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Session: Orangeville Prep Elite Performance Program (Athlete Institute)

Orangeville Prep Elite Performance Program

By: Athlete Institute

About this Program:

  • Overnight Camp
  • Age 12 - 18 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Basketball, offers 5 activities
  • 0 session dates to choose from
  • Cost starting from $5,499
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


207321 Highway 9, Mono, Ontario, L9W 6J2

Orangeville Prep's 2024 Elite Performance Program (OPEPP) will allow you to enhance your game, YOUR way. This Canadian basketball camp is designed for dedicated and responsible rep-level players consisting of a week-long overnight program (Tuesday to Saturday) that will include expert programming in on-court skills, human performance, pathway education, sport psychology, mental mindfulness, court IQ, sports nutrition, DNA/genetic testing and sports chiro. We've designed a program curriculum specifically catered to each individual's needs whether it be on or off of the court through our +Body, +Mind, +Complete packages. Available to a maximum of 5 participants per session, each participant receives an individualized training regimen specific to them as they continually navigate the ever-evolving basketball landscape. If you are committed to the grind and ready to work then immerse yourself in the highest-level basketball camp environment and truly Live the Prep Experience.

Athletes will eat, sleep, and breathe basketball during their week at the OPEPP. They will have prepared meals and education on how to fuel their bodies properly. Athletes will stay in our university-style dormitory which is extremely secure with 24-hour on-site adult supervision, security cameras, and key fob entry. We take the security of your child seriously. Our facility is private, therefore, no one will be able to access it except coaches and athletes. Finally, they will train where professional and college basketball superstars have trained in our world-class training center.

Our goal is to give every basketball player the greatest opportunity to succeed. We believe by having a large developmental influence on their early playing years, we can help them achieve their goals.


  • Room and Board in Residence
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks
  • Reversible Jersey
  • Dri-Fit Training Tee
  • Shooting Proficiency Report
  • Combine Testing Report
  • Human Performance Training
  • Pathway Education
  • Sport Psychology
  • Mindfulness
  • Basketball IQ
  • Nutritionist Planning
  • Genetic Testing
  • Sport Chiro/FMS

Package Add-Ons:

  • Nike x Orangeville Prep Gear Bundle
  • Airport Pickup & Dropoff

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Independence: This program is designed as an individualized experience. Each athlete will be required to maintain a schedule, keep their room and belongings tidy and organized, and interact with various experts in their field.
  • Resilience: Athletes will be tested with consistent physically demanding training and mentally strenuous activities and self-reflection.

Session Dates and Rates:

Date TBD
Orangeville, ON
207321 Highway 9

Time TBD
Cost TBD


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Mindfulness Training
Strength and Conditioning
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Enhance Your Game, Your Way
Designed for rep-level players to take a multi-disciplinary approach to elevating performance.


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Orangeville Prep Elite Performance Program
Contact name:
Jane Mammoliti

Phone number:
(519) 940-3735

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