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Review of Lakefield College School Summer Programs by Ismael Contreras, Parent

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  • Date of Review
    August 26, 2024
  • Attended
    Overnight camp (2024)
  • Child 1
    Age 13 (Female)
    Program(s) focused in Wilderness Skills, Canoeing

(5) Overall experience

My 13 year old daughter embarked in her first international camp last July 2024, for 2 weeks. Independent as she is, she was looking forward to the experience. Prior to camp week, the staff was very helpful providing guidance on the requirements to attend as an international camper, although most of the information is available on the website. My daughter enjoyed learning bushcraft and waterfront skills, and meeting kids about her age from different backgrounds. She definitely wants to go back next summer.

(5) Reason for choosing the program

Being an international camper, we were looking for options where my daughter got to practice English as a foreign language, as well as to experience outdoors and waterfront adventures since she loves the outdoors. We did receive information on a couple of programs but did not feel like they met the criteria, so we went looking online and came across Lakefield College School summer programs. We did our best to research online. It was a well-respected school, and we contacted them and decided to go with it. Information and costs are pretty clear; we felt like we got what we were offered, and got our money's worth.

(5) Program quality and activities

The program developed as advertised. It does have a good balance between outdoor adventure, socializing and leisure time. We were able to connect with her on a daily basis, during the appropriate time slots. My daughter thought the tutors and teachers were very capable. In one of the programs she was enrolled, she could attain a bronze star on water-based lifesaving, which she did, so not only did she enjoy, but also came out with a feeling of accomplishment.

(5) Social dynamics and experience

My daughter spent 2 weeks in summer camp, on 2 different programs (1 per week). During this time, she got to make friends with other kids from different backgrounds. She had a great time, and continues to stay in touch with them. During her time in LCS, no bullying or related issues took place, at least that my daughter knew of. She did not feel out of place.

(4.5) Skills and growth

My kid was enrolled in 2 programs: one related to bushcraft skills, and the other related to waterfront activities, including lifesaving. She acquired skills like setting up a tent, canoeing, and using a camping stove. She was also excited about the lifesaving part of the waterfront camp; she got to run drills and study for her evaluation. It was a great satisfaction for her to learn she had passed, and gotten the bronze star.

(5) Staff/Instructors/Counsellors

During the weeks before camp, we always found prompt answers to our questions about the process and requirements. When my daughter's luggage got delayed, they were supportive in helping her with the necessary. My daughter thought the tutors and instructors were capable and willing to answer questions or provide further explanations. Our overall experience with the staff was very good. Special thanks to Kalla and Jen, who I'm sure went beyond their duties to ensure kids had a good camp.

(4.5) Preparation and packing

The packing list is pretty much accurate. A couple of things that were on the list and were not of much use [and] kind of depended on the actual conditions and activities of the week, including weather. For a 2-week camp, my daughter packed 1 piece of checked luggage (considering she did her laundry once during camp). If attending for the first time, and especially for multi-week campers, I would recommend not to hesitate and reach out to the staff with any questions.

(5) Advice and tips

If you are looking for outdoor activities, Lakefield College School Summer Programs is a great option. With a policy in place of limited access to electronic devices, kids focus on the adventure, learning and socializing. Make sure your kid is ok with the outdoors (bugs, heat, etc.), and limited access to electronic devices. In case your kid is too sensitive to bug bites, you may want to bring antihistamine.

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