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Session: 4-Week Session (Kilcoo Camp)

4-Week Session

By: Kilcoo Camp

About this Program:

  • Overnight Camp
  • Age 7 - 16 (All Boys)
  • Specialized in Traditional (multi activity) , offers 37 activities
  • 2 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $6,675
  • Busing available
  • Special needs support not available


10735 Hwy #35, Minden, Ontario, K0M 2K0

The 4-week program at Kilcoo provides campers with the opportunity to live in a cabin group with 8-10 boys, a Leader in Training, and a Counsellor. Kilcoo has a unique program structure, with designated instructors with unique training and skills in their activity; activities are assigned to each cabin, and the entire cabin group stays together with their LIT and Counsellor all day. This allows the Instructors to focus on developing lesson plans, coming up with creative projects, and ensuring that every camper receives expert guidance to hone their skills, while the Counsellor and LIT can focus on the campers' overall camp experience, group dynamics, and personal development. Because campers stick together, the friendships forged at Kilcoo last a lifetime, as our robust and active alumni community can attest to. 

Activities at camp include Canoeing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Archery. Biking, Tennis, Arts & Crafts, Music, Drama, Rock Climbing, a High Ropes Course, Sports, Games, and many more! Cabins are assigned six activity periods each day, with a seventh period after dinner where campers can choose their own activities. The varied schedule and wide array of activities means that every day is different and exciting! Every day, all campers participate in Swim Instruction, where certified Instructors teach Canadian Lifesaving Society levels up to Bronze Cross.  

A typical day at Kilcoo looks something like this: 

8:00 - Optional Polar Bear Dip in the Lake 

8:30 - Breakfast, followed by cabin clean-up 

9:45-12:35 - Activity Periods 

12:45 - Lunch, followed by rest hour 

2:45-5:35 - Activity Periods 

5:45 - Dinner

6:45 - Evening Program (free activity time when campers can focus on their favourite activities, work towards levels, or hang out with their friends)

8:15 - Campfires, stories, snack, or quiet cabin time before bed. 

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Independence: The Kilcoo program pushes campers to take initiative and make the most of their time at camp. With help from Staff, campers are encouraged to learn to get ready for activities be punctual, and be aware of their own feelings for themselves.
  • Interpersonal skills: Campers at Kilcoo spend the majority of their time with their cabin group, and as such, it's only natural for their to be friction from time to time. With help from their counsellor and LIT, campers work to become more empathetic, understanding of others' differences, and their own self-awareness.

Session Dates and Rates:

Jun 27 - Jul 24. '25
Minden, ON
10735 Hwy #35

175 campers
Jul 28 - Aug 24. '25
Minden, ON
10735 Hwy #35

175 campers


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Board Sailing
Bronze Cross
CIT/LIT Program
Flag Football
Jam Camp
Kayaking/Sea Kayaking
Leadership Training
Mountain Biking
Ping Pong
Rock Climbing
Ropes Course
Stand Up Paddle Boarding
Theatre Arts
Wilderness Out-tripping
Wilderness Skills
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive


Location Address Pick up Drop off
Arrival Day
Sterling Hall School99 Cartwright Avenue, North York, ON, Canada12:00 pmNot provided
Sterling Hall School99 Cartwright Avenue, North York, ON, Canada12:00 pmNot provided

Develop skills and foster independence
The month at camp is the ultimate Kilcoo experience, the traditional way for campers to learn and mature away from home


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4-Week Session
Contact name:
Patrick Tingley - Director

Phone number:
(416) 486-5264

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