The Canadian Centre for Experimental Radio Astronomy is an association comprising individuals from various walks of life, all of whom share a passion for radio astronomy.
This camp is a unique opportunity for participants to gain access to data from a large scientific instrument. Learning opportunities on both the technological and scientific fronts abound.
Choose the right programs and sessions for your child; Radio Astronomy Camp currently has 1 program available; 1 TBD.
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The camp destination for Canadian teens curious about astronomy, dark matter, physics, and the universe at large. Taught by leading radio astronomers scientists from both Canada and the US, this is a singular opportunity to develop some serious skills in astronomy and data analysis. Students are taught astronomy basics, concepts in radio waves, and spectral analysis. You’ll operate a 12.8 m radio telescope dish, gather data from it then analyze and plot that data. You’ll also learn some things about the Python programming language along the way. The setting is altogether exhilarating: you’ll collaborate with other budding scientists and brilliant minds, gaining a spectacular, unique window on the cosmos.
Although my professional research is in the area of experimental particle physics (the Large Hadron Collider at CERN), I have a longstanding interest in radio and radio astronomy. I was therefore delighted to be included as a member of the CCERA and to participate in the restoration of the 12.8 m radio telescope to operation. It has been a special pleasure to work with the CCERA team, which has an incredible breadth and depth of knowledge regarding both the technical and scientific aspects of radio astronomy.
Much of the material for the camp is based on a course on 21-cm radio astronomy that I developed for Princeton students. As the late John Wheeler famously said, "If you want to learn, teach." Personally, I find that no matter how many times I have taught a subject, someone always manages to ask a question that leads me to think about the material in new ways. I thus very much look forward to the camp.
Dan Marlow
Camp Director
Participants will learn directly from a team of scientific and technical experts. The lead instructors will be CCERA President Marcus Leech, who is a well-known expert in radio astronomy and software defined radio, and Daniel Marlow, who is a CCERA member and a Professor of Physics at Princeton University.
2336 Craig Side Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Is Radio Astronomy Camp technology free? Participants will be expected to write Python programs using their personal laptops.
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