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Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs

P.O. Box 358
Temagami, Ontario, P0H 2H0
Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs logo

Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs  

P.O. Box 358, Temagami, Ontario, P0H 2H0

  • Type:
    Overnight camp
  • Focus:
    Wilderness Out-tripping
  • Cost:
    $1,400 to $1,600/week
  • Ages:
    10 to 17
  • Gender:
    Coed, All Girls, All Boys
  • Main language:
  • Capacity:
    30 to 60
  • Programs:
    0 available; 5 TBD
  • Reviews:
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C.G Stephens & Jodi Browning
  • Overview

    Here's what makes Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs stand out

    Our canoe trips take us through incredibly beautiful and rugged country, creating opportunities for learning from the land and one another in a spirit that honours awareness, freedom, balance and trust. We offer separate boys, girls and all-gender programs, within which participants are grouped according to age, experience level and individual needs.

    • Special needs: Yes, mild support.
      A few of our campers have special needs.
    • LGBTQ+ friendly community

  • Programs, Rates & Dates

    Programs and Sessions Calendar

    Journeying on the land and water with a group of peers, they peel off the layers of societal norms and expectations and literally disconnect from the demanding world of technology and social media. Guided by mentors extensively trained in group dynamics, NWL participants learn to be themselves without the boundaries of judgment and self-doubt. They learn to communicate effectively—person to person and community member to community. They risk, challenge, and overcome— individually and as a group. They realize what they are capable of and what their gifts are. Perhaps most importantly, they balance out their busy, saturated lives back home with simple living, a little hard work, adventure, and fun.

    Choose the right programs and sessions for your child; Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs currently has 0 program available; 5 TBD.

    Filter activities :

    Overnight Camp
    Ages: 13 - 17
    Wilderness Out-tripping, Canoeing
    Temagami, ON
    P.O. Box 358
    Date TBD Cost TBD
    Travel|Wilderness Out-tripping|Wilderness Skills|Cooking|Leadership Training|Mindfulness Training|Canoeing|Fishing|Hiking
    Overnight Camp
    All Boys
    Ages: 11 - 17
    Canoeing, Wilderness Out-tripping
    Temagami, ON
    P.O. Box 358
    Date TBD Cost TBD
    Travel|Wilderness Out-tripping|Wilderness Skills|Cooking|Mindfulness Training|Canoeing|Fishing|Hiking
    Overnight Camp
    All Boys
    Ages: 10 - 12
    Canoeing, Wilderness Out-tripping
    Temagami, ON
    P.O. Box 358
    Date TBD Cost TBD
    Travel|Wilderness Out-tripping|Wilderness Skills|Cooking|Mindfulness Training|Canoeing|Fishing|Hiking
    Overnight Camp
    All Girls
    Ages: 11 - 14
    Canoeing, Wilderness Out-tripping
    Temagami, ON
    P.O. Box 358
    Date TBD Cost TBD
    Travel|Wilderness Out-tripping|Wilderness Skills|Cooking|Leadership Training|Mindfulness Training|Canoeing|Fishing|Hiking
    Overnight Camp
    All Girls
    Ages: 12 - 17
    Canoeing, Wilderness Out-tripping
    Temagami, ON
    P.O. Box 358
    Date TBD Cost TBD
    Travel|Wilderness Out-tripping|Wilderness Skills|Cooking|Leadership Training|Mindfulness Training|Canoeing|Fishing|Hiking

    Registration Details

    Communication and a good relationship with parents and participants is a vital part of our program’s success. If you are considering enrolling in one of our summer canoe camps or would just like to learn more about our backcountry tripping program, we encourage you to call us. We also hold regular virtual Open Houses, and welcome opportunities to meet with prospective participants and their families. To contact a camp director directly, please email [email protected] or call 866-458-9974. When you're ready to register, log into our Parent Portal to submit an enrollment request and tell us a little about your participant. We ask for a $500 deposit at the time of enrollment, balance and forms due by May 15th.

    Financial Aid & Payment Details

    Payment Options:

    Deposit required with acceptance Yes
    Credit card payment Yes
    Maximum installments available 12


    Discount for 2nd child 10%
    Discount for 3rd child 20%

    Scholarships & awards:
    Total annual scholarship fund: $70,000 CAD

    • Deepwater Experiential Education Project (DEEP)

      Amount: $20,000 Deadline: Rolling
      Type: Merit based
      Details: DEEP is a not-for-profit organization which provides funding for young people from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds to participate in wilderness education programs.​ ​ We see guided wilderness education as an important element in the development of inspired, empowered and compassionate leaders and one of the best paths to positive change and personal growth in a young person's life. It is our hope that the young people we help will contribute positively to the program they attend as well as apply what they have learned to their communities back home. To be awarded a scholarship, applicants must show ​ -financial need -keen interest in gaining leadership skills and experience -willingness and ability to make strong contributions to the program they attend -desire to take lessons from their experience home to positively contribute to their own communities. ​
      Application Details: A complete application includes: ​ -Completed application form -Answers to profile questions listed on the application. -Complete financial information as requested on application -Recommendation from an adult who is willing to meet with applicant both before and after the program.
  • Reviews & Insider Perspectives

    The Our Kids review of Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs

    our take

    They’ve been running trips successfully, impressively, since 1971 when Langskib, the boys’ program, was founded. Northwaters, the girls’ program, has been run since 1985. Of course, the mission and approach is the same for both, namely to get kids out of their comfort zones, while remaining very much in their safety zones. The challenge is personal, and comes from interacting meaningfully with others around some core challenges. The trips are an opportunity to get beyond screens, fully immersed in the natural world. Participants are granted an entrée, as well, into the culture and natural history of the region from people who have lived it, and represent it. For a majority, the trips are transformative, often in unexpected ways.

