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Huntsman Marine Science Centre

1 Lower Campus Road
St. Andrews, New Brunswick, E5B 2L7
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Huntsman Marine Science Centre  

1 Lower Campus Road, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, E5B 2L7

  • Type:
    Day camp, Overnight camp, Family programs
  • Focus:
    Marine Biology
  • Cost:
    $40 to $495/week
  • Ages:
    5 to 18
  • Gender:
  • Main language:
  • Capacity:
  • Programs:
    0 available; 8 TBD
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Huntsman Marine Science Centre
  • Overview

    Here's what makes Huntsman Marine Science Centre stand out

    Experience the power of the world’s largest tides and the impact it has on the abundance of marine life in the ocean! Connect to the natural world through our hands-on marine biology programs and develop a greater understanding of the marine environment and the animals that roam the ocean floor, swim in the water column, and live in a drop of seawater!

    • Special needs: Not available

  • Programs, Rates & Dates

    Programs and Sessions Calendar

    Choose the right programs and sessions for your child; Huntsman Marine Science Centre currently has 0 program available; 8 TBD.

    Filter activities :

    Ages: 1 - 5
    Traditional (multi activity)
    Arts & Crafts|Drawing|Nature/Environment|Reading|Animals|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM
    Nature/Environment|Animals|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 5 - 11
    Traditional (multi activity)
    Nature/Environment|Animals|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM
    Math|Nature/Environment|Public Speaking|Reading|Animals|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM
    Math|Nature/Environment|Public Speaking|Reading|Animals|Engineering|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM
    Overnight Camp
    Ages: 15 - 18
    STEAM, Engineering
    Math|Nature/Environment|Public Speaking|Reading|Animals|Engineering|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 5 - 11
    Marine Biology, STEAM
    Arts & Crafts|Drawing|Animals|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM
    Math|Nature/Environment|Public Speaking|Reading|Animals|Marine Biology|STEAM|STEM

  • Reviews & Insider Perspectives

    The Our Kids review of Huntsman Marine Science Centre

    our take

    A hands-on marine biology program, this very unique program is one that every kid should experience. Anyone who is passionate about the ocean and the natural world will love this program. Whether they plan to pursue a career in biology or they just want to learn about marine life and the ocean, this program is amazing. The centre puts on very innovative and fun programs like Plankton Bingo, which keep kids engaged while learning. But, fun activities aside, just watching the animals is a great opportunity to learn about them and there is plenty of time to do that. Kids in this program will learn about the human impact on the oceans, which is something that is desperately needed these days, as we hope they’ll care a little more and help to develop future solutions. Kids attending the program at Huntsman Marine Science Centre eagerly anticipate it and never want to leave, as is evidenced by the cries heard at the end of the day when it is time to go home.

    Three Things: Huntsman Marine Science Centre
    Hear the three things that Our Kids’ editors see when they look at Huntsman Marine Science Centre

    More reviews of Huntsman Marine Science Centre

    Krista McGinn, Alum

    Class Field Trip

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    Mary Savoie, Alum

    High School Field Trip

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    Maryanne Simard , Alum

    Love of Science Cultivated at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre

    Read review

    Esther Lee, Alum

    Experiential Learning Opportunities for Students

    Read review

    James Greig, Alum

    Hands-on Nature of the Educational Programs at Huntsman

    Read review

    Vicki Aube, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

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    Naomi Macdonald, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

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    Michael & Cherie Bryson, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

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    Charlene Buckley, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

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    Janice Chamberlain, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

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    Molly, Camper

    Grade 6 Field Trip

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    Grade 6 Student , Camper

    Wet Lab Experience

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    More reviews of Huntsman Marine Science Centre

    Krista McGinn, Alum

    Class Field Trip

    Students have the wonderful opportunity to go explore the living ecosystem of the shore of the Bay of Fundy, collect samples for classification, observe and identify species of plankton under microscopes and conduct experiences by observing the habits of living creatures. Our visit to the Huntsman Marine Science Centre provides authentic and valuable learning experiences for our students. In fact, it would be very difficult, as a classroom teacher to meet most of the unit’s outcomes without the help from our friends at the Huntsman. Our students depend on their program and learn so much! Cherished memories are made during this visit ... Show More

    Mary Savoie, Alum

    High School Field Trip

    Student gain tremendous insight into the field of marine biology and enjoy the opportunity of hands-on learning that creates experience they will not likely forget.

