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Session: Senior Skills (InterVarsity Pioneer Camp Alberta)

About this Program:

  • Overnight Camp
  • Age 12 - 18 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Traditional (multi activity) , offers 13 activities
  • 1 session date to choose from
  • Cost starting from $675
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


PO Box 660, Sundre, Alberta, T0M 1X0

Senior Skills is all about campers having the chance to grow and flourish in one of three skills areas or focus on a classic camp experience with a little bit of everything. Half of each day will be spend in the tracks, with the other half devoted to choice, being with friends, and trying new things.

In addition to the track-specific activities, Senior Skills incorporates all our best-loved camp games and activities too! Wide-games, swimming, archery and canoeing are just a few of the options, while campers discover more about God through daily Bible studies and stories shared by staff. This is a week they won’t want to miss!

Track Options:

Classic Camp: This track is designed to give campers an introduction to all things camp! From the climbing wall to the archery range, waterfront, orienteering, horseback riding, various sports, and more, campers will rotate through all the activities that camp has to offer. They’ll discover new experiences, learn about themselves and encounter God in new and unique ways

Paddle: This track takes campers out into Crimson Lake where they’ll learn to paddle a 2-person tandem canoe before trying their hand paddling the mighty North Saskatchewan River! It’s a week full of adventure as campers bond through their shared challenges and triumphs.

Ride: This track is all about horses! Participants will get hands-on experience in basic horse grooming, care and maintenance, all while developing their riding skills each day. They’ll discover what horses can teach them about God, themselves, and the world around them.

Zoom: This track endeavours to capture the beauty and reality of life around us! Designed with the Visual Arts enthusiast in mind, Zoom provides campers with ample time and space to stop, take note of the details around them and capture them through photography, painting, sculpting, or sketching. Each day they will focus on a particular skill, technique or project, and each evening they’ll share their work and tell the story of what inspired them.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Religious faith: We are centered around the mission of creating a safe space for campers to explore their faith in relevant ways. Camp programs include discussions about life and God from a Biblical perspective as well as no-pressure worship times, mentorship and engaging Christian teaching.
  • Interpersonal skills: Our programs from cabin life to activities are designed to foster friendship and healthy relationships between campers and staff. Camp helps kids step out in leadership, team-work and confidence.

Session Dates and Rates:

Aug 18 - 23, 2025
Rocky Mountain House, AB
403048 Buster Creek Rd.

90 campers


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Arts & Crafts
Horseback Riding/Equestrian
Rock Climbing
Wilderness Out-tripping
Wilderness Skills
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

4 tracks: Chill, Paddle, Ride & Zoom!
4 tracks of skill-development designed to be memorable experiences with valuable take-aways. Explore faith and make friends!


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More from InterVarsity Pioneer Camp Alberta

This program, Senior Skills, is offered by InterVarsity Pioneer Camp Alberta.

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Senior Skills
Contact name:
Della Ganske

Phone number:
(403) 638-2660

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