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Session: EQ-Led Leadership (Meals incl.) (Luminara Academy)

EQ-Led Leadership (Meals incl.)

By: Luminara Academy

About this Program:

  • Day Camp
  • Age 13 - 18 (Coed)
  • Specialized in Education (multi) and Leadership (multi), offers 9 activities
  • 1 session date to choose from
  • Cost starting from $750
  • Busing not available
  • Special needs support not available


937 Progress Ave, Scarborough, Scarborough, M1G 3T8

What makes your program special or different?

Our Program is intentionally focused on holistic life skills development as part of preparing kids for an unknown future. In the age of exponential technological advancements, human skills become front and centre, and cannot be replaced. Our curriculum is specifically designed to foster emotional intelligence, empathy,  leadership,  resilience,  communication and teamwork to ensure that every participant is equipped with essential life skills. We believe in making education come alive, transforming every moment into a learning opportunity by offering hands-on learning activities, real-world applications, and sessions/workshops with guest speakers from diverse professional backgrounds. Our program is geared towards preparing our kids for life!

What will children do and experience?

Participants will embark on a transformative journey through Luminara Academy's Programs, laying the framework for a brighter, more adept future. While these skills are cultivated over time, we offer a start by introducing them to key concepts such as:

  • Mindset and the Power of Thoughts: Understanding the impact of mindset on one's life is crucial. We explore how positive thinking and a growth mindset can lead to success and personal fulfillment.
  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Discover how emotional intelligence is the cornerstone of impactful leadership, blending self-awareness with empathy and social skills.
  • Leadership Styles Exploration: Uncover unique leadership style and learn how to adapt it to various team dynamics and situations.
  • Effective Communication Skills: Develop the art of active listening, constructive feedback, and persuasive communication, essential for any leader.
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies: Gain practical strategies to effectively navigate and resolve conflicts with emotional intelligence.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Experience the value of teamwork and learn collaborative skills crucial for successful leadership.
  • Personal Leadership Development: Reflect on personal leadership style, identifying strengths and areas for growth.

The goal of this program is to ignite a passion for these critical soft skills. Through hands-on learning activities, real-world applications, and guest speakers from various professional backgrounds, we seek to instill an enduring enthusiasm that will transfer to practical applications in their daily lives, encouraging continuous self-growth and exploration.

What does a typical day/class look like?

At Luminara Academy, participants kick-start their day with a lively icebreaker, building instant bonds. Delving into key life skills, they're engaged with real-world videos and vibrant group discussions. Our hands-on activities, interactive challenges, and outdoor sessions make learning tangible and fun. Through enriching guest speaker interactions, participants gain fresh perspectives and see the real-world impact of the skills. Each day concludes with group reflections, letting them absorb and articulate their insights, readying them for tomorrow's challenges.

Character Development: This program helps build the following traits

  • Interpersonal skills: As AI commoditizes knowledge tasks, human skills become CRITICAL.Our unique curriculum focuses on the interplay of emotions, communication and teamwork on leadership. We equip participants with the tools and strategies to better understand and implement these skills into their daily practice.
  • Resilience: We prepare kids to become resilient individuals, ready to face the uncertain future.Through group discussions, interactive activities and guest speaker sessions, participants will learn what it truly means to be resilient and how to develop strategies to cultivate resilience in their daily life.

Session Dates and Rates:

Jul 08 - 12, 2024
Scarborough Village, Toronto, ON
937 Progress Avenue

09:00 - 16:00
Before Care: 08:00 (Paid)
After Care: 17:30 (Paid)
$750 - $850
Cold Lunch (Free)
Hot Lunch (Free)


Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Instructor lead (group)
Leadership Training
Mindfulness Training
Public Speaking
Super Camp
Recreational       Instructional       Intense or Competitive

Empowering Teens: Lead with Heart & Mind!
Transform teens into empathetic leaders with our engaging program focused on emotional intelligence and team dynamics!


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More from Luminara Academy

This program, EQ-Led Leadership (Meals incl.), is offered by Luminara Academy.

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EQ-Led Leadership (Meals incl.)
Contact name:
Luminara Academy

Phone number:
(437) 992-8485

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