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Session: Discovery Day Camp (Medeba Summer Camp)

Discovery Day Camp

By: Medeba Summer Camp

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 8 - 12 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Traditional (multi activity) and Adventure (multi), offers 15 activities
  • 2 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $449
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support available


1270 Kennisis Lk. Rd, Box 138, West Guilford, Ontario, K0M 2S0

Discovery programs are for girls and boys aged 8-12. In Discovery, campers gain some independence as they get to choose the four activities in which they participate each day. They may also choose to go on off-site Adventure Tours. Discovery programs are available for both overnight and day campers.

Campers will have the opportunity to sign up for a selection of activities that are held during the four daily activity periods. They can choose either Recreational or Instructional Activities. Recreational Activities are included in the program fee and emphasize having fun and trying a new activity or skill. They are generally one hour in length and can be taken as often as possible. An example of a recreational activity is zip line.

Some Instructional Activities are included in the general fee, and some have an additional cost. Instructional Activities emphasize learning a skill through formal instruction. They are generally one hour per day for the entire week. For example, campers can work on skill development in rock climbing or canoeing, or will work throughout the week on a multi-step arts and crafts project.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Courage: Medeba uses adventure as a tool to challenge children to step out of their comfort zone to learn and grow in fun and exciting ways!
  • Interpersonal skills: Medeba uses the unique tool of community to challenge children to grow in their interactions with others and develop leadership and independence in a safe and fun setting!

Session Dates and Rates:

Jul 06 - 12, 2025
Haliburton, ON
1270 Kennisis Lk. Rd, Box 138

08:00 - 17:15
Jul 13 - 19, 2025
Haliburton, ON
1270 Kennisis Lk. Rd, Box 138

08:00 - 17:15

Special Needs Support: This program is able to accomodate a few campers with special needs

Mild Support       Specialized programming

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Down Syndrome
Hearing loss
Intellectual disability
Physical Disability
Tourettes Syndrome
Troubled Teens
Vision loss
Mild Support       Specialized programming


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Disc Golf
Kayaking/Sea Kayaking
Rock Climbing
Ropes Course
Wilderness Skills
Zip Line
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

A Day Camp filled with adventure!
Discovery day Camp allows children aged 8-12 to experience all the fun, adventure and community of camp without staying over!


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This program, Discovery Day Camp, is offered by Medeba Summer Camp.

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Discovery Day Camp
Contact name:
Medeba Office

Phone number:
(800) 461-6523

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