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Session: Summer Camp - Leaside Park - U8 (Power Soccer School of Excellence)

Summer Camp - Leaside Park - U8

By: Power Soccer School of Excellence

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 6 - 7 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Soccer, offers 1 activity
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $195
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


2365 Bayview Ave, Toronto, Ontario, M2L1A2

We are now offering mini clinics at Felstead Park & Leaside Park with the potential of offering more locations & camps as we find spots available. This camp is for children ages minimum of 6 years old to a max of 13 years old.*** The camp ages offered will be: U8 (6-7 year olds): 9:00am-11:00am U10 (8-9 year olds): 11:30am-1:30pm U12 & 14 (10-12 year olds): 2:00pm-4:00pm*** There is a half hour in between each session in order for groups to come and go with minimal or zero exposure to the next group coming to the field. Parents will not be allowed to be on the field and must remain at their cars on the side streets/drop off area or leave the area and return to pick up their child at the end of the clinic.*** More information about requirements at the camp surrounding the COVID-19 restrictions will be sent by email in the confirmation email of your registration at camp if you wish to register.*** We may offer more camps in the future at this location plus other locations as we continue to try to locate more fields available. There is no guarantee of a spot as space is extremely limited. The cost of the clinic is $195+HST for the week.*** Players will be separated physically into their owned designated areas and not interact with each other as they work on individual skills, the program will not include 1v1 competition or small sided games, there will be no matches or games in the current camp format as adhering with the COVID-19 restrictions. We have summer camps at Felstead Park (Greenwood/Danforth) & Leaside Park (Millwood/Overlea) more locations to possibly be announced.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Forest Hill, Toronto, ON
200 Lonsdale Road

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Return To Play with Power Soccer Camps!
A program aimed to improve skills of 6-7 year olds. Children are instructed in core soccer skills through social distancing


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This program, Summer Camp - Leaside Park - U8, is offered by Power Soccer School of Excellence.

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Summer Camp - Leaside Park - U8
Contact name:
Derek Boecker

Phone number:
(416) 425-6062

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