    Maryanne Simard , Alum

    Love of Science Cultivated at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre

    Every September, our students eagerly count down the days until they are able to board the coach bus from Ottawa, Ontario to St. Andrews, New Brunswick to engage in one of the most anticipated trips of the year: The Marine Biology Trip at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre. Our schools have benefited from the exceptionally enriching Huntsman Education programs for approximately 30 years. The impact of these programs does not fall short in bringing interactive science experiences to our young Canadians, cultivating deep levels of interest in the sciences, and encouraging students to continue to study and pursue careers in the sciences. Both the students and staff who attend this excursion gain a great deal through hands-on, experiential learning that enhances their understanding of the marine environment and the environmental challenges facing this ecosystem. From specimen collection to lab analysis, exhibit exploration to whale watching, presentations to on-foot adventures, there truly is no shortage of deep learning opportunities for our students. You cannot beat the smiles on students' faces and the wonder in their eyes as they participate in the amazing learning opportunities provided by the Huntsman Centre. Their deep interest continues to flourish even after the trip is over, as they eagerly share their new knowledge and experiences with their family, friends, and peers upon their return. The Huntsman’s youth-focused, interactive, hands-on programming has positively impacted so many of our students, as well as hundreds of students from before our time. We have been approached by parents at both of our schools who attended the Huntsman Centre as students, and have been eager to ensure that their children would have the same opportunity; many of these parents having pursued careers in the sciences themselves. I, Maryanne, am another example of this love for science that was cultivated by my experience at the Huntsman as a student roughly eleven years ago. Having now pursued a career in science education, I am now able to share this experience with my students, as well as with my brother, Jordan, as our schools collaborate on our journeys to the Huntsman each year. Since becoming involved in this trip as educators, we have had the privilege of keeping in contact with both current and former students as they have begun their journeys in pursuing careers in the sciences, as well as Marine Biology, specifically, as a direct result of their experience at the Huntsman Centre. The impact that the Huntsman programs have on their participants is deep, inspirational, and life-long. This Centre is truly dedicated to motivating and inspiring youth in the sciences, and deserves any and all support in continuing their phenomenal effort ... Show More

    Esther Lee, Alum

    Experiential Learning Opportunities for Students

    The Huntsman education program has been an extremely valuable component of the science curriculum for over a decade. Since 2016, I have had the pleasure of participating in the annual trip to the Huntsman Center for a week of study and exploration. During these trips, our students participate in the type of hands-on learning that is impossible to replicate in the classroom. I have witnessed how this program sparks curiosity and passion in the sciences, and a lasting appreciation for the world we live in. Since 2016, my students and I have made the annual trip from Toronto to the Huntsman Marine Science Center in St. Andrews for the unique opportunity to study the incredibly diverse ecosystems that thrive in the Bay of Fundy. Excited students and teachers alike can be seen on the rocky beach gently parting and lifting seaweed and stones to discover a wide array of marine life including sea stars, urchins, and crabs. On the sandy beach, fascinated and wide-eyed learners extract, catalogue, and safely return a variety of marine worms. Students embark on a thrilling boat ride into deep waters where they sample an assortment of plankton, measure key physical variables of the marine environment, and survey diverse lifeforms from the ocean floor. It is these observations, data, and samples collected first-hand that become the foundation for many of the novel microscopy and behaviour labs that students subsequently engage in. These are but a few of the many experiential learning opportunities that students participate in. I hope from these examples, it is clear that they spark a great deal of curiosity and enthusiasm as students connect what they learn in the classroom to real life science. Our young girls in particular benefit immensely from participating in this program as they engage in meaningful science and are empowered in the presence of strong female role models such as Tracey Dean. After our trip, students continually reminisce about the unforgettable week at the Huntsman center that deepened their understanding of the biodiversity in Canada, and heightened their sense of stewardship towards the environment. ... Show More