    More reviews of Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs

    Jake B, Alum

    Deep respect for the land and river

    Read review

    John Fretz, Parent

    A camp to help kids grow

    Read review

    John Hardy, Parent

    Overall great camp!

    Read review

    D. Hindes, Parent

    Hard work, big fun!

    Read review

    V. Freedman, Parent

    Now my younger child wants to go too!

    Read review

    More reviews of Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs

    Jake B, Alum

    Deep respect for the land and river

    Changed my life. I started with an Excalibur trip, then sturgeon river, Dumoine river, and then the Bay trip. I truly think this program helped me become who I am today. I found a deep respect of the land and river. Highly recommend this camp to anyone ... Show More

    John Fretz, Parent

    A camp to help kids grow

    My son (10) and daughter (13) went on two-week trips in 2022. It was a great experience and one they want to repeat next year. If you are looking for a camp to push your child and help them grow, this is it.

    John Hardy, Parent

    Overall great camp!

    Both of my kids and a niece have been to this camp and they all said that it was a life changing experience. I am now sending my 2 grandkids, and hopefully they will feel the same way. Overall great camp!

    D. Hindes, Parent

    Hard work, big fun!

    I went (years ago). Two of my kids have gone (and are demanding to go back). If this is your type of thing, this is an amazing camp.

    V. Freedman, Parent

    Now my younger child wants to go too!

    My son loves this program. And has gone 2 years in a row. Next year both kids get to come!

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  • Gallery

    Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs - profile photo

    Video Gallery

  • Meet the Staff

    Director's Message

    More than ever before in our culture and society, young people need the opportunity to find and experience these things. At Northwaters and Langskib (NWL) we believe it is essential to their journey into adulthood.

    We believe that when a young person steps off the pavement and into the natural world they move toward a deeper understanding of themselves. J... Read more

    Staff and Counsellors

    After working their way up through the ranks, earning a spot on a James Bay Trip and then completing our Leadership Program, our guides begin a multi-year apprenticeship to become an NWL leader. They are chosen because they have earned our respect and trust, have demonstrated a strong ability to relate to young people and because they share our commitment to providing outstanding backcountry experiences for young people coming of age. Low turnover ensures consistent program quality and capacity to train new leaders. We encourage our staff to pursue endeavors which stretch them as individuals and develop them as leaders. This makes for a diverse group of adventuresome staff with an ability to relate to young people from all walks of life.

  • Location & Operations


    P.O. Box 358, Temagami, Ontario, P0H 2H0, Canada


    Property Details


    • Beach
    • Forested Area
    • Lake/Pond/River
    • Nature Trails
    • Open Field

    More details about property: We have two rustic basecamp facilities in the heart of the Temagami Wilderness- from there we do canoe trips ranging from 10 to 35 days across Ontario and Quebec.


    Sleeping Accommodations

    • Cabins
    • Tents


    • Electricity in Sleeping Area

    Washrooms Facilities

    • Outhouses

    More details about accommodations: Each program runs out of a well-equipped (yet rustic) basecamp facility. Trips are out canoeing and camping on trail for 10 or 20 days.

    Are meals provided? Yes.

    Is Northwaters & Langskib Canoe Tripping Programs technology free? Yes. Because we are a backcountry experience, there is no technology access

    Rentals & Services

    Offers outdoor education program for schools or corporate groups: Yes
    We have a few weeks in the late spring and early fall where we run canoe trips for school groups- https://northwaters.com/schools/


    Ontario Camps Association Associations
    Canadian Camping Association/ Association des camps du Canada Associations
  • What's New


