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Session: March Break Camp (Kidnetix)

March Break Camp

By: Kidnetix

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 4 - 12 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Traditional (multi activity) , offers 6 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $200
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


10 Bramhurst unit 13, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 5H1

Kidnetix offers an interactive March break camp program for kids ages 4 to 12 in Brampton . We are dedicated to providing children a fun, safe and educational experience through creative programs and caring staff. 

Children will explore innovative co-operative activities, LEGO robotic's, arts & crafts, sports, indoor playground fun, workshops a field trip to the R.O.M, video game truck play and more!


Monday March 10th – Animal Adventures

An electrifying week of adventures begins with Party Safari reptile show, a day perfect for animal lovers or curious kids, excited to learn about the world of animals and their habitats. After the show, each camper will  their pick a pal and build stuff their own teddy a bear friend!

Tuesday March 11th – Inspiring Artist

Let your creativity come alive, explore using different mediums, get your hands dirty and have some fun making your own personal tye dye t-shirt. Unleash your coding skills and take play to a whole new level with Young Engineers Lego robotics workshop.

Wednesday March 12th - Fantastic Explorers

Let the games begin! Wacky Olympic games that are fun and teach kids about leadership while participating in physical challenges and competitive games that will take you on mind boggling interactive adventure through our indoor playground. Get ready for ballistic blasting outdoor fun, with an exiting game of Gel Blasters!!

Thursday March 13th – Mysteries in the Museum

Take a trip with us as we experiment and learn while exploring the Royal Ontario Museum. It's a BIG magical treasure chest where you can find all kinds of amazing things from dinosaurs to unique discoveries from ancient times. 

Friday March 14th - Let's Talk Science!

An introduction to STEM projects including LEGO build, balloon car races and activities that SPARK the imagination. Let's engineer solutions to problems while playing mine craft in Games Over videogame truck!

Helping grow healthy happy families for over 1 years, we are an Ontario Camps Association accredited camp!

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Resilience: Kidnetix fosters resilience through adventure-based activities, teamwork, and problem-solving challenges. Kids learn to persevere, adapt, and collaborate in diverse environments through an interactive approach and personalized mentorship which empowers kids to grow emotionally and socially.
  • Creativity: We nurture creativity through hands-on arts & crafts and LEGO robotics. By encouraging self-expression and innovation our programs foster problem-solving and imagination, combining artistic expression with engineering. Kidnetix offers a unique, well-rounded creative experience that sparks curiosity.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Brampton, ON
10 Bramhurst unit 13

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Mixed Media
Wilderness Out-tripping
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Spring Into March Break
Exclusive access to our indoor playground, loaded with an exciting week of action packed adventure and games.


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March Break Camp
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Camp Administration

Phone number:
(647) 352-9848

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