    James Greig, Alum

    Hands-on Nature of the Educational Programs at Huntsman

    Currently in education, one of the buzz words is “deeper dives.” The Huntsman program has been doing these “deeper dives” into educating young people about the marine ecosystem, or their impact on the environment for some time now. We often bring grade 12 students who have not spent any time at or near the ocean, and the Huntsman immerses them in many facets of the aquatic environment. It is wonderful to be able to bring my International Baccalaureate (IB) Environmental Systems and Society (ESS) students back every year. The hands-on nature of the educational programs at Huntsman allows students to immerse themselves in the marine ecosystem and learn about the adaptations the invertebrates of the inter-tidal zone have evolved. Saying that plankton are the basis of all the food chains in the ocean is one thing but taking them out on to the St. Croix river and collecting millions of plankton shows them how important these creatures are to the biodiversity of the Bay of Fundy. Recently, the Huntsman has done a great job of looking back at their own historical data and seeing how the temperatures of the Bay have changed, and how those changes are impacting the food chains and the individual animals that visit the Bay. The staff in the public education department are very knowledgeable and engaging. Tracey Dean and Laura Barrett are great at stimulating discussion and engaging students. The diversity of the teaching program shows both sides of marine issues, as most recently we heard from a Lobster fisherman and the challenges he faces with the new legislation surrounding right whales in the Bay of Fundy. One of the requirements in all lB science programs is lab hours, and our five days at the Huntsman allows us to complete 24 hours of lab work and enables our students to further develop their data collection and analysis skills necessary to produce creative and original scientific thought. Science in situ often brings out the best in our students, whether in the lab, at the touch tank, in the inter-tidal zone or out on the water. With the pandemic, and many students learning virtually, this opportunity to get back ‘into the science’ is even more important. The experience that the Huntsman provides my students helps them foster their connection to the marine environment, and further develops their scientific education. Many of them reflect on the Huntsman experience as “invaluable.� ... Show More

    Vicki Aube, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

    I was fortunate that I could enable my son to attend two Ocean STEAM courses. He has really struggled with his career path and knew he loves the Ocean. One of the best outcomes was that he learned what he did not want to do. He also was exposed to other science concepts and came back talking about toxicology Engineering and lab work. As a parent, I saw a child who had gained new confidence in a very safe, fun environment. I highly recommend this program ... Show More

    Naomi Macdonald, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

    This letter is in regard to the course which my son took at the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in May of 2022, titled "Introduction to Marine Biodiversity". This course gave my son more than I could have possibly imagined. Not only was it a fantastic opportunity to meet other young people passionate about fish and marine life, but it also gave him the opportunity to be exposed to other areas involved with his passion. He was able to experience first-hand the collection of marine life, learned to identify and be informed about invasive species and was given a lab research experience like no other. He was given a view of the aquarium that he would otherwise have not seen and has come away with a much more enriched knowledge base from which to move forward. This experience was invaluable to him, and I am so grateful that it was offered this year. It is imperative for him to continue to experience other STEM courses offered by Huntsman over the remaining years he is in high school to further enrich his knowledge base in this specific area of which he has always show interest. ... Show More

    Michael & Cherie Bryson, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

    Emma was delighted to receive your acceptance letter last spring after her application. She found her week with your organization very rewarding. She learned a great deal and we believe the week helped further her interest in STEM related activities as she enters high school. I'm hopeful that opportunities like this will help make her decisions going forward more informed and subsequently more successful. Most invaluable was the practical introduction to the natural world systems and the need for all of us all to pursue a course of conscientious care. We found the communication with us at home, both before and after, excellent and comforting. In these difficult times, we appreciate the great value of your program and hope to be involved in subsequent years. ... Show More

    Charlene Buckley, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

    My son participated in one of Huntsman Marine's Ocean STEAM courses last Spring. It was an excellent week long learning opportunity and he thoroughly enjoyed himself. He is a grade 11 student and is very interested in math and sciences. Not only did this program offer unique hands on learning (the world is a classroom!) but the on campus environment also gave him a real sense of independence. With university on the horizon, this program offers students a glimpse of dorm life with like minded peers. The staff and instructors were kind, knowledgeable and engaging. A highlight of the week was a trip aboard the Huntsman research vessel to explore marine life in the Bay of Fundy. This experience was very positive and he hopes to take part in future programming. This worthwhile program deserves support and funding to continue to benefit our student’s learning and growth, and to kindle their passion for continuing education. ... Show More

    Janice Chamberlain, Parent

    Ocean S.T.E.A.M.

