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Session: Rocky Mountain: 14-Day Whitewater Canoeing Expedition (Outward Bound Canada)

Rocky Mountain: 14-Day Whitewater Canoeing Expedition

By: Outward Bound Canada

About this Program:

  • Overnight Camp
  • Age 14 - 18 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Adventure (multi) and Leadership (multi), offers 12 activities
  • 1 session date to choose from
  • Cost starting from $4,900
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support available


910-2200 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M4S 2C6

Backpacking in the Rocky Mountains is pretty cool, right? Imagine canoeing through the Rockies with a group of like-minded youth and experienced instructors!

You can experience this epic adventure on this two-week expedition where you’ll see the beauty of these mythical mountains from a different perspective and ride the rapids of the Kanasaskis, North Saskatchewan and Kootenay Rivers.

You’ll have the time of your life as you spend days of fun and nights around the campfire under the stars, catching up with your peers and instructors, and learning how to apply the skills you learned in the wilderness at school or at home.

Area & activities

This expedition will take place on the stunning Rocky Mountain range of Treaty 7 Land; the traditional territories of Niitsitapi (the Siksika, Piikani, Kainai), the Îyârhe Nakoda, and Tsuut’ina Nations, as well as the traditional unceded territory of the Ktunaxa Nation and Métis Region 3.

The course begins with getting to know your team members and an introduction to whitewater canoeing. Our instructors will teach you everything you need to know for your adventure, such as paddling and rescue techniques and campcraft skills. 

By the end of the course, you’ll make decisions with minimal input from instructors. Your supportive instructors will also help you become more confident and reflect on the skills you have developed.

Learning outcomes

Our expert instructors will guide you through unique challenges that require your group to work together to solve problems, reflect on your journey, and discuss how to apply your skills and what you’ve learned when you return home. The course is designed to have a lasting and measurable impact in three key areas:

Improved resilience – Improve your mental and physical health and learn how to overcome challenges to succeed.

Better leadership and teamwork skills – Learn the skills you need to succeed in school, work and life by becoming more confident, cooperative and a respectful team member.

Stronger connection to nature – Develop a lifelong relationship with nature.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Resilience: Participants will step out of the comfort of daily routines and into an adventurous and exciting, yet foreign and uncertain environment. Using the course's challenges, instructors will teach participants how to transfer the skills they learned to their everyday lives.
  • Interpersonal skills: Participants will create a strong sense of community with their peers as they travel through the wilderness, learning how to work together to accomplish daily tasks and make decisions.

Session Dates and Rates:

Aug 09 - 22, 2025
Kananaskis, AB
Canadian Rockies

10 campers

Special Needs Support: This program is able to accomodate a few campers with special needs

Mild Support       Specialized programming

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Down Syndrome
Hearing loss
Intellectual disability
Physical Disability
Tourettes Syndrome
Troubled Teens
Vision loss
Mild Support       Specialized programming


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Leadership Training
Social Justice
Survival skills
Wilderness Out-tripping
Wilderness Skills
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

White water canoe in the Rockies
See the beauty of these mythical mountains from a different perspective and ride the rapids of the Kanasaskis.


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This program, Rocky Mountain: 14-Day Whitewater Canoeing Expedition, is offered by Outward Bound Canada.

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Rocky Mountain: 14-Day Whitewater Canoeing Expedition
Contact name:
Outward Bound Canada

Phone number:
(888) 688-9273

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