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Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp

300 Water Street #1
Whitby, Ontario, L1N 9B6
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Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp  

300 Water Street #1, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 9B6

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  • Overview

    Here's what makes Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp stand out

    Experience summer at Cambridge International Academy’s lakefront campus! Our camps for ages 6–16 include Drone Flying, Video Game Development, Engineering Robotics, and Aquatic Science. With hands-on STEM activities and outdoor learning by the lake, students will spark creativity, build skills, and make unforgettable memories in a supportive environment!

    • Special needs: Not available
    • LGBTQ+ friendly community

    Upcoming Events

  • Programs, Rates & Dates

    Programs and Sessions Calendar

    Our camp is different than others because we offer a play-based learning environment. In our math and coding classes, we offer games and engaging activities instead of basic worksheets. In the afternoon when we do our weekly-themed activities, we strive to mix learning with our activities to keep students engaged. What is more, we have designed our STEM classes with teachers who have intensive knowledge in these subjects to ensure the best curriculum possible for all campers.

    Choose the right programs and sessions for your child; Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp currently has 9 programs available.

    Filter activities available:

    Day Camp
    Ages: 6 - 10
    Drone Technology
    Drone Technology|Scratch|Technology|Video Game Design|Video Game Development|Nature/Environment|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 9 - 14
    Video Game Development
    Animation|Gaming|Python|Scratch|Technology|Video Game Design|Video Game Development|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 5 - 10
    Marine Biology
    Wilderness Out-tripping|Scratch|Marine Biology|STEM
    Mechatronics|Scratch|Robotics|Technology|Skilled Trades Activities|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 9 - 14
    Drone Technology
    Drone Technology|Scratch|Technology|Video Game Design|Video Game Development|Nature/Environment|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 6 - 10
    Video Game Development
    Animation|Gaming|Python|Scratch|Technology|Video Game Design|Video Game Development|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 12 - 16
    Drone Technology
    Whitby, ON
    300 Water Street #1
    Jul 28-Aug 01$375
    Drone Technology|Scratch|Technology|Video Game Design|Video Game Development|Nature/Environment|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 10 - 14
    Mechatronics|Scratch|Robotics|Technology|Skilled Trades Activities|STEM
    Day Camp
    Ages: 10 - 14
    Marine Biology
    Wilderness Out-tripping|Scratch|Marine Biology|STEM

    Registration Details

    If you would like to register, you can either call or email the school. Let them know which week(s) you would like to enroll for and we can secure your spot. There is an early bird deal which is $325/child as opposed to the regular price, $350/child, so, the sooner you register, the better. This deal ends on May 31, 2025. Lunches and our after-camp care program are also provided at an additional fee, please contact our school for more information.

    Financial Aid & Payment Details

    Payment Options:

    Credit card payment Yes


    Discount for 2nd child 10%
    Discount for 3rd child 10%
    Discount for 4th child 10%
  • Reviews & Insider Perspectives

    The Our Kids review of Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp

    our take

    The summer brain drain can be a real thing, but Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp looks to mitigate the loss. Their focus is on keeping kids' bodies and brains engaged and always moving forward at this academic camp. What’s unique about this camp is that it is play-based, so kids get to play games or do fun activities in the name of learning. As well, it is well-rounded with so many activities to choose from. There is a mix of academics and hands-on learning and once a week, kids are thrilled to go on a field trip, another great opportunity for learning outside of the camp. Teachers are positive and serve as important role models. Many life skills are developed through this camp and its varied activities. Campers leave as more independent thinkers, are more curious about the world around them, and with new friends.

    More reviews of Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp

    Scott, Parent

    Insightful Teachers

    Read review

    Parent, Parent

    Parent of International Student

    Read review

    Parent, Parent

    Parent of International Student

    Read review

    Ethan, Grade 5, Camper

    Robotics at Cambridge Summer Camp

    Read review

    Charlotte, grade 3, Camper


    Read review

    Student, age 11, Camper

    International Student

    Read review

    Student, aged 12, Camper

    International Student

    Read review

    T & A, Camper

    Sibling Students Asked What They Enjoyed About Camp

    Read review

    Student, grade 3, Camper

    Robotics Week Review

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    More reviews of Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp

    Scott, Parent

    Insightful Teachers

    Every morning, I wanted to check in to see how my kids were doing in their classes, behaviour and academic wise, and every day, the teachers were very helpful. They told me how in class, they pushed my one son in math, even if it was a grade level above his own, and by the end, he started to understand. I could tell he was proud with himself and happy with the way his teacher was helping his academic success. ... Show More

    Parent, Parent

    Parent of International Student

    First of all, I am very pleased with my son. He has become more knowledgeable during this trip, and he will talk to me about what he has seen and heard, such as 3D models. And Ocean himself told me that he was able to speak English bravely and communicated with local students and teachers ... Show More

    Parent, Parent

    Parent of International Student

    “I am very grateful to the hostess of the host family for taking good care of her and the warm hospitality of the two children. She was very reluctant to leave you.”

