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Session: Leader In Training (LIT) (InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Big Clear Lake)

About this Program:

  • Overnight Camp
  • Age 15 - 16 (Coed)
  • Specialized in CIT/LIT Program, offers 18 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $1,350
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


1361 Price Road, Arden, Ontario, K0H 1B0

This three week program recognizes, develops and expands leadership potential. Students learn to lead in any environment through skill development, one-to-one mentoring, Bible teaching, and an immersize practicum serving at the Ranch.

Weeks 1 & 2
The first two weeks of the program are an intensive time of learning and development. You’ll be given many hands-on opportunities to develop your skills and leadership abilities, to grow in your faith and to take part in a challenging 3 day out-trip! During this training period you will be guided and mentored by our staff (selected as models of Christian servant leaders) as they help you explore and reach the potential of who you were created to be.

Weeks 3 
The third week of LIT you will put your learning and skills to the test back at the ranch as you shadow the staff team in serving and leading our camp!

Applicants must have completed grade 9 and be 15 to 17 years old. Applicants are accepted into the program based on their application and references. All submissions will be considered, however registration is limited for this course. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent once all references have been received. 

Enrollment is limited; apply today!

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Religious faith: Participants will spend lots of time in worship, exploring the Bible and what it looks like to live and lead boldly as a Christian.
  • Responsibility: Among many other aspects of character, participants will be coached as they learn to take responsibility in different areas of camp and in their own lives and relationships.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Land O' Lakes Tourist Region, ON
1361 Price Rd

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

CIT/LIT Program
Horseback Riding/Equestrian
Kayaking/Sea Kayaking
Leadership Training
Rock Climbing
Sports-Instructional and Training
Survival skills
Ultimate Frisbee
Wilderness Out-tripping
Wilderness Skills
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Deep with God, leadership & adventure
A 3-day canoe trip, new friendships, wild challenges, leadership training, and growing into the leader God has made you to be


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More from InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Big Clear Lake

This program, Leader In Training (LIT), is offered by InterVarsity Circle Square Ranch Big Clear Lake.

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Leader In Training (LIT)
Contact name:
Daniel Desgroseilliers

Phone number:
(613) 335-5403

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