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Session: Summer Camp - What A HERO Week (Kidnetix)

Summer Camp - What A HERO Week

By: Kidnetix

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 4 - 12 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Traditional (multi activity) , offers 12 activities
  • 1 session date to choose from
  • Cost starting from $200
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


10 Bramhurst unit 13, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 5H1

What A Hero Week! -Inspire your little heroes to make a difference! Meet modern-day veterans, engage in health and wellness workshops, and visit the Fire Education Centre for hands-on learning. Then, cool off at Chinguacousy Park's splash pad and explore the petting zoo for a day full of adventure and fun!

A unique opportunity awaits children ages 4-12 … an experience that encourages them to reach their full potential… a place that ignite's children's passion for innovation and creativity. Filled with  themes and adventure…in a positive environment that is fun, interactive and educational… where friends grow together and counselors help campers achieve their goals.

Our camp program consists of a creative mix of indoor and outdoor recreational activities. Each week is based on a theme, filled with related sports, crafts, guest speakers, trips, games and activities. We believe in keeping active, healthy minds! Kidnetix provides a weekly FUN-damental  Lego robotics program that engages campers in real life mathematical principles, the law of physics, as well as mechanical and software engineering which helps prepare your child for their next level in school.

Kidnetix camp provides a warm, caring and nurturing environment. All staff have been carefully selected for their enthusiasm, skills, experience and maturity. Our staff love working with young people and encourage children to embrace new experiences and to learn new skills.

Our daily programs combine social, educational and recreational activities that encourage children to live a healthy lifestyle, in a fun, safe and friendly environment. We provide quality assurance programs which are designed to support the safety, well being and healthy development of children.  

Session Dates and Rates:

Jun 30 - Jul 04. '25
Brampton, ON
10 Bramhurst Ave

08:30 - 16:30
Before Care: 07:30 (Paid)
After Care: 18:00 (Paid)
$200 - $250


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Ping Pong
Survival skills
Wilderness Out-tripping
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

STOP! DROP...AND ROLL! Help save a life
Introducing campers to local hero's that will share tips on how to be safe in the community.


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Summer Camp - What A HERO Week
Contact name:
Camp Administration

Phone number:
(647) 352-9848

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