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Review of Camp Arowhon by Jessica Cohen, Alum

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  • Date of Review
    January 06, 2025
  • Attended
    Overnight camp (2011 - 2016)
  • Program Focus
    Traditional (multi activity)
  • Age (Gender)
    10 - 15 (Female)
  • Job/Career
    Social worker

(5) Overall experience

Camp Arowhon had a huge and lasting impact on my life. My years as a camper made me more independent and resilient, and I am still best friends with many of the people I met at camp. I learned how to embrace challenges, keep trying when things didn't come easily to me, and how to do a whole lot of useful things, from cooking on a campfire to effectively navigating conflict, that I still use today. One thing that stands out is how incredible my counsellors were. They made me feel like they really cared about me, and to this day I still see them as by big sisters and mentors. My fondest memories are lying on the dock at night stargazing and chatting with friends, and the feeling of accomplishment when the whole camp celebrated me getting an award in horseback riding (my favourite activity).

(5) Unique value

Arowhon is all about fostering personal growth through learning and connection. It’s a place where you learn both independence and teamwork and the value of stepping outside your comfort zone in a safe environment. And because you get to choose your own activities, you can really get good at the ones you love. The instructors make the activities super fun, and really challenge you and celebrate your accomplishments.

(4.5) Program quality and activities

I was really nervous to try canoe tripping for the first time at Arowhon, but it actually became one of my favourite experiences. It pushed me physically and mentally, and the strongest bonds I made with people were from canoe tripping together. Now I take my friends on a canoe trip in Algonquin every year and teach them how to do it! At camp, horseback riding was my favourite activity and all year long I looked forward to getting to do it every day. I also loved all the special events, like Colour War and Carnival Day, and Super Sundays where we got to sleep in, have a buffet brunch, and do whatever we wanted all morning. The only reason I didn't rate it 10 in this area is because since it is in a provincial park they cannot do waterskiing or wakeboarding, but all the other fun and unique activities (like horseback riding and windsurfing) make up for it.

(5) Social dynamics and experience

My camp friends are still my best friends 10 years later, even though we live all over the world now (I even lived with some of them in university)! The shared experiences - like challenging canoe trips, late-night talks, silly theme days, etc. - created bonds like no other in my life. Arowhon's close-knit environment and the attention staff pay to campers' social well-being foster connections that are deep and lasting.

(5) Skills and growth

Going to camp taught me how to find the best in myself and see it in others. I learned how to communicate effectively and respectfully and got to practice leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving—skills I use daily both at work and in my personal life. Being accepted at camp for who I was gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams, and becoming independent from my parents and learning group living really set me up for success going away to university and moving to a new city where I didn't know anyone for a job. It also instilled in me an appreciation of nature, which guides my passion for environmental sustainability, now.

(5) Reflections and advice

The only advice I would give is to keep going to camp for as long as you can! I never went back as a staff because I thought it would be more fun to be at home hanging out, but I missed out on so many more opportunities for growth, connection, and fun. That being said, I am so grateful for all the ones I did get in my 5 years at camp, and wouldn't change it for the world!

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