    Ethan, Grade 5, Camper

    Robotics at Cambridge Summer Camp

    I really liked the week the Robotics club came to the camp. We learned how to build robots with Lego with our group to make it the best robot. Then, we challenged other groups to races or games of soccer to see who's was best. It was really fun, especially racing against other teams. ... Show More

    Charlotte, grade 3, Camper


    I liked the Friday trips the most about the camp. I think my favourite would be the Toronto Zoo. We were at the zoo for most of the day and my teacher even let us go in the splash pad. I also liked Pingle's Farm because of all the animals and I got to eat a lot of strawberries. ... Show More

    Student, age 11, Camper

    International Student

    “I am very happy to participate in the summer camp! Especially meeting Tico, my new friend. I like my new friend very much! Hope to see him again next year!”

    Student, aged 12, Camper

    International Student

    “During my time in Canada, the host family's mother and children were very good. I am so sad to leave Canada!”

    T & A, Camper

    Sibling Students Asked What They Enjoyed About Camp

    T: "I loved the robotics sumo challenges." A: "I loved doing the crafts and going to the field trip on Friday."

    Student, grade 3, Camper

    Robotics Week Review

    I loved building robots and race cars.

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  • Gallery

    Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp - profile photo

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  • Meet the Staff

    Director's Message

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to Cambridge International Academy. Our primary objective is to assure your child experiences a positive, productive, and safe school environment in which they will self-actualize and grow academically, emotionally, and morally. The staff at Cambridge International Academy creates an atmosphere of cooperative learning, and encourages each student to develop critical judgment and to become an independent thinker, able to work effectively with others, and be inspired with a life-long curiosity and love of learning. 

    Our In person STEM Summer Camp from July 2th 2024 to August 23th, 2024 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday to Friday (Before camp and After camp activities are available until 4:30 pm for an additional price of $5.00/day). Summer camp mixes Academics, Hands-On Learning and a variety of fun activities to keep students engaged over the summer months.

    Hope to see you in our camp this summer!

    Staff and Counsellors

    Our staff are all certified teachers who work at the school during the non-summer months. We also have additional teachers come in who specialize in the STEM field to teach labs and lessons. For additional support, we have volunteers and teaching assistants who are high school students from the school.

  • Location & Operations


    300 Water Street #1, Whitby, Ontario, Canada

    Property Details

    Sports facilities

    • Basketball Court
    • Gymnasium
    • Soccer Field


    • Beach
    • Lake/Pond/River
    • Nature Trails
    • Open Field

    More details about property: Our camp runs at a school, so we will have classrooms where the academics will take place. Then when we do our afternoon activities, the campers will be together in a common area. We also have a gym where we organize sports. If we choose to go outside, we have the Whitby Waterfront park.


    Washrooms Facilities

    • Flush Toilets

    Are meals provided? Yes. For an additional fee of $50 per week, we offer a hot lunch provided by our school's cafeteria.

    Is Cambridge International Academy Summer Camp technology free? Some of our activities use Chromebooks, for example, coding on Scratch and robotics. The camp will provide the Chromebooks.

    Rentals & Services

    Offers outdoor education program for schools or corporate groups: Yes
    One day a week students will be heading out on an outdoor adventure. Examples are a local farm, Pingle's (pick your own fruit), Tree-Top Trekking, The Toronto Zoo, Cedar Park, Ajax Waterfront Park, and the Ontario Science Center, these are all plans in the works to ensure that our campers get a well-rounded experience that keeps their minds and bodies active.

  • What's New

    In the News

    December 15, 2023
    Summer Camp Masterchef

    This week at our after camp program, Masterchef, the students cooked pizza bagels!... Read More

    December 15, 2023
    Summer Camp International Student

    This is the story of Ocean, one of the camp's international students who visited us from China. ... Read More

    December 15, 2023
    Summer Camp Visits Zoo

    Cambridge Summer Camp weekly educational visit to the Toronto Zoo... Read More


    • International Student, grade 5

      This student came from China and stayed at the camp for two weeks with a Canadian family whose two kids also attended the camp. During their stay, they visited places like the Toronto Zoo and practiced their English language skills. They got to make long-lasting friends and hope to come back next year. They were a pleasure to have!

    • Library Visits

      Sometimes after camp, the teachers would take us to the Ajax Library until our parents picked us up. It was fun there because I could get a book and read, but they also had tablets and games we could play with. But my favourite thing we did at the library was swimming. They have a really big pool and the teachers thought it would be a good way to cool down and have fun, even after camp. It was one of my favourite things to do when I was at camp.

    • Soccer during the break

      Everyday after we ate lunch, the teachers would take us to the park for an hour of recess. We could play on the play ground or bring something to do, but a lot of us wanted to play soccer on the big field. So one day, one of the teachers brought her soccer ball for us to play with and even joined us. Everyday for the two weeks I was at the camp, we would all play soccer for the hour of break we had. I'm happy she played because she taught me some cools tricks. After break, we would all walk back to the school and were allowed to have freezies as a way to cool down after being outside. 

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