    We are so appreciative that our son was able to take part in the Ocean S.T.E.A.M™ - Exploring Engineering Design for Ocean Applications course in Spring 2022. As he approaches the end of high school, he has begun to explore what interests he would like to pursue through his post-secondary education. We are from Ottawa so Ocean S.T.E.A.M offered William the opportunity to see engineering beyond the scope that he would interact with it in a city environment. The Ocean S.T.E.A.M course allowed him to connect with professionals and collaborate with other students of various backgrounds. Through these interactions, he was able to connect his interest in engineering and architecture to practical and innovative applications within the ocean economy. Without the opportunity that the Ocean S.T.E.A.M™ - Exploring Engineering Design for Ocean Applications course provided, these links would only have been possible by coincidence and in theory as he doesn’t have any personal connections to anyone already pursuing a career in this area. He really appreciated that he was able to have a glimpse of the process that is involved in engineering principles from concept to finished product delivered by an experienced professional in the field. The program delivered through the Huntsman, was reasonably priced which is a significant consideration for our family of six. Students need opportunity to explore areas of interest without it becoming a financial burden for their families before they engage in an even more costly journey of post-secondary education. We are so grateful that the Huntsman program provided this opportunity to our son. ... Show More

    Molly, Camper

    Grade 6 Field Trip

    I love using the microscopes! I always see people using them and always wanted to see what it was like to use one. I thought it was really cool watching and timing the sea stars and sea urchins flip back over. Thank you so much for organizing this field trip! It was one of the best field trips I’ve gone on ... Show More

    Grade 6 Student , Camper

    Wet Lab Experience

    My favourite part was when we got to look in the microscopes and play Plankton Bingo! I saw so many cool plankton creatures.

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  • Meet the Staff

    Director's Message

    The Huntsman Marine Science Centre (Huntsman) has been providing exciting, hands-on marine science programs to students of all ages since 1969. The organization’s educational vision is to design and deliver high quality programs that lead participants to a better understanding of the marine environment. The goal is to foster a lifelong interest in science by ... Read more

  • Location & Operations


    1 Lower Campus Road, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada


    Sleeping Accommodations

    • Dorm or Building


    • Electricity in Sleeping Area
    • Shower in Sleeping Area
    • Toilet in Sleeping Area

    Washrooms Facilities

    • Flush Toilets
    • Showers (indoor)

    More details about accommodations: The Huntsman Upper Campus property sleeps up to 150 guests every night to support a myriad of education programs, retreats and Huntsman Marine Experiences™. Today, Anderson House supports dining services for high school and university students who stay in the nearby Needler Hall as our dedicated dormitory and a series of apartments. Nancy Hall was constructed to the south side of Anderson House in 2010 to provide 20 additional modern rooms for professional style accommodations.

    Are meals provided? Yes.

    Is Huntsman Marine Science Centre technology free? Wifi available throughout campus.

    Rentals & Services

    Offers outdoor education program for schools or corporate groups: Yes
    Huntsman provides the perfect location to recharge your team in beautiful St. Andrews by-the-Sea! Professionally curated and authentic experiences are offered to increase employee engagement, enhance teammate collaboration, create strategic visions, develop corporate leadership, conduct a Board meeting, or simply build mental wellness. We suggest exploring Bay of Fundy marine life aboard the Huntsman R/V Fundy Spray, taking a guided walk on the seafloor with a Huntsman Naturalist followed by an informative lab session, or participating in a rope weaving workshop in support of a #DebrisFreeFundy. Huntsman education programs designed for school groups are taught by our qualified and experienced teammates to match the grade, interest, and intensity of each class. Schedules may be accommodated with the classroom teacher or group leader to access the intertidal zone at low tide times when seasonably feasible. ​

    Available for private rentals: Yes
    Our accommodations sleep up to 150 guests every night to support a myriad of education programs, retreats and Huntsman Marine Experiences™. Anderson House supports dining services for high school and university students who stay in the nearby Needler Hall as our dedicated dormitory and a series of apartments. Nancy Hall provides 20 additional modern rooms for professional style accommodations.

  • What's New


    • Learning Opportunities You Simply Cannot Get in the Typical Classroom

      In my final years of high school, my ninth-grade science teacher, Nancy-Anne Giroux, asked me if I would be interested in participating in the school’s annual Marine Biology Trip. This immediately sparked an interest in me, and after a little “parental convincing,” in September 2010, I embarked on a life-changing adventure with a group of my classmates.

