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Session: Grades 7/8 - Preparation for High School English Course (Power of Words Academy)

Grades 7/8 - Preparation for High School English Course

By: Power of Words Academy

About this Program:

  • Virtual Program
  • Age 12 - 14 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Education (multi), offers 13 activities
  • 1 session date to choose from
  • Cost starting from $800
  • Special needs support not available

This course is designed to give students in Grade 7 and 8 the fundamental skills required for success in the Grade 9 English Curriculum. The lessons are led by qualified teachers and classes are interactive. There is a maximum of 12 students in a class.

The course will incorporate units of study providing a foundation in each strand of the English curriculum which students will encounter in Grade 9 English. The course comprises of four units:

  • Short Stories - Three short stories will be covered during this part of the course. Each story is designed to cover the elements of plot, theme and character.
  • Novel Study - A short novel will be assigned at the beginning of the course which will be the focus of this unit. The analysis of the novel will cover the elements particular to a novel as distinct from a short story. This unit will culminate in an Independent Study Unit which includes written and oral components.
  • Poetry - This part of the course will cover concepts of figurative language and analysis.
  • Advanced Essay Writing - Building on skills taught in previous POW courses, this unit will teach skills specific to writing a Literary Essay of 500-600 words. The essay will be written on topics related to the novel studied in Unit 2

In addition, an Independent Study Unit (ISU) will be introduced at the beginning of the course. A choice of novels will be offered to students. Their ISU will include the following activities related to the novel students have chosen:

  • Summary notes on plot, character and theme
  • A poem to illustrate a theme found in their chosen novel
  • An activity to involve the class which teaches students something about the novel.
  • An oral presentation to the class to highlight their chosen novel

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Interpersonal skills: This course is designed to give students in Grades 7 and 8 the fundamental skills required for success in the Grade 9 English Curriculum.
  • Curiosity: The course will incorporate units of study, providing a foundation in each strand of the English curriculum which students will encounter in Grade 9 English.

Session Dates and Rates:

Jul 08 - Aug 21. '25
Virtual Program,

18:00 - 19:30


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Acting (Film & TV)
Instructor lead (group)
Language Instruction
Leadership Training
Public Speaking
Test Preparation
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Excel in Grade 9 English!
This course is designed to give students the fundamental skills required for success in the Grade 9 English Curriculum.


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This program, Grades 7/8 - Preparation for High School English Course, is offered by Power of Words Academy.

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Grades 7/8 - Preparation for High School English Course
Contact name:
Hafsa Esmail

Phone number:
(647) 285-4499

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