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To provide a diverse learning experience, the Canadian Mathematical Society is offering two distinct weeks of math camp. Week one will delve into puzzles and probability. In week two, campers will have the opportunity to explore numbers and shapes, including algebra, patterns and geometry.
As the national voice of mathematics in Canada, the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) has been offering engaging camps all across Canada for decades. The goal of the CMS, a non-profit organization, is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics.
We wish to create an environment for children to develop a passion for mathematics through exciting mathematical challenges with positive role models while building new friendships. This camp curriculum was exclusively created by the Canadian Mathematical Society. This camp is open for anyone who wishes to attend!
There will be 4 groups available:
Math for the fun of it: Puzzles and Probability - English, Ages 6 to 7
Ideal for ages: 6 to 7
This class is for students who are looking to explore math concepts and strengthen their skills through games and hands-on activities. If you are looking to have fun with math and learn at the same time, this is the class for you! Solve exciting puzzles that will make your brain work and put a smile on your face! We’ll tackle fun mazes, build with shapes, and crack secret codes. Learn about chance and likelihood through exciting games.
Details: In this class, students will become confident in their current understanding of math concepts through manipulatives, games, puzzles and creativity. Students will engage with their peers in a fun and collaborative way to practice math concepts in a playful and supportive learning environment. Each day concludes with a camp favorite: our exciting competition questions!
Les maths pour le plaisir: Énigmes et probabilités - Français - 6 à 7 ans
Ideal for ages: 6 to 7
Ce camp s'adresse aux élèves qui cherchent à explorer les concepts mathématiques et à renforcer leurs compétences par le biais de jeux et d'activités pratiques. Si tu veux t'amuser avec les maths et apprendre en même temps, ce camp est fait pour toi ! Résous des énigmes passionnantes qui feront travailler ton cerveau et te donneront le sourire! Nous nous attaquerons à des labyrinthes amusants, nous construirons avec des formes et nous déchiffrerons des codes secrets. Apprenez ce que sont le hasard et la probabilité à travers des jeux passionnants.
Détails : Dans cette classe, les élèves deviendront confiants dans leur compréhension actuelle des concepts mathématiques grâce au matériel de manipulation, aux jeux, aux énigmes et à la créativité. Les élèves s'engageront avec leurs pairs de manière amusante et collaborative pour pratiquer les concepts mathématiques dans un environnement d'apprentissage ludique et favorable. Chaque journée se termine par l'une des activités préférées du camp : nos questions de concours passionnantes!
Math for the fun of it: Puzzles and Probability - English, Ages 8 to10
Ideal for ages: 8 to 10
This class is for students who are looking to explore math concepts and strengthen their skills through games and hands-on activities. Get ready for a thrilling math adventure! Join the Canadian Mathematical Society for a special “Puzzles and Probability” camp designed just for curious minds ages 8-10.
Details: In this class, students will become confident by solving logic puzzles, riddles, and use reasoning skills to crack codes. Discover chance and likelihood through fun experiments, games, and hands-on activities. Lear about events, outcomes and how to calculate probability of possibilities. We will design and create your own probability-based game, then play them with your friends. We will also explore how probability and logic are used in real-life situations, such as games, sports and even weather forecasting.
Each day concludes with a camp favorite: our exciting competition questions!
Math for the next level : Puzzles and Probability - English, Ages 11 to13
Ideal for ages: 11 to13
This class is for students who are mastering their current math skills and looking to jump ahead to the next level. If you are interested in refining your understanding of math and ready to learn the concepts coming up in the next school year, this is the class for you! Delve deeper into these concepts to solve intricate riddles and develop critical thinking skills. Investigate probability through simulations, data analysis, and real world applications. Learn about independent and dependent events, conditional probability and chance. Did someone say game theory? Explore the strategic aspects of probability in games like chess, checkers and card games. Develop decision making skills and learn to optimize your chances of success. Use programming tools to simulate probability experiments and explore complex scenarios.
Details: In this class, students will learn the applications of their current understanding through collaborative problem solving. From here, they will engage in discovery activities, puzzles and math competitions to explore new concepts.
Each day concludes with a camp favorite: our exciting competition questions!
Summer Day Camps will take place at Carleton University in the classrooms. All groups will be in the same building. The location will be sent out by email to each group before the camp begins. Campers will be in the classroom most of the day and will go outside for fresh air breaks. The days will be filled with amazing math games, activities, and fun.
All camps are $395 per week. Included in the price, all campers receive:
Jul 14 - 18, 2025
Ottawa, ON
Carleton University 08:30 - 16:00
Before Care: 08:00 (Free)
After Care: 16:30 (Free) $395
Math Camp: Where Numbers Come to Life
Math camp is the perfect time for students to explore new interests and expand their knowledge outside of the classroom!
This program, CMS Summer Math Camp at Carleton University - Puzzles and Probability, is offered by Canadian Mathematical Society.
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