      My time at the Huntsman, paired with some stellar educators, has absolutely influenced my career choice. When I was there as a student, I developed a new passion for marine biology and education that I may not have discovered had I not taken advantage of that opportunity in high school. The trip reinforced my passion for science, and lead me to pursue biology and chemistry as elective courses at university. I then pursued science as my teachable subject in teacher’s college. I was very excited when Ms. Giroux mentioned that she was looking for someone to take the reins on managing the Marine Biology Trip for our school, and quickly offered to take on the responsibility. This September, I embarked on my first trip back to the Huntsman; this time as a teacher instead of a student. I love that I am now able to explore this area of interest on a yearly basis! 

      The Huntsman provides such an engaging and positive learning community. As a student, it generated a positive atmosphere and helped develop strong relationships between peers, as well as cater to my interests. The Huntsman provides learning opportunities that you simply cannot get in the typical classroom. As a teacher, this sense of engagement and community has continued to grow, as friendly and familiar faces were there to greet us all when we returned this past September. Even after 9 years, it truly feels like home.

    • A Coastal Education Experience

      Students in the Queen’s Bachelor of Education program gain experience outside of the traditional classroom through an alternative practicum. When researching a placement, the words on the Huntsman website stood out: Educate with experience.I knew that it was a perfect fit! After receiving the news I would be working with the Grade Six Ocean Discovery program, I was both nervous and ecstatic, as my experience is teaching high school and I had little knowledge of ocean creatures, yet I was up for a new learning curve and adventure. 

      Whether it be during the lab sessions, at the touch tank or exploring the intertidal zone, it was truly impressive the way the program brought out excitement and amazement in every student. The program allows students, some of whom live close to the ocean, but have never visited the shore, to discover the beauty and importance of local ocean inhabitants. The labs were hands-on and linked to the curriculum, which as a future teacher is very important. In the labs students touch and observe live crabs, sea stars and urchins and use them to gain knowledge of classification and scientific inquiry. The plankton lab had every student in awe when peering through the microscope. The drop of ocean water revealed to them a whole new world. 

      My favourite was the student’s expressions, comments and never ending questions throughout the day. It was apparent that all (including the teachers) were both engaged and interested, which is a change from the distant looks and detachment that sometimes occur from pencil and paper classroom work.

      The Huntsman does an excellent job of providing educational opportunities for everyone from children to university students and adults. As an environmentally motivated person, I was excited to see they also have done a great job of creating awareness of ecological issues, such as marine debris, through social media, classroom presentations and making their campus single-use water bottle free.

      Not only does the Huntsman have a great education program, but they also have phenomenal research happening on campus which I found out when I visited the Atlantic Reference Center (ARC). The ARC has 150,000 catalogued specimens of 3,500 different species at different life stages. I was introduced to the tiniest, cutest ocean sunfish (Mola) that I have ever seen!

      I believe that if we as a society want students to take part in saving our environment we must empower them. This is why my alternative practicum at the Huntsman was such a success, as it brought both an appreciation of nature and education together in an experiential way for students to learn. In case you were wondering, as far as grade six’s go, they were not nearly as scary as I had imagined. Additionally, I have acquired so much knowledge and appreciation about St. Andrews, the Bay of Fundy, the ocean and its inhabitants. I am truly thankful to the staff at the Huntsman for being so inviting, full of passion and for feeding my curiosity, it really made my stay inspiring and enjoyable. 

    • Huntsman helped make my ambition a reality

      I first visited Huntsman as a high school student in 2008. It was my first real marine biology field experience: we sampled from the intertidal and went whale watching from Grand Manan to see north Atlantic right whales. I returned to Huntsman twice in 2012 – first as a university student studying marine mammals and sea birds, where I completed my first independent research project. Then, I returned as a chaperone for high school students taking the same program I did. It was very rewarding to help inspire others in the same way I was. 

      When I think of Huntsman, I think of being out on the water on a beautiful sunny day. During the marine mammals and seabirds course, we were out on boats daily and sometimes twice per day surveying for animals. From minke whales breaching to bald eagles chasing kittiwakes, we saw and experienced everything the Bay of Fundy had to offer. 

      I went on to study marine and aquatic biology throughout university and completed a Master’s in Conservation Biology at Columbia University studying marine mammal acoustics in the Arctic. Ever since I was a child, I knew I wanted to be a marine biologist – Huntsman helped make my ambition a reality at a young and influential stage in my career. 

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