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Blue Ocean Student Entrepreneur Competition is the world’s biggest virtual entrepreneurship competition for high school students, having attracted 5200+ participants from 146 countries and territories in 2023. Develop skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and presentation and compete to gain global recognition, networking, and exciting prizes. Our goal is to increase the success among our children within the business world. This Blue Ocean competition course not only leads students to experience the excitement of a global competition but provide them with a real-life breakout of a registered company. Let’s give them the proper models and experience to build out companies and be successful. The is a real company in which the students will add Intellectual property. The students will register the entrepreneurial concept for the Blue Ocean competition.
What We Do in the Young Entrepreneurs Program:
Focus Learning’s Young Entrepreneurs program is an all-encompassing business and entrepreneurship class that opens up students’ minds to new ideas and instill in them an interest in business and the business world. We engage students in creative and alternative forms of thinking and teach valuable lessons as they embark towards university and a career.
Date TBD
Virtual Program,
Online Time TBD
Cost TBD
Critical Thinking in the Realm of Business
We engage students in creative, alternative forms of thinking and teach valuable lessons as they embark towards their careers
This program, Young Entrepreneurs Level 3: Blue Ocean Competition, is offered by Focus Learning Academic Centre.
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