Pick up Drop off
ColdbrookMacDonald's, Coldbrook8:00 am6:00 pm
KentvilleArena, Kentville NS8:10 am5:50 pm
New MinasCounty Fair Mall, New Minas, NS8:20 am5:40 pm
WolfvilleAcadia Arena8:30 am5:30 pm
Port WilliamsFirehall, Port Williams, NS8:40 am5:20 pm
CanningGlooscap Arena8:50 am5:10 pm
CambridgeCambridge Elementary, Cambridge, NS7:50 am6:10 pm

Art, theatre, dance & outdoor adventures!
The best of the arts, a full recreation schedule, and a core of incredible arts programming!


Contact & Location:

Meet Top Ranked Programs at the Camp Expo - Feb 22, 2025, Toronto

More from Ross Creek Centre for the Arts

This program, March Break Day Camps (Ages 12-16), is offered by Ross Creek Centre for the Arts.

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March Break Day Camps (Ages 12-16)
Contact name:
Chris O'Neill

Phone number:
(902) 582-3842

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