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Session: Sports of All Sorts 9-13 yrs (Crusaders Rugby Club)

Sports of All Sorts 9-13 yrs

By: Crusaders Rugby Club

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 9 - 13 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Soccer and Traditional (multi activity) , offers 12 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $240
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


2214 Ninth Line, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 7G7

Back by popular demand!!! The Sports of All Sorts camp is a week-long multi-sport camp intended to introduce kids to a number of athletic sports and activities, including rugby, soccer, dodgeball/football, baseball, and more! Campers will spend most of the day outside on the grass fields, learning the basics of a different sport each day and building fundamental skills. Each afternoon will feature a different mini-tournament in the sport of the day, offering kids a chance to put their new skills to the test and have a ton of fun. The best part about multi-sport camps is that no experience is needed, we welcome campers with a wide variety of skill levels.

  • Open to everyone aged 9-13 years old
  • Sports include touch football, rugby, ultimate frisbee, soccer, badminton, croquet, volleyball, soccer, cricket, dodgeball, field baseball, and camp games.
  • Healthy, outdoor-based coaching by experienced university-aged coaches.
  • An introduction to the values of rugby and your local rugby club.
  • Endless fun!
  • Sign up for as many weeks as you'd like!


Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Independence: Playing sports encourages children to take on new challenges and roles and gives them the confidence and courage to be more independent and try new things.
  • Self-regulation: Children who play sports, learn to develop critical thinking and self-regulation skills, as they learn the importance of balancing the needs and wants to succeed and win, as well as be a part of and function as a team.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Oakville, ON
2214 Ninth Line

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Flag Football
Mindfulness Training
Sports-Instructional and Training
Strength and Conditioning
Ultimate Frisbee
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

outdoor sports camp for youth 9-13 yrs
Sports of All Sorts is a fun, week-long co-ed multi-sport camp for kids


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This program, Sports of All Sorts 9-13 yrs, is offered by Crusaders Rugby Club.

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Sports of All Sorts 9-13 yrs
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(905) 338-7533

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