    • One trippers canoe paddle treasure adventure

      My paddle treasure adventure in Canada, Langskib camp in Temagami, summer 2013, thanks to Hap and Andrea Wilson, the people and crew who organized The Paddle in the Park Contest.
      Twenty minutes after we settled into a campsite on mainland where our August 2013 "Viking group" had been planning to paddle to, I started heading out trying to find a suitable amount of firewood. It was late afternoon, the sun behind the clouds was getting low, for once it had been a day without rain. With our six canoes, the few hours of paddle to arrive at the campsite were rather uneventful. I had gotten used to living in the present without a watch and to rely just on light. We had had so much rain this year, most of the time we didn't get to see the sun and by now we probably were all already smelling moldy! But nobody cared anymore and after alI, I was not wearing my French Lycée school uniform!
      The campsite was quite large, and had two abandoned canoes leaning against a tree near the campfire. About a dozen yards behind that tree was a pile of rather large boulders.
      Feeling somewhat lazy, I started searching for appropriate wood near the boulders. Wandering around them, I suddenly noticed a plastic bag. With an arm full of wood I grabbed the blue bag and had a glance at it's contents. To my surprise, the plastic bag contained… a blue paddle much too short for anyone to use.
      I resigned myself to finding more firewood, while holding the paddle along with my wood. I was dying to look at the object more closely though but forced myself to wait. I was wondering if somehow had lost it or maybe just trashed it?! Either way I wanted to take it away to leave the place clean.
      A little later a few of my friends noticed the paddle and one offered to bring it back to camp for me, as the paddle kept slipping out of my woodpile. Back to camp, I started to closely examine the paddle and noticed a slip of paper tied to it! The note explained what to do when it was found as... it was part of a contest! Imagine! "The Paddle In the Park Contest"... in parks across Ontario "created to remind people of the many rewards of getting outside,from our health and well being, to supporting parks and wild places."
      It said that Hap Wilson had put it where I had found it in Temagami. It was a handcrafted "Badger" paddle and I understood later that six canoes paddles only had been put around three different canoeing areas in whole Ontario! I had no clue, and I didn't use clues that had been apparently given out very carefully around, including maps and access to information on a webpage - not that we had access to webpages in Temagami!
      I wasn't even looking for the paddle and I stumbled upon it: I guess for once in my life I had been very lucky. How memorable would that become for me and Langskib? Ignorant about the contest, at first I had not even been excited about finding the paddle. I had just noticed it because I had felt bad that someone could have thrown some plastic in the scenery I happen to be in!
      I was so joyful that it turned out to be a symbolic paddle of a contest that I felt it was a Christmas gift arriving a bit too soon. But I also felt a bit sorry about informed folks looking for that paddle probably for days... Later after talking with my two group leaders and my nine friends, I came to realize that my discovery was going to be symbolic of "the Langskib Vikings' journey" I was taking on my way to becoming an adult: far from home, discovering the outdoors and sharing with friends some amazing and unique moments in untouched nature. For me the meaning of the contest was from far exceeding it's purpose.
      I listen to my intuition and took the decision to offer the paddle to Langskib and not to take it back home to Los Angeles - no matter how happy that would have made me. It belonged to Langskib and it would always be there. It would become even more of a reason to return to the beautiful place called Temagami in 2014, for my third trip! My whole group and I signed the paddle and Ryan took it back to Langskib. Victory!"

    • James Bay Reflections

      In the summer of 2002, along with 13 other young men and women from all over North and Central America, I paddled 550 kilometers from Amos, Quebec, down the mighty Harricana River and across the James Bay. Together, we paddled through storms of bitter north winds howling in from the Arctic Ocean, and through days of cold and rain. I paddled through squalls of self-doubt and fear alone. At home I had been feeling unsure of who I was and where I was going. I felt like I was shackled to a thousand different pulley systems, all wrenching me in different directions. I had no idea what I wanted, where I wanted to go. As we loaded our canoes the last morning on the river the drizzle became a downpour, and we headed, for the last time, to the Bay. The tide pulled me out into the Arctic Ocean and off the edge of the world. A weight was lifted. There, out on the ocean in my little canoe, I was free. I could see nothing but water and sky, I had nothing to landmark and no sense of direction but for the first time, I knew where I was going. Looking back and remembering the cold and the rain are a distant—and therefore fond—memory. Some of the worry and doubt have been lifted, like a heavy load at the end of a rough portage. I’m not sure exactly what happened out there, but I do know that I am sure I belonged on that Bay Trip and I am sure of my steps as I walk through my life at school and at home, as a leader and as a part of my community—following my heart.

    • The Langskib Impact

      The most important thing that you take home with you from Langskib, the most important learning, is a certain ideal. It is the ideal that you must live your life on your terms, and that you can control who you are through the strength within you. The habits formed there, those of being self-sufficient, not having to depend on others, to take initiative, and to appreciate what you have, will not fundamentally change you as a person. You won’t come home and live your life the way you lived it there; you will, naturally, succumb to laziness and come to depend on the luxuries that surround you, you will begin to take for granted those things that seem most basic to you (such as a roof over your head, having food readily at hand at all times). You will revert, to a degree, back to your old ways, but you will also retain the ideals. You will remember how you can live; how good a person you are and how much you can influence and help those around you. You will remember that there is beauty in everything, be it rain and thunderstorms or sunshine, or being able to stay warm inside your house while cold and damp looms just outside. You will learn to appreciate the simple and small over the grand and complex; such a small thing as a burst of sunlight through clouds, dew on grass in a perfectly still, peaceful morning, the way colours spread like fire across the blue at sunset and the sky becomes the most dazzling canvas you’ve ever known, only to cede the heavens to the stars, who burn a million comforting fires to dot and warm the blackness of infinity. It is this that Langskib teaches you, and its students, blessed in their learnings, begin to realize that the simplest things can make all the difference the world will ever know.

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